Capricorn Horoscope for August 2023

Capricorn Horoscope for August 2023

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of studying and learning, Capricorn, although not so much in the academic sense. You are a student of life these days, and of human nature; especially your own. As you dig deeper into the essentially unfathomable question of who you really are, the current astrology provides some helpful guidelines. Venus is retrograding all this month through Leo, corresponding to your sector of intimacy and personal evolution. You may be looking more closely into your relationship dynamic with key partners and attempting to resolve any recurring issues there especially with reference to inner wounding. You might grow by becoming more aware of where the dark places deep within you, the residue of unprocessed childhood trauma, are keeping you from inhabiting your own most authentic self. Additionally this month, with Mercury slowing down in your sector of higher mind, and then stationing to retrograde motion on the 23rd, you are likely to be reviewing, revising, and readjusting your beliefs and worldview, which could in turn have their effect on how these significant life factors play into the way that you connect. Following the potent New Moon of August 16th, the last two weeks of the month are especially important in this regard.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Your month begins in the wake of the recent Cancer New Moon from the middle of last month that took place in your relationship sector of your solar chart, coloring its first two weeks with a focus on important others that includes a strong dose of communication and learning. The transformational cycle of past months is also present in this one, so affecting you in the areas of personal identity and the way that you come across to those around you and also your values and your resources, including financial ones. This latter topic is being highlighted in the first half of the current month.

The August 1st Full Moon finds you at the midway point in the cycle that began in July with relationship, now illuminating the part of your chart that relates to your personal resources, values and your sense of self-worth. The strong relational undercurrent permeating your month takes on a new vantage point as the specific partnership agreements that you need to make in working out issues of self and other begin to make themselves more directly felt, and as you are also in the midst of a thoughtful process of attempting to better understand your deepest principles and values.

You could be experiencing entanglements with someone that requires you to assess things from a different angle and although intimacy may feature strongly at this time, things may not be straightforward or simple as you would like. A complicated situation may have left you feeling somewhat vulnerable and this Full Moon clarifies your personal values more clearly along what you are willing to put up with. Mercury in Virgo forming an opposition with Saturn, your ruler, in Pisces in this Full Moon could also be about speaking your truth and finding ways to communicate your needs more philosophically. The requirement to clarify your values and your thoughts with someone close to you could also come up for you during these initial two weeks.

From the 8th to the 10th, Venus retrograde in Leo forms a second of three square with Uranus in Taurus and you could find that there are almost more ideas for your career moves than you can handle, with departures from a previous norm or limit being part of that. You are also be reconsidering episodes of intimacy from a very new and different standpoint, especially, with the retrograde, there being an introspective quality of refining your approach to close connections with other, and ultimately with yourself. Mercury is extra-highlighted over this same period and influenced by expansive Jupiter so that there could be a lot of thought that you are putting into these matters during these few days.

Venus retrograde conjunct the Sun in Leo on Sunday the 13th could bring you a moment of clarity that could be available to you in the midst of a situation that has been evolving for many weeks. Although things may continue to unfold well into September, perhaps even amidst more chaotic and unpredictable aspects that are outside of your immediate control, this day can be flagged as a time to take stock.

The Leo New Moon on August 16th takes place in the part of your chart that relates to your intimate connections and your own evolving sense of self. This could also apply to agreements, including with business partnerships, and more extensively what you share with others. There is a cost to everything and you may have to think twice about the ramifications of a particular agreement at this time before you can jump ahead. the New Moon forms a square with Trickster Uranus, in Taurus, auguring that not everything is as it seems especially for things related to romance, pleasure and the agreements you have with others. Your current relational dynamics could feel exciting and fun, or perhaps something may leave you feeling on edge. If you might find yourself at the mercy of others’ whims through the power of the relationship that you have with them, the recipe is to fall back on yourself for a stability that is always available to you.

Communication, education and expansion features strongly in this mid-month time, and looking ahead to the next thirty days, as new possibilities or ideas present themselves. Stimulating exchanges with others could serve as a bridge between the status quo and an illuminating vision that you may have.

The Sun enters Virgo on August 23rd while Mercury in Virgo stations retrograde on the same day. While the Sun transits in Virgo for the next month you may begin to seek more satisfying experiences that nourish your thirst for knowledge. Travel and academia could feature more prominently but with Mercury moving retrograde in Virgo for the next three weeks, plus the two weeks recovery time period of Mercury’s retrograde shadow, you may also feel compelled to reassess your overall direction and the belief systems or frameworks from which you operate.

The Sun in Virgo opposing Saturn in Pisces on the 26th and the 27th could speak to the need to trust and speak your truths more clearly if you are to be understood. There could ways in which you tend to overthink when it comes to your communication with others and, if so, this brief period could help you see that. Mars entering Libra, on the 27th also, emphasizes a go for it attitude that you can be bringing to your vocational aspirations at this time.

On the 30th, the Pisces Full Moon illuminates your mental machinations and your sector of higher mind. This lunation might also reference the way that you are investigating things and looking beneath the surface to find the actual truth of the matter. Your communication with other is also greatly emphasized as you head into September. Mercury remains in retrograde motion through this same sector of thoughtful evaluation, or else recovering, right through the September month, culminating in the Aries Full Moon of September 29th.

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