Cancer Horoscope for February 2021

Cancer Horoscope for February 2021

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month represents more of the same season of extreme changes for you, Cancer, but now with a distinct twist, due to the prominence of Uranian vision, leading to new ideas breaking through, and also the retrograde of Mercury through your intimacy sector. This began the last weekend of the previous month, bringing you to an introspective questioning of your close connections with others, and of yourself, as well as shared resources. You are in a process as February begins of exploring these issues, and also how they reflect back on your own creativity and your goals. This is all happening in the context of relationships continuing to transform for you, both in their details and in the meaning that they hold for your life. Because Mercury stays unstable all month, it is not a great time to institute new methods or definite departures from existing patterns, but it is good for investigating new possibilities. Ideas abound. Fresh energy for your search mid-month might send you off in ultimately productive new directions.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Much of your attention at the moment may be going to the inside, and with regard to your connections with others. You may be feeling a strange contrast between your desires for real intimacy with others and the impersonal experiences happening with an online community or a social group. Opportunities to socialize face to face have been sparse this past year and you could be on your way to become a full fledged hermit with of course a contrasting ability to connect to your tribe remotely. There are inherent contradictions however residing in the connective influence of the internet, which mainly consists of not being a sustainable replacement for face to face connections. In the long run, the time spent online may leave you feeling estranged from the people you love the most.

Venus enters Aquarius at the beginning of the month joining four planets already in this sign. The emphasis on Aquarius this month is quite strong and for you it could bring up your desires to belong and connect with others while simultaneously needing to retain your autonomy or individuality. This contrast could create problems when it comes to experiencing real intimacy with others as you may never let anyone get close enough while still reaching out for a connective experience. Venus conjunct Saturn on the 6th may bring up a sense of isolation or the inability to express affection openly. It may be a good time to explore your inner worlds as your thinking turns to serious or profound truth about yourself.

This time of introspection could bring real clarification in terms of what you need from your shared experience with others. Mercury has been retrograde since January 30th, and meets the Sun in Aquarius for its inferior conjunction on the 8th. The conjunction with the Sun represents the halfway point in Mercury’s retrograde cycle and usually comes with some kind of breakthrough. You could be making progress in terms of sorting out what you seek in your intimate partnership even though you may not be able to put it into words. Mercury applying to a square with Mars in Taurus on the 10th could help you verbalize some of your impressions to a friend which in turn could allow you to consciously access parts of yourself that seemed inaccessible.

The New Moon takes place on February 11th in Aquarius corresponding to your eighth sector of intimacy and personal evolution. You now have a huge amount of new energy for this area, which might bring the renewed motivation to get to the core of some of your inherent patterns, especially the ones relating to close connection. You could even be at the beginning of an important journey of self-discovery, for ground-breaking insights leading to a better understanding of your needs in partnership. Saturn and Uranus, which are both associated with Aquarius, are squaring each other at the time of the New Moon. This square highlights the ways in which your participation within a group or a community could be helping you. This first square between Saturn and Uranus culminates on the 17th of February, perhaps bringing more social interaction during that third week of the month. This square will occur again from mid-May to July 4th, and from December 2021 to January 2022, highlighting the important roles your community or your friends could play all this year in framing your personal evolution.

The Sun enters the Mutable Water sign of Pisces on the 18th of February which signals the last thirty days before the springtime here in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun transiting in Pisces may represent a time of expansion and learning especially once Venus also enters Pisces, on the 25th.

Mercury stations direct in Aquarius on the 20th and will start to retrace the territory it covered since mid-January. You may begin to reap the rewards of the internal work you’ve been doing; this time could bring great integration and insights.

The Full Moon arrives on the 27th in the sign of Virgo, highlighting the communication sector of your chart. If you’ve been on a learning journey, the end of February could represent a time when you are busy consolidating what you’ve been studying. You may be connecting things that seemed unrelated and start to see a bigger picture emerge.

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