Cancer Horoscope for November 2019

Cancer Horoscope for November 2019

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month represents another stretch for you in your process, Cancer, a period when you will be exploring the further reaches of your creativity, along with relationships, and societal commitment. Because Mercury is retrograding through your fifth sector of self-expression, it will also be a time of refining and redefining what you individually and concretely bring to the table, and how you might yet manage to employ these skills in to make the world a better place. There will be many twists and turns in how you see your pathway forward and your challenge is not to let logical prescriptions or formerly valid expectations stand in the way of embracing change. Partnership is powerful for you now as well. As you seek to combine inner and outer, your focus on achievement must be based on your most profound values. All that you hold dear deep inside yourself comes fully into play in pursuing actual profession and career, as you advance into an uncertain yet exciting future.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School in his final month with us. Adam has decided that other obligations of his must take precedence. We are grateful for his steady support of our astrological content for the past two years!

The month of November begins just after a New Moon in Scorpio (from October 27th) fell in your fifth house of creativity, joy, and children, opposite Uranus in Taurus in the eleventh house of groups and allies. As the month unfolds, you will continue to see changes taking place in these areas, perhaps while witnessing a series of unexpected social and creative changes coming through.

The month also begins just as Mercury is turning retrograde in Scorpio in your fifth house (November 1st), pointing to a period of deeper communication around the topics of children, joy, pregnancy, and creativity. It’s a great time to revise your approach to parenting or communication with those you are close to, and it’s also a good time to revise a creative project or to develop a new creative, perhaps event technological, outlet for self-expression.

Between November 1st and 6th, Mars in Libra in your fourth house of home and family will square Pluto in Capricorn in your seventh house of relationships. You are laboring through something right now both at home and in your relationships that might require a lot of patience and diplomacy. Still, don’t discount the need for healthy confrontation. It is possible to say how you really feel without gossip, passive aggression, or power plays tainting things.

Between November 6th and 9th the Sun in Scorpio in your fifth house of creativity, joy, and children, will make a trine to Neptune in Pisces in your ninth house of spirituality, religion, and the higher mind. It’s a great time to share your spiritual life with your children, if you have them, but it’s also a great time to look for ways of joining your creative life with your spiritual interests. You may also feel compelled to teach others something through the new creative medium it looks like you might be working with this month.

On November 12th, the exalted Full Moon lands in Taurus in your eleventh house of friends, groups, and allies, suggesting a significant juncture of sensuality, abundance and beneficial connections with others. This will carry over for rest of the current lunation cycle, over the next two weeks, as well.

Between November 11th and 15th, Venus in Sagittarius in your sixth house of work and service will square Neptune in Pisces in your ninth house of the higher mind, faith, and long journeys, suggesting that positive social, creative, and romantic connections are available to you right now if you invest more of your energy into an exploration of higher values and beliefs. It’s also a great time to find like-minded allies who are interested in working toward the same goals.

On November 20th, Mercury will turn direct in Scorpio, signaling that you are ready to begin implementing a creative, intellectual, and communicative vision that has been in the works all this month. If you are a parent, you may also be turning an important corner in your parenting strategy or your relationship with your children, and perhaps even with their education.

Between November 22nd and 25th, Venus in Sagittarius in your sixth house of work and service, will conjoin Jupiter, bringing with it a moment of creative expansion, good fortune, positivity, and possibly even romance or creativity related to your work or to some position of service. Because the sixth house almost always entails “hard work,” you may have to work hard right now to receive the blessings that Venus and Jupiter have in mind, but it will be well worth it. It’s also a great time to find helpers and healers for any variety of challenges you might be facing. Venus and Jupiter bring allies into our lives!

On November 24th to the 26th, Mars in Scorpio will oppose Uranus in Taurus across your fifth and eleventh house axis, bringing with it social and creative upheavals that have likely been building up throughout the month. Be careful of the potential for unexpected emotional outbursts or challenges during this brief transit.

Finally, November 26th, the New Moon will fall in Sagittarius in your sixth house of work and service, suggesting that the last full lunar cycle of 2019 heading into the final week of December will be focused on the daily grind and on clarifying your mission of usefulness to others, the need to put your ideals, education, and knowledge into tangible service in the world.

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