Aries Horoscope for February 2023

Aries Horoscope for February 2023

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Your focus shifts this month, Aries, to matters of relationship adjustment based on internal evolution. As it dawns, a mystical time of cosmic reflection may come over you, and it seems that this has much to do with your connection to established or prospective partnership. You are seeking on the inside what you find lacking in the external environment, and could also find that what you need must come to you strictly from your own unique conception. Especially in the timing of the February 5th Full Moon in your sector of creativity, you might discover that your values are shifting in unforeseen ways, or that you are unexpectedly feeling committed to societal action based on what you, and you alone, are prepared to give. Issues of self-worth might come up for you in connection with partnership demands or attempts at accommodation, and, if so, provide you with an important opportunity to expand inner horizons in the direction of greater wholeness. You win by accepting what you have to work with, warts and all. You can befriend inner wounding to great advantage at this time, as you move toward better alignment between your everyday activities and your changing values.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Keywords: Trust, Aspirations, Self-Expression, Inner Truth

The Sun entered Aquarius with a New Moon for the final ten days of the previous month which indicates that there is a lot of energy in your sector of friendship, group activities, and hopes for the future. This could be an early part of February that highlights your visions, your collaborations, and your contribution to the collective. You could feel tension between extraversion and introversion at this time and a need for solitude amidst social obligations. You might feel a strong sense of commitment to key partnership in your life also during the first weeks of February or a sense of limitation in this area.

Jupiter transiting in your sign continues to bring opportunities and perspective shifts like an encouraging pat on the back from Zeus himself. The world is your oyster and the possibilities are endless except that you may need to manage your time accordingly if you want to do it all at this time.

From February 3rd through the 5th, the first week of the month is also colored by Venus in Pisces forming a square with Mars in Gemini. Venus in Pisces brings forth inspiration from mystical depths and you may be able to collect a few gems during your moments of solitude. Inspiration could be high but you might have to make a special effort to translate your intuition into shape and find the proper mediums to convey your ideas.

The Full Moon culminates in Leo on Sunday, February 5th, shining a light on self-expression, personal and collective projects, charisma, and creativity. You could feel some tension surrounding a desire for personal recognition especially if you’ve been compromising your ideals. On the other hand, it could be easier to clearly assess what brings you joy at this time and adjust your priorities accordingly. The Full Moon forms a square to Uranus in Taurus, which may highlight a ‘’wild card’’ factor that could be influencing your financial situation or your resources during the next two weeks. There might be an element of speculation, innovation, or perhaps a creative risk that entices you out of your comfort zone. You will have to decide how far you can go.

From the 9th through the 11th, Mercury conjoins Pluto in Capricorn and this can highlight what needs to be finalized or what no longer suits you, especially for things related to your vocation. Once you are clear on what is not sustainable anymore it might feel easier to commit to the path ahead of you. The second week of February may therefore require that you rely on a sense of trust in what is currently unfolding even though some of the details could seem unclear. You could feel easily overwhelmed by things that are out of your control or that are in a state of flux so that you may have to remind yourself that you have what it takes to succeed.

Mercury enters Aquarius on the 11th which may bring increased exchanges and negotiations within a group or a community you are part of in the following weeks. You might have some high hopes for where things are heading and feel ready to commit more wholeheartedly to your dreams even though part of this commitment could require you to let go.

Then the Sun meets Saturn in Aquarius from the 15th through 17th, illuminating the hard work and energy investments you have made so far and the work that lies ahead. This should be an integrative moment in the month where you can have a realistic approach to things while still feeling inspired by your dreams.

The New Moon takes place in early Pisces on the late evening of the 19th or early morning of the 20th, signaling the beginning of a more introspective cycle for you. The next few weeks may be your opportunity to take time off to recharge before things get busy again. The Sun in Pisces for the next three weeks shines a light on the part of your chart that relates to your unconscious and it may be easier to access things within yourself that usually remain hidden. Inspiration could be high and it could be easier to brainstorm, create and dream at this time especially if you make space for that to happen. You may want to keep a journal beside your bed to record your night-time dreams.

Venus enters your sign on the 20th, emphasizing themes related to love, beauty, relationships, and value in the coming weeks. Your ability to charm could increase as Venus transits in your sign and you could take advantage of this time to negotiate things of to make a diplomatic move of some kind.

The end of February could be pleasant and you could be feeling a little bit more self-indulgent than usual with both benefic planets; Venus and Jupiter transiting in your sign. The Last Quarter Moon on the 27th is quite a dynamic juncture that brings partners and their viewpoint and moral framework into the picture, for guidance or discussion. It could be that the more you go with the flow, the easier it could feel . It could be your ability to trust the process that gets you the results you want.

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