Cancer Horoscope for February 2022

Cancer Horoscope for February 2022

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an especially interesting month for finding yourself in others, Cancer. For many weeks there as been a transformational effect taking place in your sector of partnership, accellerated both this past month and now in February by your astrology, including the Aquarius New Moon from the very beginning of the month being located in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution. If you accept it that you are put here on this earth to grow, then this is a terrific month for progress, aided by the depth mirror that relationship provides. While developments are many and varried in how you view partners and your own relationship dynamic, the most significan progress remains with your own growth in understanding yourself. As you continue to mull over your connections to the Other, reviewing and revising your expectations there, you are seeing new facets of what you have deep inside that really matters to you, and how that exteriorizes to partners and to society in general. Your contribution depends on a more thorough integration, top to bottom, leading to a more freely given offering to the world around you.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Aquarius right at the beginning of February signals the start of a new cycle related to your intimate partnerships and the things that you share with others. Your sign of Cancer is the sign of the zodiac with the closest connection to the Moon, being a sign often associated with nurturing and support which are also things linked with the Moon in Astrology. As a Cancer, you are especially susceptible to the ebbs and flow of the Moon cycle, and the connectivity and rhythms that come from her light waning and waxing every month. This New Moon being placed in a sensitive area of your chart could therefore be an important time of inception, when new intentions can be seeded that can eventually develop throughout the month. This is a nice way to tune into the natural rhythms of light and darkness that have influenced humankind since the beginning of time.

This past year could have brought a certain amount of separation or feelings of isolation as Saturn began its journey in the sign of Aquarius. You may have had to reevaluate your close connections and your dependency on others in a new way of seeing, while having to let go of old relational patterns. The Aquarius New Moon is conjunct Saturn and represents an important point of integration regarding your support system. You may feel a lot more self-reliant than you did a year ago, however you may also have the opportunity to strengthen your bonds that have endured the test of time and recommit to them this month. The New Moon also squares Uranus in Taurus corresponding to your social sector which may bring new and exciting opportunities to socialize or participate in your community. You are not so interested in superficial encounters right now, preferring people who can support your dreams and your ambitions. February could bring a powerful incentive to focus on your support system and recommit to building strong interpersonal relationships.

Mercury stations direct in Capricorn on February 3rd, and slowly begins to straighten out over the coming weeks, therefore starting to bring traction for ongoing dialogues in your partnerships. There may be a sober tone permeating this time and talks of deeper commitments. You could be more willing to compromise, seeing the benefits that come from teaming up with others. Mars in Capricorn sextiles Jupiter in Pisces from the 3rd to the 5th, ad this could make you more receptive to others' perspectives. It's a good time to keep an open mind. Mercury conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn on the 10th and the 11th and trines the North Node in Taurus on the 12th , which may give you a glimpse of things to come. Collaborations could feel stimulating and important conversations could be taking place that opens up a realm of new possibilities.

The Full Moon this month takes place in the sign of Leo on the 16th, only a few days after Mercury re-enters Aquarius where it turned retrograde in the middle of last month. Shared resources could be on your mind around this timing and it may be a good moment to take stock of your financial situation. If you are negotiating an important contract, it could be a good opportunity to present yourself in the best possible light so that people can appreciate your worth.

Venus conjunct Mars in Capricorn, stemming from the 14th and prominent in the Full Moon, emphasizes partnerships and alliances of all kinds. Also, with Venus in close conjunction with Mars until beyond the end of the month, you might find that partnership transitions that could be taking place over this period of time involve your private understandings and also your public statement, all in the mix together. You could also be more inclined to splurge on yourself or on the people you love at this time so keep that in mind if you are trying to save money. It could feel easier to find balance for your own your desires with the ones of other people. Relationships could be full of passion while still being harmonious which is a relatively rare occurrence.

The Sun enters the Water sign of Pisces on the 18th bringing a contemplative and a philosophical time, also signaling the last thirty days of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun in Pisces energizes your educational sector and in the weeks ahead it may feel easier to gain a sense of perspective for your current limitations. Things should feel relatively fluid especially if you have the opportunity to learn or travel.

The last full week of February brings a lot of enthusiasm for sharing your ideas with others and you may be more preoccupied with your social contribution. Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on the 24th as it escapes its retrograde shadow; and this is an aspect that already occurred mid-January as Mercury was stationing retrograde. An opportunity for progress could finally come up after a period of standby or revision.

Venus and Mars, still closely conjunct in Capricorn, also come into a harmonious sextile with Neptune in Pisces which casts an inspiring yet idealistic influence on your goals and your place in the world. You may be driven by an ideal at this time but it may feel harder to direct your energy efficiently. Neptune colors the last week of February with a hopeful energy and you may come into contact with people or philosophies that open you up to new ways of looking at important issues. It may not be a great time to draw solid conclusions or try to understand something rationally but it’s an excellent time to explore philosophical systems that can help you make sense of your place in the universe.

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