Capricorn Horoscope for November 2013

Capricorn Horoscope for November 2013

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a magical month for you, Capricorn, in some ways the culmination of a transformative year of change. With the New Moon and Solar Eclipse taking place in your sector of goals and societal involvement, you are networking like mad and placing your bets on a more positive future than has been the recent past. This involves partnership with others, and a re-orientation of values, family life, and even your concept of personal identity. With Mercury retrograding through this same sector you could be massively re-thinking how you operate in the world and where you are heading, so that it pays to wait until at least the second half of November before making any drastic moves. Still you can plan, and dream, intending to refine your vision still further toward month's end.

As the month begins, with your ruler, Saturn, highlighted in your eleventh solar sector of wishes and hopes, societal connection and future plans, you are seeing your way clear to what looks like a fresh start; you have the visionary feeling of a better path forward that the one that you may have long been treading. This idea of new beginning is, however, richer conceptually than in actuality, due to the natural caution of your sign and also to the backward motion of retrograde Mercury. Mercury stations to direct motion on November 10th, in one of the peaks of the entire cycle, and then slowly straightens out over the following two weeks until by the 27th it is entirely beyond its retrograde shadow period. Since Mercury also rules sectors of your solar chart associated with higher mind activities and getting clearer on soul purpose working its way through you out into the world, there is a distinct chime with finding your way forward, beyond notions of what might be based on consensus thinking or conventional attitudes, in a direction that is unique to your own inner compass.

The Solar Ellipse and New Moon of Sunday, November 3rd, constitutes a powerfully cogent reminder of what is actually possible when you put both your mind and your heart to work on a given situation, from the standpoint of your future self. This extra-intense lunation triggers Uranus and Pluto, square to each other and occupying angular sectors of your solar chart — as they have for many months. Pluto in your identity sector sponsors an ongoing sense of metamorphosis that changes nearly everything about your life. Uranus in your sector of home, family and tribe promotes fluctuation in this fundamental area. These energies represent factors in interaction with your current arc of development in a manner that has thus been obvious to you for many weeks and months already. There is room for greater evolution of awareness in the fact that some of the ways that these two powerhouse planets contribute to your ongoing transformation may have only recently become fully known to your conscious mind.

Chiron, known as the Wounded Healer, is also emphasized in the current outer planet combinations, and speaks to the recognition of wounding and its amelioration in graceful healing. Chiron resides in your communication sector, along with Neptune, and while you could encounter old wounds rising to the surface of your awareness, there could be recourse in the aid of friends and helpful others. Chiron represents buried complexes, the residue early trauma, that are coming to your attention for a reason, that you might be empowered to get to the point of acceptance of all that you have gone through in the past, acknowledging resulting reactivity or painful places within you.

The massive transformation that is coming down for you at this time is perhaps some amalgam of divine intervention and your own efforts to find yourself. The potent Neptunian factor in the current monthly cycle allows you to recognize the deity in yourself and in others. Mercury makes an exact trine aspect to Neptune, as it stations on the 10th and Neptune is also highlighted at the time of the November 25th lunation, and the implied otherworldly emphasis can appear very confusing to a materialistically based mental process. You might well feel as though the bottom were dropping out of earthly communications with others around you; although by the time the end of the month is reached you might feel more inspired than disillusioned.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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