Aries Horoscope for June 2014

Aries Horoscope for June 2014

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Welcome to the deceptively simple world of your inner process, Aries. After recent trials, everything that you encounter seems like a dream somehow. This month you have the chance to learn from the ethereal school of your own interior process, that, although a challenge to integrate with the ordinary outer world of daytime activity, can in some ways teach you truer than outer happenings ever could. This is another astrologically exciting month, when inner and outer events seem intermingled, and when relationship issues vibrate with new awareness that you have summoned through the intensity of your recent inner work. You are attempting to see yourself through to a new relationship beginning. The way that you handle the tricky issue of balancing self and other has everything to do with how gracefully you can accept paradox, and compromise as well.

As the month begins, you are riding the lofty winds of a Gemini New Moon that took place a few days prior, on the last Wednesday of May. Your thought process is particularly active now, with the New Moon falling in your sector of mental process and communication. Meanwhile, making an exact square aspect to the New Moon, Neptune in turn stimulates your imagination and gently opens a portal to the mystical depths and deep realms within your psyche. This activates a strong link between your conscious mind and your subconscious process, so that you might be inspired to give ample attention to your dreams, both waking and nighttime.

This monthly cycle represents an extremely powerful time for you. Attending to your thought patterns whilst yet keeping an open ear to whatever may be shifting in deeper and more hidden layers of your consciousness could prove to be quite a balancing act, and this is where your powerfully willful Aries nature could be harnessed for good or bad, depending upon your approach. It will likely take a certain degree of strength and fortitude to sit quietly in this figurative landscape where the fog rolls and your vision is clouded, but the rewards are equally potent. At any moment, and all at once, the haze could part, with brilliant light shed on the most unexpected places.

Mercury is also moving slowly now, increasing the introspective nature of this month for you, as it prepares to turn to retrograde motion on Saturday, June 7th. The final three weeks of the month thus reflect something of a thoughtful re-training process for you, when mental energies turn inward. Mercury moves backward through your sector of home and family, and then after the middle of June though Gemini, corresponding to your communications sector, the sign that Mercury rules. This entire period, and into July, represents a time when a sincere look inward at your own processes can be extremely fruitful. Contrary to your Aries nature, it is not the time to drive doggedly forward, but one to take a moment to reflect, renegotiate, and retire from overexertion. Communications are challenging during Mercury Retrograde, and while this may be amplified for you over these weeks of the retrograde period, an opportunity presents itself in the early going to create a sweet and loving energy, and to allow this to be the place from which you communicate with others and even with yourself.

Your ruling planet, Mars, has been on a journey of retrograde motion, and just stationed to direct motion late last month in your opposite sign. As he moves forward again, making a close trine aspect to the New Moon, the passion of this fiery archetype regains strength and momentum, and because appearing in your relationship sector has much to say about finding a new way forward in this important area. This spells out further drive for seeking balance and harmony in your relationships, particularly a romantic partnership. Your chosen state of mind in regards to this area of life will make or break your experience as it unfolds. You benefit from taking the stance of a neutral observer of your thoughts and attitudes as they come up, rather than allowing them to drag you through the land of broken record repeat and outdated conditioning.

Another important note for this month would be the continuing presence of the grand trine in Water signs between Chiron, Saturn and Jupiter. This configuration indicates that painful places inside you, where you have in the past been wounded, could come to the forefront for acceptance and healing. Jupiter brings expansion, together with the thought that the universe is ever conspiring for your own highest good and well being. Because Saturn appears in your eighth sector of death and rebirth, you could perhaps feel blocked or limited in your capacity to simply trust in the cycles of perpetual change inherent in all of existence. You are therefore both expansive in your emotional connections, and yet also feeling the focus and concrete limitations of Saturn as you make your way forward into wholeness.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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