Capricorn Horoscope for July 2023

Capricorn Horoscope for July 2023

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of digging in, deep inside, Capricorn. The collusion is significant from last month between Saturn, your ruler, and Jupiter, the ruler of your sector of unconscious process and inner work. You must somehow go down in order to get through. Your home and family sector is also highlighted this month, so that things could be shifting there as well, with your physical dwelling or, more symbolically, in the dynamics of family and your own psychological roots. You win when you can put some loving attention toward coming to terms with the ghosts of your past. The Full Moon of Monday, July 3rd, is key in this regard, as is the quarter Moon that follows a week later on the 9th and 10th. A great deal of healing happens when you can acknowledge inner wounding and its source in early childhood trauma. The Cancer New Moon of the 17th in your opposite sign represents a fresh start with relationship issues that could help with the inner work that you are attempting this month; one more mirror. You are a spiritual warrior now, fighting the good fight, and it is not against, but rather for.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer of

Last month's Gemini New Moon initiated a new cycle in your sphere of daily rhythms, responsibilities, and health, continuing into the first half of July, and may have also related to your learning pursuits and mental environment. This powerful lunation featured Pluto in the late degrees of your sign, the new Nature planet Haumea, in late Libra, and Neptune in your communications sector, indicating that transformative influences around identity and resources continue to confound you, while your communicative outreach and your work in the world take on a spiritual and ethereal quality, with only one foot touching the ground, that carries clear through to month’s end due to similar aspects in the Cancer New Moon of mid-July.

From the 1st to the 3rd, July additionally opens with a square from Venus in Leo to Uranus in Taurus. This combination connects your shared realms of relationship and intimacy to that of self-expression and joy, offering that your own mental reorganization is now supporting greater freedom in how you relate to others. You may be recentering romance and pleasure within existing or new relationships, aided by the heightened passions of Venus' applying conjunction to Mars in your intimacy sector. These transits also suggest you might connect with a collaborator or investor who will support your creative project or meet an exciting romantic or platonic connection.

The Full Moon in your sign arrives on July 3rd, corresponding to the identity, appearance, and personal ambitions sector of your solar chart in combination with your opposite sign of Cancer where the Sun is now traveling. This lunation thus brings up issues of self and other, and may reveal that a personal goal on which you have expended significant time and energy could now be within reach. With your ruler, Saturn, currently in your communication sector, this turning point could be related to new skills you are learning, resulting in a shift in your daily schedule and environment or a change in your self-perception or presentation. The Moon's trine to Jupiter in this lunation is optimistic and bodes well for your creative projects, plus pointing out that hard work and commitment can only take you so far, additionally calling attention to the fecund realms of pleasure, fun, and creative self-expression as a fertile wellspring of your personal and shared ambitions. This lunation highlights the value of vulnerability; you don't in fact need to do it all alone. If you turn to asking for help, you might locate a deeper sense of intimacy, safety, and belonging with others.

New horizons of adventure may beckon around July 10th as Mars enters Virgo, energizing your sphere of the higher mind, travel, and belief systems. Mercury's simultaneous ingress into Leo heralds a period of substantial focus on your sphere of shared assets, intimacy, and investments. As it enters Leo, Mercury's opposition to Pluto in the last degree of your sign suggests the transformation of your worldview, and your mental or writing skills. This transit also indicates there is receptivity from others that supports new ways of relating but requires you to voice your needs. It may also illuminate relationship dynamics related to power, control, or past hurt that continue to inform your present connections.

The Cancer New Moon on July 17th takes place in your partnership sector and coincides with the developing shift of the North and South Lunar Nodes into Aries and Libra. The Nodes form a cardinal cross with Pluto that animates the horizontal and vertical axes of your solar chart related to the structural elements of your life. It suggests you have arrived at a significant crossroads — and that momentum is on offer for whatever seed is growing within your relationships, which may require surrender to further recalibration of your identity and ambitions. This might relate to deepening commitment to a partner through marriage or home ownership, becoming a parent, or perhaps ending a relationship. The concurrent square from Mercury in Leo to Jupiter in Taurus indicates this lunation could also initiate creative or business partnerships or romantic connections with long-term promise. While you might be wary of overconfidence regarding the financial and energetic requirements of new projects you are birthing with others, with the planet of abundance in your creativity sector and Venus blessing your shared assets and investments, expressing what you want right now, particularly around contracts, money matters, and intimacy, could likely bear fruit.

The shift of the Lunar Nodes indicates topics related to family and home may provide avenues for evolution over the next year and a half, with significant beginnings and endings related to eclipses occurring here and in your Libra-ruled sector of public image and professional aspirations. The influence of this nodal shift, combined with Chiron's station in Aries on July 23rd, might open a courageous space to integrate wounding around trust, safety, and self-assertion within your sphere of family, ancestry, and home.

On July 20th, Mars in Virgo forms an opposition to your ruling planet Saturn in Pisces. You may be seriously focused on topics related to learning and communicating or projects within your local environment around this time, which may feel like they restrict you from experiences that broaden your perspective of the world. Saturn in the sphere of the mind can have a depressive influence; this transit reminds you of the importance of your local environment and the people that populate it on your mental health and happiness. It may also help you sever serious or hyper-rational mental loops by connecting to a sense of higher meaning or more subtle truths.

Venus stations retrograde on July 22nd, which is also the first day of Leo season. As the Sun moves into your shared assets and intimacy sector, it makes a grand cross aspect with Pluto and the Lunar Nodes. Pluto's journey through your sign over the last decade and a half may have forced new ways of living, presenting, and meeting life by rupturing your sense of selfhood or identity. As it prepares to leave your sign, this planetary progression offers catharsis through the conscious recognition and appreciation of how you have changed, which now changes the way life meets you.

Venus retrogrades in Leo over the next six weeks, and could support reflection and experimentation within the landscape of love, partnership, collaboration, and sharing. You could also find yourself on an enhanced deep dive into your depths. This slightly introspective period of time may help you reorient your present values, desires, and needs, and may also prompt consideration about how judgment or mistrust might prevent you from connecting to people or help you obtain a sense of closure through the return of a past partnership.

Mercury forms a conjunction with retrograde Venus in Leo on July 27th before entering Virgo. This transit supports heartfelt conversations and honesty that may cultivate trust and deepen bonds of emotional and physical intimacy. Communication about financial realities might provide necessary clarification within partnerships of all kinds. This transit may also align with news regarding settlements, inheritances, or contracts. If you are considering significant investments or changes within relationships, be mindful that you may change your mind as your insight expands and circumstances change over the upcoming retrograde period. Mercury's ingress into Virgo indicates that, as new horizons morph and beckon, your sector of the higher mind and foreign travel will likely be a sphere of focus and inspiration.

July has offered evolution and insight within your relational realms that mirrors your ongoing process of significant internal recalibration. Continued reflection over the period of Mercury’s and Venus’ retrograde next month will support new forms of intimacy and the experience of connection with others. As you reorient to a different reality, remember that playfulness, experimentation, and self-expression can offer immense creative potential for finding new ways for building and populating your world.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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