Capricorn Horoscope for May 2023

Capricorn Horoscope for May 2023

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an interesting month for you, Capricorn, when issues of home and family take a new step forward, perhaps with the potential of inner wounding to surface, and when you find yourself questioning certain aspects of your creativity with an eye toward adjusting your approach. Mercury is in retrograde, or recovering, until nearly the end of the month in your self-expression sector. This likely has you in an introspective mode, reflecting on how you create and why. There is innovation present in your approach as well, which could represent a departure from previous patterns. With the Scorpio Full Moon eclipse of Friday, May 5th, you encounter fulfillment in the midst of further questioning. The timing from the 12th to the 14th actually represents one peak moment of the Mercury Retrograde period, when much remains undecided. The late Taurus New Moon of the 19th features a Taurus line-up and represents a fresh start in the evolution of your self-expression, and perhaps issues with your children or projects that you currently espouse. The days leading to the end of the month are difficult, and yet rewarding, in the sense that you are seeking a better amalgam between your actions and the principles that you adhere to in the deepest part of yourself.

The following was written by our guest columnist Geoff Gronlund of

The Solar Eclipse New Moon from the middle of last month took place at the final degree of Aries. This potent and transformative lunation conditions much of the current month, especially its first three weeks. The signs near yours are highlighted, with Pluto featured in the eclipse configuration and located in the first degree of Aquarius, while Saturn, your ruler, is sextile the North Node and located in Pisces, corresponding to your communications sector. Because the eclipse New Moon took place in Aries, with an Aries lineup, your home and family sector is also emphasized in this month’s early going, indicating that there may be a good deal of inner processing of your emotions, and your dwelling space, and family setting, including perhaps your family of origin. It is possible that events stimulating inner wounding at deep levels within you could have arisen in recent weeks, or might continue to arise, and if so may offer opportunities for healing.

Pluto influencing your values and resources sector, may be allowing you to recognize the correlation between your deeper values and what you bring to the table of your outer world events such as career or social engagements. The effects of this eclipse will also be experienced beyond May, for up to six months or more.

Pluto stations retrograde on May 1st increasing through a different life factor of your relationship to the material the transformative effects that are somewhat familiar to you from its recent passage through your sign. Pluto in fact will retrograde briefly back into Capricorn this summer, lasting until January 2024, giving you another chance to pay attention to what you have been going through for all the years leading up to this one, in terms of identity and self-understanding.

Mercury in retrograde motion conjoins the Sun on the same day in your sector of self-expression and creativity. This is one peak of the retrograde period and may signal a time to consider transforming the way you do your creative acts and how that process might affect your income. You may be able to work on feelings of diffidence about exposing yourself publicly or revitalize your sense of self-sufficiency. It might be a good time to reflect upon all the ideas you’ve had that regarding overcoming personal insecurities.

On May 5th, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio could help awaken you to the value of doing what you are engaged in professionally or in terms of career. Your intuition is favored at this time and you might find you have some brilliant ideas to exploit. You could discover in the aftermath that you have not only great talent to express, but also that what you do an have its outcomes in terms of community outreach. Eclipses are harbingers of change, so be prepared to search and analyze to the depths of your soul even more fully.

Venus ingresses into Cancer on May 7th in your relationships sector, and this event, being somewhat celebratory, might elicit a benevolent show of affection and nurturing either to or from a significant other. You may also be recognizing how important it is for you to express beauty, warmth, and care to those who are close to you, enjoying the give and take more harmoniously. This ingress can instill greater compassion and empathy in all your relationships, so embrace the moments that teach you these things.

On May 12th, the Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius is colored by an active, somewhat difficult, and yet practical relationship between Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. This can inspire you to raise the bar on your self-sufficiency, perhaps providing a boost to your confidence and motivation to transform the way you make your living. Maybe you’re noticing ways to let go of conditioning that might have trapped you in an outmoded mindset.

Mercury stations direct on May 14th in your self-expression, recognition, and pride sector. This is a pivotal time for you, and another peak moment of the retrograde cycle while Mercury is dead still in the sky. You have likely given a lot of thought to what is most valuable to you over the past three weeks or more, while Mercury was in retrograde motion, perhaps on ways that can improve on your life’s legacy. You might have been contemplating your values and how to muster the ambition and self-confidence to put yourself out there. Now through to the end of May you will could begin to better align your values with the work that you perform. While in this two-week post-retrograde period that Mercury is indeed direct, there is a lingering influence that bides its time as you integrate the recalibrating that took place while it was retrograde.

Jupiter ingresses into Taurus on May 16th in your fifth sector of self-expression, creativity, and recognition. Jupiter also square Pluto and Mars with this ingress. Transformation is still the key to what you want to accomplish, and there might be greater energy available now for achievement. This event may inspire you to expand your capacity to show the world what you truly love, and in the process bring more income and sustainability through expressing yourself in a physical way. It might behoove you to keep a keen eye open for opportunities that present themselves in the next few days, especially while the Sun is still in this sector of your chart, although financial opportunities may present themselves at any time over the next year.

On Friday, May 19th, the New Moon lands in the late degrees of Taurus, again corresponding to your creativity and self-expression sector. This indicates a chance to grow your income and improve self-sufficiency through physical expression and a confident display of your talents and skill sets, although that process should be carefully devised before moving forward. While the New Moon is generally a good time to set new intentions and start new endeavors, it might be a good idea to wait until at least after the 21st to act upon those intentions, or possible until near the end of May. All of these planets being in Taurus in your fifth sector of self-expression is likely generating significant consideration about how you can align your values with your talents so that you can make the best decisions moving forward.

In the wake of the powerful New Moon, Mars then moves into Leo in your eighth sector of power, inner soul work, and transformation on May 20th. Pluto is still quite active in Aquarius, with Mars now directly opposed. There is create tremendous initiative to more deeply understand the roots of your desires. You can penetrate the depths of your soul and psyche unabashedly and with a determination to transform the way you perceive the fears and insecurities that inhibit you from expressing your talents. Be aware that Pluto’s opposition to this can create tension or stress in your body, but it can also bring a powerful rebirth to your passions and desires, inspiring you to follow your heart and conquer any setbacks that arise.

The Sun’s ingress into Gemini on May 21st might encourage you to focus more on your health, peeling away the layers of unnecessary distractions or addictions that hinder optimum functionality and appreciation for life. The combined celestial events of the past three days could generate enormous excitement for what lies ahead for you, although Pluto’s trine to the Sun and opposition to Mars will also partially constrain this enthusiasm, potentially bringing up issues of financial concerns or conflicting values with a partner. The remainder of May, while Mercury is stabilizing, gives you more time to work things out. Your personal evolution is a long-term project that continues to bring you lasting rewards as this spring cycle continues to unfold.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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