Libra Horoscope for August 2018

Libra Horoscope for August 2018

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a thorny month for you, Libra, in many ways a continuation of the previous month, and of the major changes of this intense eclipse season. You are sorting out what it is that you really want, bearing in mind as you do your deep inner process. This involves new takes on intimacy as well as reinventing yourself in terms of partnership interaction, and adherence to your most sincerely felt values. Your work in the world is another focus, ever since mid-July, and yet takes second place to the private inner drama of home, family, and intimate connection. Your self-expression is in some ways stifled, activity likely having the two speeds of slow and stop, and yet this is character-building. The solar eclipse of August 11th represents another difficult juncture, when you are thinking your way through to a different set of future goals. Your planning is error-prone and filled with false starts, and yet persistence pays off in the longer term.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Your month begins with a bang, just as Mars retrograde in Aquarius in your fifth house of creative self-expression, and children, makes a square to Uranus in Taurus in your eighth. This is, of course, happening just days after the major lunar eclipse that took place in Aquarius in your fifth house on July 27th. If you have children, it’s possible that your kids, your relationships with your kids, and maybe even some challenges or general frustrations related to children have been on your mind lately. On the other hand, Mars retrograde in the fifth house might call you to explore why you seek the forms of pleasure that you do, perhaps with an emphasis on weeding out reckless patterns that are no longer serving you, or it may indicate that you are looking for new and innovative ways to express yourself or utilize your creative abilities. Whatever the case might be, with Uranus fueling this transit, there is also an aura of defiance, rebellion, and originality in the air. With this dynamic transit you can expect the unexpected. Just remember that with Mars and Uranus squaring off it’s easy for the “yang” energies to be a little out there, and with your home planet, Venus, in your twelfth house of “self-undoing” to start the month, a few impulsive choices could spiral out of control more quickly than you imagine. As Libran you have an advantage; tap into your natural grace and balance, and you will be just fine!

Between August 6th and August 9th your ruling planet, Venus, will enter your home sign of Libra and immediately square Saturn in Capricorn in your fourth house of family. You should be feeling at home and in your element with this transit, even if the square to Saturn brings a more serious tone to bear on Venus’ entrance into Libra. You may find that you are encountering a variety of challenges, responsibilities, or hard work related to your home and family, but you should also feel poised, confident, and ready to harmonize your own needs with whatever obligations or limitations you are dealing with. This is also an excellent transit for deepening your commitments. Remember that Venus with Saturn can easily represent the kind of love or beauty that ages like fine wine.

Meanwhile, for much of the month Mercury will be retrograde in Leo within your eleventh house of wishes and hopes, friends and groups or organizations, indicating that you are witnessing some important changes, revisions, or reversals with plans, within your social circles, in your friendships, or within whatever organizations or groups you may belong to. It’s an excellent time to reconsider or revise your social networks, to find new or interesting people or technologies to help you chase your dreams, or to shift your perspectives and priorities regarding your own personal dreams and long-term goals. Note that Mercury will turn direct on August 18th, signaling that the process of changes, delays, and revisions, is beginning to complete itself.

On August 11th, there will be a solar eclipse in Leo, also taking place in your eleventh house, further emphasizing the same themes as above. Solar eclipses are very powerful New Moons; they indicate that a new chapter is beginning within the area of life indicated by whatever house in which they fall. However, because this is the last of several eclipses you have received in the sign of Leo since the winter of 2016-2017, there is a kind of cumulative affect with this eclipse, perhaps indicating that ongoing changes surrounding your social life, friends, groups or organizations, are starting to bear fruit. For example, it’s not uncommon when numerous eclipses fall into your eleventh house to find yourself suddenly interested in astrology, or maybe some interesting community of art, culture, or even politics. As the eclipses pile up, you may find that your investment in this new group or culture is becoming deeper and more committed, perhaps to the point of needing to rearrange your life to accommodate your new interests in a deeper way.

Finally, on August 26th, the Full Moon in Pisces lands in your sixth house of service, just as Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn in your fourth house. If you have been dealing with any kind of personal frustrations, health challenges, or mental or emotional turbulence this month, and especially if it has anything to do with your home, family, or living situation, then this transit may bring things to a head to help you release and heal whatever you’ve been struggling with. On the other hand, if there have been challenges in your home, family, or relationships, and you’ve been overwhelmed or exhausted by them, then be extra careful not to overextend yourself. It’s all too easy under a Pisces Full Moon to give too much of yourself to make peace or avoid a potentially challenging situation. But just remember, you are a natural harmonizer. Trust your ability to assert yourself and to work through things gracefully, even if they are taboo or difficult.

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