Capricorn Horoscope for January 2018

Capricorn Horoscope for January 2018

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of new beginnings for you, Capricorn. You have been on a roll ever since the very powerful Winter Solstice of December 21st, when the Sun entered your sign, along with Saturn, your ruler. In this current month you are reflecting on the fruits of four weeks of an almost entirely hidden thought process that has landed you into novel personal territory. You are in an optimistic frame of mind, and communicating with great intentionality in a fashion that includes important partners as well as the unconscious layers of your own psyche. Your intuition is strong right now, and what is more you are beginning to more fully trust in the messages that you receive in this quietly significant way. The second half of the month sees an amazing flowering of your stored-up potential for right action, in connection with inner values, along the lines that you would like to see emerging as the new societal norm.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Happy New Year, Capricorn! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season and that you are feeling renewed and ready for a powerful year ahead. This month gets started with the recent ingress of Saturn into your home sign, which happened just as we passed through the gateway of the winter solstice a few weeks ago. Whenever a planet changes signs in Sun Sign horoscopy it also changes houses. Saturn has thus entered your first house to stay for the next two to three years.

First, despite all the bad press that’s out there on Saturn, this is an outstanding transit for Capricorns. Saturn is your ruling planet! This is like coming home to your own house after a long vacation abroad. The first house was originally conceptualized as the helm or steering wheel of the ship of life, and its ruling planet was the helmsman or navigator of the ship. Saturn coming into your first house is therefore like the captain of the ship coming back and taking the wheel in the most direct position one can take the wheel from. This means several years of reevaluating your commitments, your time, energy, health, and overall life direction. Saturn will return you to a place of trusting your gut if you haven’t been, simplifying down to what’s most necessary. Saturn will tell you what’s real and Saturn will show you how you’ve grown and matured by delivering solid results over the next few years. Enjoy this transit and all the growth, healing, and grounding it brings. It’s truly like a homecoming for Capricorns right now!

On the first of the month there is a Full Moon in Cancer in your seventh house of love and relationships. It’s funny how just when we’re coming back into a healthy sense of our own power, strength, and individuality, relationship issues can flare up. This is normal, from the astrological point of view. Changes to your first house of health/self/individuality are naturally opposed to your seventh house of relationships. Striking a balance between your own needs and the emotional needs of others is thus important right now. Alternatively, the Full Moon in your seventh can mean that you’re meeting someone, falling in love, or deepening a relationship. Sometimes, when we recognize and clarify our own needs (1st house), we suddenly become ready for a new partnership or relationship, so watch for that possibility right now, as well.

On January 6th, Mars will move into a conjunction with Jupiter in your eleventh house of friends, allies, benefactors, wishes, hopes, and dreams. This is an outstanding time for meeting new allies, joining forces with a larger organization, or finding support for your future dreams and ambitions. This transit could also indicate that your friends and their causes, visions, and dreams are important to you right now, and it could also indicate that you are reaching out to help others achieve their own dreams. Mars/Jupiter conjunctions can indicate overdoing things, so be careful of the pride that comes before a fall, but otherwise enjoy this very supportive and inspiring transit and all the doors it may open for collaboration with others.

January 8th marks the Last Quarter Moon, when a triple conjunction of Sun, Venus, and Pluto in your sign is triggered by the timing of this critical juncture. Your ongoing transformation of identity and self-understanding gets a jump-start so that issues that you have been neglecting might percolate to the surface of your consciousness and be more available to your earnest consideration.The areas that are likely to come up for change are relationships, career and professional life, plus not least your own ongoing issues with identity and how you see yourself interacting with the world around you.

On January 10th, Mercury will enter Capricorn and make an immediate conjunction with Saturn, your ruler. This is a great transit for launching a new business endeavor, or any new project or personal resolution. It’s also a great time to communicate, write a letter, a mission statement, or sit down for that important conversation you’ve been putting off. Mercury and your ruler together in your first house may also indicate that you are more persuasive and convincing than usual, so if you need to pitch an idea, ask someone for support, now is a good time. Mercury conjunct Saturn is also an ideal time to clear your head and to get better organized. If you have any home or office cleaning that needs to be done, or if you need to consolidate data space on your computer or purchase a new piece of tech equipment, the timing is altogether right for these kinds of things.

January 16th is the date of the New Moon in your sign, therefore also taking place in your first house, and in conjunction with Venus. Issues of identity, self-knowledge, and assertion may come up with renewed significance at this juncture. You are also likely now to be on something of a roll with the way that you interface with others – quite comfortable in your own skin – right up through to the end of the month, and beyond.

On January 17th, Venus will enter Aquarius and move into your second house of money, resources, and hopes for future gain. This transit marks the beginning of several weeks’ worth of good luck and good energy coming into your financial house. Venus in the second is generally good for investments and purchases or sales. You should be careful about extravagant purchases or impulsive spending during this time. It’s easy with Venus in the second house to overdo anything material, from shopping to eating to indulging yourself and being lazy or wasting time. Venus in Aquarius may also bring your attention to the beauty of things that are somewhat different, or outside the norm. Enjoy the quirkiness of this transit, and be sure to use whatever good energy comes your way constructively.

Finally, on January 26th, Mars will enter Sagittarius and move into your twelfth house. The Lunar Eclipse of the 31st, in Leo, in your eighth house, also marks a significant time of delving down within yourself. The twelfth house was traditionally the house of self-undoing, prisons, hospitals, and shipwreck. Sounds like a pretty dark set of topics, right' But behind the twelfth house is the gateway to a profound mystical truth. If you can accept your own suffering, if you can learn to live with it rather than in denial of it, then you have also discovered a source of joy that is beyond the ups and downs of this world. There is perhaps no better place to come to terms with the reality of suffering than the twelfth house. Mars moving into your twelfth house will generally play out in one of two ways: the first is that you may feel a deep and almost unexplainable sense of frustration or angst, potentially leading to some bad choices or a general feeling of being temporarily held back, or the second is that you will become empowered to face your own shadows and to press on through the darkness, growing wiser and more discerning as a result. By the time that Mars finally enters Capricorn and moves into your first house, in March, you’ll be feeling incredibly empowered after all is said and done, so that it pays to trust the journey in the meantime!

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