Capricorn Horoscope for February 2016

Capricorn Horoscope for February 2016

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is in many ways the first month of the year for you, Capricorn. This is because February follows the recent retrograde of Mercury through your sign, having stationed in powerful connection with changeful Pluto there, in the middle degrees. This transit has increased your conscious participation in what you are accomplishing at the more profound layers of your being. You are in the transformational stew all right, and it is intense. What emerges from deep inside you is like volcanic material that has no choice but to rise to the surface, altering every facet of the pre-existing landscape, and this cannot be anything but scary. You contain within you both a powerful mandate that demands change, coming to you directly from the cosmos, and yet also the resistance to change. You have the freedom to delay and even to retreat, although you might, in the end, choose to ride the wave of your destiny wherever it might lead you.

As the month begins, in the aftermath of the recent very intense Mercury Retrograde period, you are regrouping, finding within you new perspectives as your cognizance increases of the world around you, and also of your own insides. There is a part of you that would like to stay in stasis, which is perhaps more comfortable than launching out upon an unknown journey of transformation, although the cosmic cards do seem to be stacked the other way. All through the current month, your ruler, Saturn, located in your sector of unconscious process, is in very close parallel with Pluto, the master of the dark unknown spaces in the hidden confines of vast inner worlds, located in your sign. You are therefore being encouraged to follow whatever clues you can find toward a better conscious understanding of these deeper layers within you.

Anther powerful factor for you is the close square between Pluto in your first house, associated with identity, and revolutionary Uranus located in another sector of your solar chart assigned to largely unconscious process, at the nadir, your sector of home and family. The implication is that new factors are emerging regarding familial relationships as well as on the home front, and that stability and security might indeed have to give way to radical exploration.

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