Gemini Horoscope for October 2020

Gemini Horoscope for October 2020

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another of these intense, and yet interesting, months, Gemini. As is becoming obvious, and as dramatically reflected in the astrological indications, you are being drawn down into your depths for important answers. This is to experience your truest essence, and to enable you to make the best possible decisions. Your intuition is very powerful these days, and you win when you allow it the scope that it needs. This month, much of this is bolstered by an unusually strong retrograde of your planetary ruler, Mercury, beginning on October 13th and followed three days later by the Libra New Moon. At this mid-month timing, in addition to the usual Mercury Retrograde phenomena, you will most directly feel this pull to the inside as you introspectively review your own creativity as well as concepts of service to others around you. Your task in this climactic month is to pay the closest possible attention to from everything that is happening within you, and outside of yourself, and to sort out the truth.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The beginning of the month opens with a Full Moon in Aries that brings to culmination recent tensions in your social sphere. People are not getting along these days and you may have tried to stay out of trouble by avoiding certain group dynamics. Power struggles and tension seems to be more frequent especially at work. Since you are someone who likes to be involved with society and contributing as best as you can you still have to try to meet others halfway because you sometimes have no other choice. You cannot completely isolate yourself and even though you don’t shy away from trouble you may have had to dig deep into your diplomatic reservoir in the last few months. The Full Moon in Aries highlights these tensions quite clearly, which in turn should help you situate yourself better within your social sphere. The Full Moon is also conjoined to planetoid Chiron often associated in astrology with vulnerability and healing. These themes reign high as the Moon rises Full at the beginning of the month. You may try to understand where you fit in and where you should invest your energy. On the other hand, you may feel like turning away from something that has become too complicated.

If you can’t find harmony out in the world you might find it at home; Venus enters Virgo on October 2nd heralding a period of greater ease with your family. The New Moon in Virgo last month signaled the beginning of a fresh cycle in that part of your life, and Venus will continue to bring momentum here this month. You may feel like investing more energy caring for family members or spending time with them.

With Mercury in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus on the 7th you may feel like disconnecting from the news. The constant flow of information could make you feel frazzled and it could be a good time to be more selective with your consumption of social-media and information. It's good to be informed but it might be even more beneficial to schedule small breaks from the news cycle. Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio on the 13th, and will be moving retrograde until November 3rd. Then, the retrograde shadow period runs to mid-November. It's a good time to start implementing those better habits you’ve been thinking about. You may have greater discipline available to you or at least the push to implement discipline.

On October 16th the New Moon in Libra takes place in the part of your chart that has to do with your sense of joy, your creative impetus, romance, and everything that adds pleasure to your life. Venus in Virgo currently transiting in your home sector rules over this New Moon indicating that you may be in the process of redefining what homes mean to you. You could be contemplating a move, an upgrade, or a change of scenery. There could be a financial pressure or a contract that binds you to others making you feel like you have fewer options. This New Moon is not an easy one as it squares Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. However, the current pressure being felt is not a sign to give up on your big ideas but to be patient and keep pushing forward for what you want. Nothing comes for free in this world. The more deliberate you are with your intentions at this time the more solid the new forms emerging will be. Do not lose your sense of perspective in regards to the long-term visions you have for yourself.

Mercury Retrograde opposes Uranus in Taurus again on October 20th, an aspect that already occurred during the first week of October, bringing up daily habits and logistical issues. You may feel overwhelmed with your schedule and if you are working from home it could be harder to find the discipline at this time. Something could come up to derail your efforts to get organized or you could feel less focused. 

The Sun enters Scorpio on October 22nd bringing reinforcement for the month ahead when it comes to streamlining your schedule. You may need to rid yourself of a few time consuming projects or habits in order to meet a deadline. Finding your footing amidst your many responsibilities is highlighted this month. The more you simplify your schedule the easier it will be to fulfill your obligations.

Venus enters the sign of Libra on the 27th of October and will bring a supportive trine to your sign. Artistic and romantic matters will benefit from Venus being in Libra especially during the first half of November.

The Full Moon in the sign of Taurus on the 31st of October is ruled by Venus in Libra and shines a bright light in the most unconscious corners of your life. Repressed desires may surface to be clarified, or it could be an opportunity to grab hold of what you truly want. The Full Moon in Taurus represents the culmination of a process in regards to your inner and outer sense stability. With Uranus highlighted there by this Full Moon, you could feel intuitive information coming through. There may be a lot of clarity available right now when it comes to what feels most destabilizing to you, and the opportunity to adjust your stance and find better footing in the world.

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