Capricorn Horoscope for April 2020

Capricorn Horoscope for April 2020

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of largely internal focus for you, Capricorn. The recent Aries New Moon taking place in your house of home and family presages that all the life factors pertinent to this sector will come into play, more than coincidentally just at the time when outside circumstances also compel some version of this same idea. Further, you are delving down concurrently into your core beliefs and issues, with a good possibility that inner wounding could manifest. This, the residue of poorly digested early trauma, is coming up for you for a reason, and that reason is eventual healing. It could be that family of origin will be an important life factor for you now, as well as those of your immediate family in the present day, and of your current dwelling space. Your values and your finances, or your resources in general, are another significant focus now. You may be measuring the time that has passed since your early adulthood in terms of the evolution of your beliefs, seeing where you have arrived and how far you might have to go, and imagining ways to further actualize in concrete fashion your actual core values.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of April begins with your ruler Saturn having left your sign is being conjoined byMars in Aquarius. In the years to come, Saturn transiting in Aquarius will reshape the way you approach your values and your resources, including your finances and how you make money. For now however, Saturn conjoined Mars is forcing you to stop and assess the situation. Saturn and Mars together is like driving a car with the brakes on; it makes progress very slow. Patience and a process of restructuring is indicated by this aspect at the beginning of April. Capricorns do not stay idle for very long. You might already be busy conceptualizing new ways to generate income as the world comes to a standstill.

Venus enters Gemini on April 3rd where she will spend the next four months, due to her upcoming retrograde in early May. Venus transiting here will help you realign with your core values when it comes to what you do for a living. These changes will come at a cost and a lot of effort but it’s a time in your life when you have the opportunity to do what you love for a living. The road to take to get there will get clearer as we progress through the year. For now, it’s all about following your bliss and being willing to put in the time and efforts in the realization of your goals.

Venus trines Saturn in Aquarius on April 4th and 5th, which links your routine, your habits, and your health with cash flow. Logistics continues to be on your mind as Venus in Gemini brings a supportive influence to your work and daily habits.

Jupiter conjoined Pluto in Capricorn during the first week of April, dramatically highlighted in the recent New Moon, could feel empowering albeit transformational. You should have the will power to step up to the challenges that arise at this time with faith and determination. This conjunction is a powerful aspect for Capricorns and an important marker. It is a time when new aspirations can surface or get clarified as you get to the roots of what matters. This is the first of three conjunction between Jupiter and Pluto this year. The next two will be in June and November respectively. It represents a time when anything superfluous will fall away revealing a refined version of your ambitions.

The Full Moon in Libra on April 7th highlights your vocational path and career and could bring some realization in connection with your place in the world. Venus in Gemini rules over the Libra Full Moon making this one particularly busy. There could be many options presenting themselves as new information comes to light. Conversation with friends could help sort out your priorities.

Mercury enters Aries on the evening of April 10th after having spent the last two months in Pisces. Mercury in Aries will accelerate the pace of things this month, and for you this could play out at home. The Sun is still in Aries until the 19th, bringing emphasis on your roots, your base of operations, your family, and where you want to be. Mercury transiting in Aries will increase the focus on these topics. The Sun in Aries squares Jupiter in Capricorn on April 14th just as the Last Quarter Moon arrives in your sign Capricorn. You might find yourself having to reconcile personal ambitions with familial obligations. Not a bad thing in itself, but mid-April carries some tension to contend with.

The Sun enters Taurus on April 19th, slowly shifting your attention on romance, creativity, and children. Taurus season will bring relief from the recent tension helping you feel more inspired. The New Moon taking place in the sign of Taurus a few days later on April 22nd is your green light to start implementing an idea into tangible form. The Sun in Taurus squaring Saturn in Aquarius at the time of the New Moon shows that your children or a recent creative enterprise could be costing you more than anticipated. There could be pressure to tighten your belt and bring a small reform to your finances.

The Sun conjoins Uranus in Taurus on April 25th and will be felt throughout the last weekend of April. This aspect could correlate with new concepts emerging that will help you move ahead with your ideas. Expect the unexpected during this time and be open to new and exciting options. Mercury enters Taurus on April 27th. Nothing is set in stone, and it could feel like things are changing rapidly as you try to get your footing. Flexibility and the willingness to try new things is the best posture to adopt during these changing times.

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