Cancer Horoscope for October 2018

Cancer Horoscope for October 2018

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are in for another wild and wooly ride, Cancer, as the accumulated impact of transformational change continues to make itself felt in your life. Your work in the world is very much on your mind as it has been all summer, and you are increasingly aware that you need to find your own priorities independent of other voices. There might be a large component of critical advice coming your way from concerned partners and so you will have to learn to steer a middle ground between becoming too attentive to what is said versus abandoning the outside criticism and going your own way entirely. This month is, however, fundamentally about adhering to your own point of view to the exclusion of all else, even determined resistance. Venus is in retrograde after the 5th and you will be looking under the covers of your motivation toward your own unique life goals, as well as your self-expression that moves you forward on your intended path. Family dynamics are also a focus now, with the potential that painful places within you come further into the light for purposes of healing and moving beyond them.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

On October 1st and 2nd, you’ll find the month starts off with square from Mercury in Libra in your fourth house of home and family to Pluto in Capricorn in your seventh house of relationships. As a Cancer, creating harmony in the home comes naturally for you, but this transit may require that you balance the needs or demands of several different important relationships simultaneously, perhaps being forced to take sides or to address some shadow material at home or within your intimate partnerships.

On October 5th, Venus will turn retrograde in your fifth house in the sign of Scorpio. The fifth house was traditionally associated with good fortune, with joy and happiness, with creativity and with pregnancy and children. You are seeking a return to your creative essence right now. What makes you truly happy, where does your passion lie, and how do you find your creative “zone'” What is currently blocking you from experiencing deeper and healthier sense of happiness or creative fulfillment' These are the important questions you will be addressing over the course of the next forty days while Venus is retrograde. Addressing these questions and making whatever changes are necessary may be emotionally intense. Venus retrograde in Scorpio will also ask you to explore your secrets and your unconscious desires, especially in your relationships, or possibly in relation to the topics of children, but the reward for doing so will be a strong release of creative energy into the world.

October 8th the New Moon will fall in Libra in your fourth house in a close antiscia, also an inconjunct, with Neptune in your ninth house of spirituality, long journeys, and the higher mind. The lunar cycle ahead is therefore bringing the topics of home, faith, family, and property, together with spirituality, faith, and philosophy. A new seed is being planted in the arena of home and family, though with Neptune secretly involved by antiscia, it’s possible that the themes of dissolution, cleansing, or healing will also play a strong role.

On October 10th, Venus retrograde in Scorpio in your fifth house of creativity will square Mars in Aquarius in your eighth house of death and rebirth, just as Mercury enters Scorpio, opposing rebellious Uranus in Taurus in your eleventh house of friendships and groups. That’s a whole lot of astrology happening in a short period of time. With your home planet the Moon transiting through Scorpio during these two action-packed days, it’s going to be an emotionally intense moment for you, likely featuring creative, sexual, or romantic tension or strain in relationships, innovation or disruption within groups, controversial or provocative ideas or communication dynamics, challenges to or from authority figures, and issues related to or stemming from your own family karma or living environment. Usually when multiple transits like this come to pass, you will have some indications of what’s going to happen well ahead of time, so pay attention to where the energy is building or culminating from the start of the month forward and be careful to guard your emotions – because you are likely to be extra sensitive during this time.

October 11th, the Sun in your fourth house of home and family is squaring Pluto in the seventh house of relationships. This transit is also getting in on the action from October 10th and is further emphasizing the transformations occurring in both intimate relationships and the home or family front, at once. Pay attention to what is surfacing from the unconscious right now, as it will likely provide you with an opportunity to make substantive changes from the roots up!

October 19th, Mercury in Scorpio in your fifth house of creativity will square Mars in your eighth house of death and rebirth. You will likely be exploring your fears or working to transform limiting ideas or beliefs, or you might be looking for the best way to creatively communicate a subversive or controversial perspective in a more objective and balanced manner. You might want to be on the look out for a more mentally or verbally combative atmosphere, but don’t hold back from any honest conversation that presents itself.

Lastly, the Full Moon of October 24th will conjoin Uranus in Taurus in your eleventh house and oppose Venus retrograde in Scorpio in your fifth house. With Venus also set to oppose Uranus on October 30th, plus changing signs on the 31st, you are poised for a serious creative breakthrough, especially in relation to groups of people, social circles, among friends or allies, or within larger organizations. Traditionally, both the fifth house and the eleventh house were related to things that would develop and come to fruition in the future, so it’s also possible that the connections you are making right now, or the creative inspiration that’s culminating at the end of the month, is setting the stage for a series of important developments to come!

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