Cancer Horoscope for January 2018

Cancer Horoscope for January 2018

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a relationship-oriented month for you, Cancer, with implications also for your own self-development. Work, also, continues to take off in new directions. The Full Moon in your sign that begins the month has a powerful partnership component for you, and this is true to an even greater extent by the second week of the month, when you will strongly feel the transformational impact of where you are going in this area. Something in your current or potential partnership, or in the very way that you do relationship, is likely to be dramatically changing. This is ultimately for the best, just as the shedding of the snake’s skin allows room for future growth. The second half of January launches you into further adventures in intimacy; things go best through this difficult and yet exciting time when you strive to pay close attention to your own inner workings, and to the messages that you thereby receive.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Happy New Year, Cancer! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season and that you are feeling renewed and ready for a powerful year ahead. This month gets started with the recent ingress of Saturn into Capricorn, which happened just as we passed through the gateway of the winter solstice a few weeks ago. Whenever a planet changes signs in Sun Sign horoscopy it also changes houses. Saturn has thus entered your seventh house to stay for the next two to three years, where the emphasis will be on your relationships and love life.

Saturn in your seventh house may indicate that you are ready to deepen an existing commitment to someone, that your relationships are maturing, or that you are maturing in the eyes of those you are closest with. When we’re living intentional, spiritual lives, we act as mirrors for one another. We serve each other’s spiritual growth in life by acting as witnesses to each other’s journeys, and if both people in a relationship are committed to doing their homework, then relationships, despite the ups and downs, become transcendent. Saturn entering your seventh house is signaling a period in your life where the hard but truly rewarding growth work is going to take place in and through your relationships to others. Saturn in your seventh may also indicate that your partner is going through a challenging time or that your partner is growing and maturing or even taking on more responsibility.

The first of the month features a Full Moon in Cancer in your first house. The first house is the house of self, and it’s related to you, your health and body, mind and spirit. This is an auspicious Full Moon for you because the Moon is your ruling planet. A Full Moon in your first house might have you feeling especially warm-hearted, nostalgic, romantic, and peaceful. It may also empower you to be more vulnerable and honest about your feelings or needs with others, or it might make you especially demonstrative with your emotions. However, be careful not to be overly indulgent, moody, or irritable with others if you’re NOT feeling good on New Year’s Day.

On January 6th, Mars will conjoin Jupiter in Scorpio in your fifth house, which is the house of children and pregnancy, joy and creativity. Mars and Jupiter together could have you feeling quite competitive, joyous, and playful at this time. It could indicate the news of birth or pregnancy, or it could indicate that your children or other creative “offspring” are standing out, doing something unique and imaginative, or stepping into the spotlight. Mars and Jupiter love to play hard when they’re together and even more when they get together in the fifth house, which was traditionally related to taverns and alehouses, sporting events, and theaters alike!

January 8th, the Last Quarter Moon, is likely to be a major crossroads because what is highlighted in the planet patterning within your opposite sign is a triple conjunction of Sun, Venus, and Pluto. Relationship issues will likely emerge at this time, and carry a darker subtext as hidden issues of one kind or another come more fully into the light of conscious understanding. You have been experiencing deep changes in this area of interpersonal relations and partnership, and your transformation continues.

On January 10th, Mercury will enter Capricorn and immediately conjoin Saturn in your seventh house. This transit will highlight the need for mature communication in relationships. You might be planning or strategizing with a partner, hiring or firing a business partner, or having some no-nonsense heart to hearts with those you love. On the other hand, this is a transit that could indicate important and possibly serious news, announcements or messages coming from someone you known or love. Remember, it’s always important for Cancerians to strike a balance between emotional depth and intimacy and emotional maturity and independence. Partnerships cannot ever meet all of our needs, and yet it is very important that we not neglect each other’s needs, either.

January 16th is the date of the Capricorn New Moon, also taking place in your seventh house, and in conjunction with Venus. Partnering issues will continue to be highlighted, now and through to the end of the month.

On January 17th, Venus will enter Aquarius and move into your eighth house. At this time, you might be feeling like diving deeper into your sexual, physical, and psychological dynamics with others. There is often tremendous beauty and creativity to be found by exploring our shadows and our fears, and that’s exactly what Venus in the eighth house can bring us if we’re willing to be honest with ourselves and to go deeper with others than we might usually be comfortable with. This transit can also indicate that a partner is experiencing financial success or that you’re getting some unexpected income. Venus in the eighth house can also indicate that something good may come from an encounter with something more difficult. Venus is a planet associated with good fortune whereas the eighth house is frequently associated with darkness, fear, and death and rebirth.

On January 26th, Mars will enter Sagittarius and move into your sixth house. Mars in a Jupiter ruled sign often indicates an intense level of philosophical or religious passion and intensity. You may find as the month ends that you are feeling inspired to serve others or to fight for a cause. The sixth house was traditionally called “the joy of Mars,” and it is a house associated with both the injustices, violence, and misfortunes of the world as well as those who are called to fight for underdogs or to serve those who are suffering. Mars in the sixth house could also indicate a certain openness to injuries, accidents, enemies, or illness, so be careful to protect yourself energetically around this time, especially as you feel the passion of Mars rising. As a Cancer you are born a Water sign, so you always have to be just a little more mindful when planets like Mars are moving into fiery signs. Water and heat brings things to a boil unless you’re very much paying attention!

The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse of the 31st, taking place in your second house of security, values, and resources, fills you with deep feelings of awe at the supernatural power of the universe, and of the magic of interpersonal connection together with the multiple issues and involvements of self and other. This transit, like the Full Moon in your first house to start the month, could be great fun, and yet with Jupiter still involved you will want to beware of overdoing things or being too indulgent at this time. Sometimes people think that the only time we go overboard is when we’re feeling down or depressed, but it’s also easy to go over the top when we’re feeling high and excited. Moon children live and breathe in harmony with emotional currents, and Jupiter prominent in a deep and intense emotional sign like Scorpio, within your house of pleasure, is a sure indication that you’ll be cruising on some big waves this month!

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