A Full Moon of Responsibility and Inspired Action

A Full Moon of Responsibility and Inspired Action

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The Sagittarius Full Moon of Monday, June 17th offers us a chance to weave our spiritual nature more deeply into our sense of purpose and daily existence. In this dynamic configuration, we encounter a synergistic blend of cosmic influences, enlivening our awareness in multifaceted terms, and especially around personal responsibility, while also letting inspiration lead us forward. This enables us to better understand how we can utilize our will and agency as an expression of our Soul’s essential nature. Exact at 25º of Sagittarius on June 17th at 1:31am Pacific time, this is also the last Full Moon before eclipse season begins on July 2nd with a Solar Eclipse in Cancer. Full Moons are seen as times of culmination, when the seeds that were planted at the New Moon time have now grown and are bearing fruit. We have a big dose of idealism and explorative spirit with the Sagittarian influences, and also some heavier harsh realities from other planetary energies. This dynamic configuration can offer us both a clearer perspective of what positivity has come to fruition in this time, and also regarding unconscious seeds of bad habits and old patterns we may have allowed to grow as weeds in our garden, together with the spiritual learning that might ensue from new ways of seeing.

The major influencers in the sky this Full Moon are grouped in opposite signs of Cancer and Capricorn. In Cancer we have Mercury, Mars and the North Node clustered in opposition to Saturn, Pluto, and the South Node. The impact of this configuration is large and far-reaching — perhaps quite beyond the scope of one Full Moon article — but in brief we can surmise some summarized ways of seeing it. Saturn and Pluto coming together in alignment with the lunar nodes looks something like a massive collective breakdown of structures — economic, political, cultural — and suggests a new arc of development for us as an evolving race on an evolving planet. Pluto destroys, transforms, and regenerates, while Saturn conserves, assesses, and provides long term stability. For us individually this can look like an emphasis on our own development and growth, paired with an emphasis on personal responsibility, integrity, and sustainability. We are being asked to find new ways to inhabit ourselves and our planet. The consequences of ignorance, and destructive unconscious patterns, could be dire.

While it is not strongly aspected in this Full Moon, we also cannot forget the influence of Uranus. In the fixed earth sign of Taurus, Uranus is currently prompting a collective wake up call and revolution around earth matters and material resources.

Bringing the more temporary influences of Mercury and Mars into the picture of this Full Moon brings up an interesting bit of homework for us, now, as we face the lead up to the exact conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in January 2020. Often Mercury visits Mars briefly, and sweeps on past him. This is because it moves considerable faster than Mars in its zodiacal travels. Yet now, because Mercury is slowing for its retrograde journey (July 7-31), it will stay within 3 degrees of Mars for a whole month, from June 13 al the way until July 14. This is a lengthier influence, inviting us to bridge our Mars nature of willpower, agency, choice and action with our Mercurial realms of thoughts and communication style. Because they are in Cancer, there is dimension of emotional attunement, and could provoke reactivity as well as intense protectiveness of self and others. With these two planets opposite Saturn and Pluto, it is of incredible weight and importance right now that we deeply consider our conduct and the impact that we have on the people and environment we are surrounded by. Some harsh realities may come to light, and ever more confronting truths, yet it all can be a gift when received as lessons for our growth and betterment.

Another aspect to consider in this Full Moon is Jupiter in Sagittarius making a nearly exact square to Neptune in Pisces. This aspect could have a tendency to run away with itself — which could look like anxiety in the face of uncertainty, or overdoing it with addictive tendencies to escape the harshness of real life. BUT, this aspect also brings an inspired and gorgeously kind and compassionate flavor to mix in with all the other hard-hitting energies. I see this as an invitation to marry our inspiration and faith with our words and actions. To merge the place in ourselves where we feel inherently connected to and part of the Divine with the nitty gritty of our personal lives. This is a chance to bring our visions for a better world into manifest form through dedicated, aligned action. This astrological duo can also provide us a time of respite to celebrate, be joyous, and offer compassion to ourselves and others so that we don’t drown in the seemingly impossible problems with which we are faced in our world. It’s not a perfect fairy tale, yet this aspect reminds us of the incredible beauty and bounty that is available to us in our experience when we can remember to turn our face to it and receive it moment by precious moment.

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