Aries Horoscope for August 2014

Aries Horoscope for August 2014

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a strange month for you, Aries, full of false starts and paradoxical events. As you attempt to discover what steps you now must take toward the next stage of your evolutionary growth, you are filled with enthusiasm for the new idea that supercedes everything that has come before it. Yet, a conservative impulse also has you in its spell, such that you are holding onto the past, and using prior experience to shape current understanding. You are forging full steam ahead with intimacy while yet searching beneath the surface of partnership connection for the inner meaning. As you rediscover important aspects of your own creativity, you are finding that the more you pursue individual expression, the more you value the contribution of others, enabling you to round out and amplify your own perspective.

As the month begins, the New Moon in Leo is strongly aspected by Jupiter, whereby a boost of optimism is fueling your self-expression with a starburst of vibrant energy. You may find your creativity and desire to move and be moved arising with an almost alarming force. Your ruling planet, Mars, has moved into the sign where his energies are right at home, namely Scorpio, and is located in your sector of personal evolution and intimacy. Plus he also makes a close square aspect to Jupiter and the New Moon, bringing even more fire to the occasion. You are in some sense going all out for love and connection during an exciting monthly cycle in which you are also busily engaged in exploring your very depths.

With such tremendous energy at your disposal at this time, perhaps it might feel like the energy of a teenage boy or a new puppy, your enthusiasm and bold vigor for life is incredible. This is valuable, and sensual, and yet the pitfalls that can accompany these extreme aspects are inflated ego, impulsivity or aggression. These might also be present and represent a drawback, and a danger to your cause. You could also perhaps feel a hunger for power, a forceful way of exerting your will upon the world, and so you benefit by lifting your gaze to the highest, channeling your vitality for the purpose of the transformation of yourself and others. With care and proper attention, this combination of energies may be harnessed for greater forward movement and growth.

There is a grand and beautiful vision blossoming within you, and as well the potential for grounding this ideal picture into concrete reality. With the energies of Uranus in aspect to Saturn, both of which are amplified at this time with their recent stations, Uranus to retrograde, and Saturn to direct, there is a strong urge for your dreams to land firmly in this world. You may experience frustration and irritation at the limits that this imposes, having trouble finding an apt match to your big ideas, yet there is also the potential for tremendous satisfaction when something does land solidly. Baby steps are key here, and remembering to celebrate when a puzzle piece does indeed fall into place. There is indication that a crucial area of focus may be in communication and the importance of others' roles in the unfolding of your master plan. With your stamina and energy it may be seldom that you request the help you truly need, but the team you recruit for your mission — be it co-workers, family, friends, or all of the above — are pivotal to your success.

There is another prominent theme this month which has been occurring for many months, now, as symbolized by Pluto, providing a transformative experience relating to your sector of career and worldly contribution. At the time of the recent New Moon, Venus was making an opposition aspect within one degree to powerful Pluto. This signifies the way the remainder of your month will play itself out. One way this configuration could be translated would be in breaking through any barriers that prevent you from connecting more meaningfully with significant partners or family members.

You have always with you the push-pull of the continuing presence of the past, along with your sincere desire to escape the past. The places inside of you that continue to hurt from things that happened long ago continue to be spurred, and with Chiron in flowing aspect to Saturn during the New Moon, now is not the time to necessarily escape, but to genuinely and practically consider how the past is still affecting you in the present. With the sincere desire to release patterns of pain from your heart, you may find yourself more able to apply the wisdom and the lessons gained.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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