Leo Horoscope for December 2023

Leo Horoscope for December 2023

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another wild month for you, Leo, full of novel choices in your outer world approach to vocational inspiration, along with some angst and newly found self-determination regarding your beliefs and worldview. You have recently been thoroughly investigating your own inner world, and as December begins and the Moon enters your sign, your vision is expanding to include your potential for creative self-expression of greater depth and soul intention – arising out of that. Mercury stations to retrograde motion on December 12th – standing dead still in the sky in your sector of your mission of service to others – just as the Sagittarius New Moon dawns in your creativity sector bringing also partnership transformation and unexpected accompanying revelations regarding your career and professional life. This is an essentially joyous time, as well as a thoughtful one. The Mercury Retrograde period takes the Messenger Planet back from 8 Capricorn to 22 degrees of Sagittarius, and the evening of January 1st New Year’s Day, when it stations to direct motion. The post-shadow period of this particular retrograde cycle lasts three more weeks into 2024. All through there is a meditative and reflective process that goes on within you concerning your values, your resources, and your life direction.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

December begins two thirds of the way through the lunation cycle that was initiated at the Scorpio New Moon from mid-November which took place in your domestic sector. This continues to bring a powerful renewal for things related to your roots, your family and perhaps a desire to re-evaluate what the significant life factor of home and family means for you. Many changes could have occurred this past few years in relation to your domestic life thanks to the cycle of eclipses in Scorpio. Now that this particular eclipse cycle is over, you could find yourself in a totally different environment or you may have new perspectives in relation to your family and what ‘’home’’ means to you. This month, your base of operations and your feelings of belongings could continue to occupy your thoughts and your support system may be directly linked to your ability of propelling yourself forward with your goals.

Mercury enters Capricorn on December 1st and immediately forms a supportive aspect with Saturn in Pisces. This aspect will occur twice more due to Mercury turning retrograde later this month which may initiate a process of revision related to your physical and psychological health, your habits, and the ways in which your sense of security may be directly tied in with the support you receive or the lack thereof.

Venus enters Scorpio on the 4th, forming an immediate trine with Saturn in Pisces until the 5th echoing similar topics related to safety, vulnerability, fears and anxieties that may have their roots in very real or imagined worries.

From the 6th to the 11th of December, a host of aspects between Mercury in Capricorn, Venus in Scorpio and Jupiter in Taurus could help prioritize your well-being and find proactive ways to address issues at home or at work. Although most of these aspects are beneficial, there could be a tendency to obsess over the minutiae or on the contrary dismiss the finer prints for the sake of efficiency but whatever is in the works now may take longer to sort out than anticipated.

The Sagittarius New Moon arrives on the 12th, and carries with it an enthusiastic momentum especially for things related to creativity and vocation. Topics related to children could also feature strongly along with a need to take bold actions towards a vision or a romantic prospect. You may feel renewed optimism and passion for things that you love and it's a good time to keep a sense of perspective if you’re at all feeling bogged down. Mercury in Capricorn turns retrograde a day after the New Moon, auguring a period of re-assessments of greater discrimination. You may feel some confusion regarding what you should focus on especially in the days leading to the Sun squaring Neptune on the 17th. It might help if you can give yourself permission to not have all the answers right now and ask for help if you need it. Progress is possible at this time but you may need to delegate or seek the expertise of someone you trust to help you sort something out.

On the 21st, the Sun enters Capricorn signifying the Capricorn Solstice, which is also in the Northern Hemisphere the beginning of Winter and the longest night of the year. Capricorn Season for you emphasizes the health and service sector of your chart and you may feel a greater need to focus on your wellbeing as the cold season takes over. Your habits and schedule may need to be reassessed in order to create space for self-care amidst the busyness of this time period. Take your time if you are feeling rushed, and listen to the cues of your body. You may find that even just bringing awareness to your breath alleviates any stress you may be experiencing.

On the next day, Mercury conjoins the Sun in Capricorn, corresponding to your sector of service to others, before exiting that sign and re-entering Sagittarius where it will be until mid-January. You could be emerging at this next month’s midpoint from an extended period of questioning what you are able to create in alignment with your deeper values, and the joy you find in so doing. Although it might take some internal angst and consideration over this next three or four week period, the end result will be alteration in your fundamental sense of what you are up to or else renewed perspective and faith that you are indeed on the right track.

The Full Moon in Cancer culminates on December 26th, supported by a powerful trine from your ruler, Saturn, in Pisces, and new Nature planet Haumea, in Scorpio, forming a grand trine and illuminating the vulnerable and mystical waters of your inner emotional realm. It is very important to you now, as you continue in this introspective modality, that you more fully explore your deepest values and your underlying belief in doing what you conceive is the right thing, the moral thing, as you continue to question and to evolve. The last week of December could be somewhat moody, tender and introspective, especially if you have a hard time asking for what you need from others. If on the other hand you are willing to explore and stay inquisitive about whatever may be surfacing for you at this time, you may be able to access the deeper intuitive currents that run under the surface of your awareness and connect with your nurturing side along with your own desire for nurturing and protection. Chiron stationing direct on the evening of the Full Moon day could bring important insights and spiritual healing if you are willing to move through feelings of vulnerability you may be experiencing at this time.

The last few days of the year bring relatively sunnier astrological weather with Venus entering the fiery sign of Sagittarius just as Jupiter stations direct in Taurus. A real sense of hope and optimism permeates the end of 2023 with a promise of joy, love and happiness for the year ahead. Look up and make a wish upon your guiding star.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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