Leo Horoscope for January 2024

Leo Horoscope for January 2024

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another good month for inner exploration, Leo. You remain focused on outer world activities, especially of the creative kind, and yet in January’s early going, Venus, which rules your vocational sector, is affecting your more private sector of home and family. Inner and outer are but two sides of the same coin, the recognition of which will become increasingly important to you as the month continues to unfold. Mercury has also been retrograde, and as it stations to direct motion on January 1st, remains a little wobbly, giving you pause as you reflect upon your creative self-expression. For the next ten days you might find yourself continuing to question some of your most basic assumptions of what you are about in this area. With the January 11th New Moon in your sixth solar sector of service to others, you are entering a new phase in better understanding your life purpose, as well as your beliefs and worldview. You do well to take advantage of the opportunity to get to know yourself better, top to bottom, including factors of unconscious process and, what are also very present to you in this timing, your deepest principles and values.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

January arrives midway through the lunar cycle that began with the Sagittarius New Moon in mid-December which emphasized your fifth solar sector, the part of your chart that relates to romance, children and more extensively what brings you joy. These themes remain relevant for you during the first ten days of the current month. As 2024 gets going, with prominent Uranus, highlighted in this recent New Moon, and located in your sector of career and profession, there could be loads of choices that continue to manifest for you in this area. Mercury is just stationing to direct motion, so that continued research among these is better than coming down firmly on one side or the other, at least until Mercury regains its momentum in mid-January. You may be feeling a combination of self-mastery and inspiration and you could be both in charge and yet softer than ever before. This could be one secret to your charm at this time. Your ability to imagine and create new forms could be emphasized in a major way but more profound questions could remain: For what purpose is joy and pleasure if you can’t share it openly with others?

On New Year’s Day, Venus in Sagittarius forming a square with Saturn in Pisces supports your commitments and loyalties, although this aspect also suggests that a serious undertow could be permeating your relationships. Your desire to have fun could be met with some resistance yet with pleasure being your birthright as a Leo, the implication is there that it may be important to prioritize this even though it currently may not seem as forthcoming as it could be.

On the 4th, Mars enters Capricorn where it will emphasize in the coming weeks logistics and your day-to-day habitual patterns. Some details could remain fuzzy from the 7th to the 9th waiting for the later part of the month to become more clear, due to Mercury in Sagittarius forming its third and last square with Neptune in Pisces.

The Capricorn New Moon lands on the 11th, taking place in the part of your chart that relates to your day-to-day routines and your health, while also making a special connection with Uranus in Taurus and therefore your vocational sector; it seems that the more you are able to streamline your schedule and organize your time the more successful you have the potential to be, with multiple choices implied. Your attention could be going on a particular relationship or an agreement you have, while someone or some thing could be urging you to get more serious about your personal goals. Things are conspiring for your success however you may have to put some work and effort to get to the results that you want.

Mercury enters Capricorn on the 13th and forms a supportive aspect to both Saturn and Jupiter from the 17th to the 19th. A lot of your focus could be spent on your schedule and logistics now and it may be worth your while to take a step back and look at the big picture occasionally to ensure that you are still heading towards your evolving path.

On January 20th, the Sun and Pluto form a conjunction at the last degree of Capricorn and then in Aquarius as they enter this sign only a few hours apart. This could symbolize the beginning of a new era for things pertaining to your relationships. Your vision of partnership could be changing in profound ways as you learn to honor your own and your partner’s individuality. It might be necessary to learn to accept who they are as opposed to who you would like them to be, which may not necessarily be easy. You are recognizing that your evolutionary journey requires greater truth.

On January 25th, the Full Moon culminates in your sign, shining a bright light on your personal needs and your overall well-being. The days following this Full Moon may be more emotionally loaded for you, and they could also be a good moment to take stock of where you are at with your goals. This Full Moon is aspected by both Jupiter in Taurus and Pluto newly in Aquarius which may simultaneously emphasize your vocational path and significant partnership transformation.

On January 27th, the last weekend of January could see you moving ahead in new ways as Mercury and Mars come together in Capricorn while forming a trine to Uranus in Taurus as it stations direct. These super-powered signatures could help at this time in your career, which also offers the unexpected, as well as a powerful intuitional component.

From the 27th to the 29th, Venus in Capricorn forms positive aspects to both Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus which may bring vocational support from someone close to you. There could be positive benefits coming your way as the month closes, and these could also include success in either an intimate or a business partnership. Keeping an open mind could help you to seize any opportunities that unexpectedly present themselves.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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