Capricorn Horoscope for March 2023

Capricorn Horoscope for March 2023

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a fascinating month of transition, Capricorn. There is a cycle that is closing, namely the very long sojourn of Pluto in your sign, which has symbolized thoroughgoing transformation, with as well the ingress of your ruler, Saturn, into a different zodiacal region, the sign of watery Pisces, also indicating a radical shift of the energy. What is beginning in this same monthly time period is to a large extent unknown, and yet involves depth exploration of your interior psyche, of what you hold as principle deep within yourself. It is your bottom-line values that you will of necessity be exploring. Without this level of sincere inquiry you might discover that you lack a certain sense of significant life direction, and with it you will find your sanity. The March 7th Full Moon is a particularly important juncture for learning and for planning, novel worldviews, and an expanded sense of self. The Quarter Moon that follows a week further on, taking place on the 14th, is another quite significant lunation that initiates action on an interior level, while the Aries New Moon of March 21st – and the days that follow – lead you into another world.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Pisces from February 19th and 20th emphasizes themes related to communication, information, and exchanges throughout the month of March. You could also find yourself rediscovering your neighborhood and gaining a new appreciation for your surroundings. Close friends or siblings might feature more prominently and stimulating exchanges with others can open you up to places you didn’t know existed. You may also feel more inclined to honor your need for space and autonomy and this could be strongly highlighted in March. This month can bring progress and confidence for how you inhabit your life, your space, your ideas, and your body.

From the 1st to the 3rd, March begins with a beautiful conjunction between Venus and Jupiter in Aries – visible in the Western skies just after sunset for those who live in the Northern Hemisphere – which also involves Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in a triple conjunction with Venus and Jupiter. This relates to the potential for issues of inner wounding to arise, and for the eventual healing of these issues. When you can make the effort to pay loving attention to the hurt or abandoned parts of yourself that have perhaps long been walled away due to early trauma, this can help things from your past, that are ready, to become more fully integrated.

On the 2nd, also, Mercury enters Pisces after a conjunction with Saturn which should bring greater ease in communication and thinking and maybe even less emphasis on financial worries and more emphasis towards creative and inspired frameworks.

The Full Moon in Virgo takes place on the 7th and highlights travel, academia, publishing, and mind-opening experiences that accumulate around this time. The realm of ideas and possibilities might feel more open to you than usual and inspiration could be coming from strange or unforeseen places. With the Full Moon forming a trine to Uranus, experimentation and playfulness are highly indicated and could bring surprising results. A creative idea or a personal project you have been working on might be coming to fruition and be ready to be birthed into the world very soon.

Saturn enters Pisces a few hours after the Full Moon, where it will spend the next two years emphasizing mental pursuits, writing, and the ways in which you share your ideas with others. The transit of Saturn in Pisces represents a period when there may be an emphasis and a refinement process in the area of your mentality as well as your powers of speech that should yield important results in the long term.

The Sun and Mercury meet glamorous and fantasy-inducing Neptune in Pisces mid-month, perhaps covering reality with a fog of glamor and confusion. The Sun, Mercury, and Neptune in Pisces also form a square with Mars, centering on the 14th, which may bring some anxieties around logistics, miscommunication, or scheduling issues. You might have to wait until the latter part of March to clear out the details of something that seems overly convoluted.

Things gradually come into better focus starting with Venus’s entry on the 16th into earthy and grounded Taurus plus Mercury’s entry into Aries on the 18th. These twin ingresses might help for getting things done and regaining a sense of order.

The Sun enters Aries on the 20th which signals Spring and the return of the light in the Northern Hemisphere.

The Aries New Moon occurs a day later on March 21st in the part of your chart that relates to your home and your family and this fresh start on domestic matters could bring a more dynamic influence to this area that will be like a breath of new air. There are quite few planets in Aries at this time, indicating great energy for your dwelling space, so that thoughts of renovation are possible, as well as for the familial dynamics therein. You may also find that you are spending some quality time digging down into your psychological roots. The last ten days of the month constitute a good opportunity for looking into and journaling or communicating about what lies deep within you.

On the 23rd, Pluto enters Aquarius, finally leaving your sign where it had been transiting since 2008. This is an important marker that closes a long period of transformation for Capricorn. Pluto will spend the next 20 years in the sign of Aquarius and its effect may not be felt immediately however your attitude toward material possessions and your values might undergo important changes in the next two decades.

Mars enters Cancer on the 25th, leaving the sign of Gemini where it had been transiting since last August. This is another important shift occurring this month that could bring more dynamic exchanges with others. Relationships should feature prominently while Mars is in Cancer but you may also be called to compromise in the next few months. Difficult or important conversations might be taking place at home or with a family member as Mercury conjoins Chiron and Jupiter towards the end of the month in the days leading up to the dynamic First Quarter Moon in your opposite sign on the 28th.

In this last week of March, there can thus be unforeseen elements that mess with your schedule, so you might need to be prepared to improvise. You should be able to lean on someone for support but you will have to communicate your needs directly.

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