Leo Horoscope for November 2019

Leo Horoscope for November 2019

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another surprising month for you, Leo, and one in which you might take a turn to the inside for greater steadiness. Also, Mercury is retrograde nearly all month long in your home and family sector so that you will be refining your understanding of what familial connection really means for you. You might be questioning or considering adjustments in this important area. Your career choices continue to be all over the place, and you are also are likely to benefit in this regard from experimental changes of perspective or perhaps from working with partners of one kind or another. There is a definite part within you that longs for stability, and consistency in your basic mission statement, and your environment, and yet there is another quite contrary element of your psyche that wants to push the envelope of possibility as far as possible, into almost unrecognizable dimensions. Discernment is required, as well as digging down into the utmost depths of your bottom-line values, in order to discover what really moves you.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School in his final month with us. Adam has decided that other obligations of his must take precedence. We are grateful for his steady support of our astrological content for the past two years!

The month of November begins just after the New Moon in Scorpio (from October 27th), fell in your fourth house of home and family, exactly opposite Uranus in Taurus in your tenth house of career. This month’s astrology is therefore potentially filled with changes of direction, disruptions, or even outright revolutions impacting you at home and at work simultaneously.

On November 1st, Mercury will also have just turned retrograde in Scorpio in your fourth house, emphasizing that communication at the roots, in relation to your parents, family members, or even ancestors will be important to you. You may also need to revise or reconsider a lease, rearrange your furniture, or work to repair something related to your living space in the weeks ahead.

On November 1st also, Venus moves into Sagittarius in your fifth house, placing an emphasis on creativity and romance, while between November 1st and 6th, Mars in Libra in your third house of communication and the mind will square Pluto in Capricorn in your sixth house of work, sickness, and service. You might be laboring with something mentally or intellectually right now, or you might be struggling to find the right way to express your authority or to reach a challenging compromise. Stick with it because this transit will result in good things if you don’t seek quick fixes but stick it out for the long haul and focus on keeping up the good work.

Between November 6th and 9th, the Sun in Scorpio in your fourth house of home and family will trine Neptune in Pisces in your eighth house of shared resources, debts, death and rebirth. You may be working through a very deep level of family karma this month, and part of the dilemma may revolve around how to set appropriate boundAries or how much to give or take in your family relationships or in your living space.

On November 12th the Full Moon in Taurus will fall in your career house, shifting the narrative for the rest of this current lunar cycle to your workplace, where you might be receiving greater support and recognition from others, or where the themes of nurturance, support, stability, and sensuality may be emphasized.

Between November 11th and 15th Venus in Sagittarius in your fifth house of creativity and joy will square Neptune in Pisces in your eighth house of shared resources. This transit brings with it the potential for creative collaborations and romantic experiences. At the same time, you should be careful of the tendency for escapism or delusions of grandeur to cloud your vision of reality.

November 20th, Mercury in Scorpio in your fourth house of home and family will turn direct, indicating that you will be ready to put the lessons you’ve been learning, or the new insights or visions you’ve been receiving around home and family into action.

Between November 22nd and 25th, Venus and Jupiter will conjoin in Sagittarius in your fifth house, emphasizing the topics of joy, creativity, celebration, and fun. This is an expansive energy that can also bring beneficial connections, romantic experiences, and creative success along with it.

November 24th to the 26th, Mars in Scorpio in your fourth house of home and family will oppose Uranus in Taurus in your tenth house of career, bringing with it another critical moment of change happening both at home and in relation to your professional life at once.

Finally, on November 26th, the New Moon in Sagittarius falls in your fifth house of creativity, pregnancy, and joy. The entire lunar cycle to come, taking you all the way into the Christmas holiday, will be focused on the need for greater creative self-expression, the topics of children, or broadly on the search of wisdom, happiness and pleasure, all at once.

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