Leo Horoscope for February 2022

Leo Horoscope for February 2022

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a good month for reflection and change, Leo, especially with regard to the important relationships in your life. With Mercury in retrograde the last half of the previous month, and extending into mid-February, you have been mulling over your partnership dynamic and how that impacts your existence. Right from the very beginning of February, questions of basic self-concept arise, while work opoortunities and choices also abound. You have a brilliant opportunity now to get more aligned from the ground up, and in terms of how your most sincere values intersect with your outer world persona. As you go through the trials of this somewhat difficult timing, there is hopefully becoming a better and bettter match between what you do and what you love. In another way of putting it, you are attempting to become more clear regarding your mission statement, what you feel in your heart of hearts that you were put upon this earth to do. Find this key or else you will languish in the shallows; yet with it you unlock the door to freedom and happiness.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Aquarius, your opposite sign, taking place at the very beginning of February, is an important marker that could bring the deepening of a commitment and your willingness to make something work, especially where partnerships are concerned. Saturn currently in Aquarius joins the New Moon, a few degrees away, allowing for a sober appraisal of what your relationships need to endure the test of time. Your focus is on parts of all kinds. You may be called to compromise with others this month and you might even be able to see the benefit in doing so. The New Moon also squares Uranus in Taurus, perhaps highlighting a tension between a vocational goals for greater changes there versus your desire for holding steady or finding security within an existing partnership. To go or to stay might be the unanswered question, and you will just have to keep modulating between. This has also been an ongoing theme this past year and acknowledging your desire for personal space without erecting a wall may be the first step towards greater cohesion in your relationships. You might be inclined to sacrifice yourself for the good of others only to feel resentment for the lack of time you have for your own projects. Or you might have to strike a balance between trying to micro-manage every aspect of your partnerships and letting others do their part. You don’t have to be responsible for everyone in your life and you might have to deliberately put time aside to focus on your own dreams and your aspirations before you run out of time for yourself.

Mercury stationing direct in the sign of Capricorn near the very beginning of the month, on the 3rd, could help you sort out lingering logistical issues in the following weeks of its recovery from the recent Mercury Retrograde period. There are four planets in the sign of Capricorn until mid-February, bringing a pragmatic influence to your health and routine sector. You could be preoccupied with taking care of yourself through the implementation of better habits right now, and so it's a good time to finalize things that have been lingering. You can get a lot done and it might also be a good opportunity to refine the skills that can help you succeed towards your goals.

Mars trines Uranus on the 7th and 8th, just in time for the First Quarter Moon in Taurus taking pace on the 8th also, which may bring momentum for things related to your work choices. Friends and intimate partners could play an important role in helping you move beyond your comfort zone at this time and you may gain greater understanding about yourself and your needs when showing your vulnerable side.

Mercury re-enters Aquarius on the 14th, bringing partnership communication to the fore. This might also reignite a conversation or a negotiation process that began in January.

Things get up close and personal mid-month with the Full Moon culminating in your sign on the 16th which shines the spotlight on you. This is again a magnification of the potential issues of self and other that are currently in the works for you. Your needs could feel more obvious and it may be your cue to take care of your body if you’ve been neglecting to do so. You could feel more self-aware and see where you’re heading more clearly. You might have a better idea of what's working and what's not which can help you get rid of time wasting habits. Venus and Mars coming together in the sign of Capricorn, an aspect that lasts all the rest of the month, makes another statement about the value of making things work across the relationship boundary.

The Sun enters the Water sign of Pisces on the 18th which corresponds to your intimacy sector. This also signals the last thirty days of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun in Pisces gradually shifts the focus on shared resources and your intimate bonds. You may be more aware of the benefits that come from your close association at this time and perhaps exciting opportunities available through them. Jupiter in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus at this time could help you birth a new creative project with the backing of a close partner.

Venus and Mars are together in the early morning skies for the entire second half of February and, coming into a sextile with Neptune in Pisces during the month’s last full week. You may have lower energy or feel more confused about your overall direction as the fog of Neptune blurs your resolve. You could also feel more susceptible or vulnerable and it may be a good time to take it easy especially if you’ve been pushing yourself extra hard. You can rely on your close partnerships for support and the blessings could come when you relinquish your need for total autonomy.

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