Libra Horoscope for October 2021

Libra Horoscope for October 2021

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is quite an active month for you, Libra, with a New Moon and a Mercury Retrograde in your sign, and with also the angular presences of transformational outer planet energies. You are in many ways making a fresh start for yourself, especially if you can acknowledge the deep-seated metamorphosis you are in the midst of. Surprising relationship events will be one signal that you are entering into novel territory. The important areas of identity and relationship are shifting in the wind accompanied by changes at the very core of your personality, involving home and family in both physical and a metaphorical sense. You could be in the process of questioning nearly everything, including the key issue of how to find your most authentic way forward. As you deal with your own changes you also find yourself in an activist mode related to where the culture that surrounds you is heading. It is all one and the same question, and by exploring your own more expansive options, you also work toward the more general solution for the society itself.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The Sun, Mercury, and Mars are all transiting in your sign at the beginning of October which brings focus on your needs, your physicality, and overall direction. Mercury is moving retrograde and you may find yourself re-envisioning what you want and where you are heading. There may be forward momentum for your plans and aspirations thanks to Mars currently energizing your sign. However, Mercury may demand that you be more deliberate with your attention and energy in order to sort out what it is that you truly want at this time. There may be an important appraisal taking place related to your skills as Venus transiting in Scorpio brings up questions around your worth and more extensively around your finances.

The New Moon arrives on October 6th in the sign of Libra which represents the beginning of a new cycle especially related to your needs and desires. Pluto in Capricorn stations direct on the same day in your home and family sector which could relate to changes that have been in the works for the past year in connection with domestic or family matters. Pluto is also emphasized by a potent T-square from Eris and the Haumea/ Mercury midpoint, while the New Moon exactly aspects Mars and volatile Uranus. There is a bit of a shake-up involved and accidents are more than possible so beware of sudden impulses. Partners also come into this picture and could provide unexpected revelations. There is something new emerging in relation to your personal well-being as deep transformational currents bring changes at a foundational level of your life.

Venus, your ruler, enters Sagittarius on the 7th and almost immediately conjuncts the South Node of the Moon there which may help you release old ideas or frameworks around love, relationships, and other Venusian themes. There is a wind of change blowing in your life and these changes may come in the form of stimulating conversations and ideas that feel unfamiliar yet engaging. You may have more energy than usual for your work, especially if it involves writing, and it might be a good period for learning and teaching. Mercury comes into an inferior conjunction with the Sun in Libra on the 9th which could signal a moment of clarity and integration. Mercury is still moving retrograde for another ten days which may imply delays or the need to adjust your trajectory. However, Mercury conjunct the Sun can deliver significant clues as to how to proceed from here. Saturn stations direct in Aquarius on the 10th and this could also bring clarification in the following weeks especially with creative projects or romantic scenarios that had been stalled since the end of May. Venus in Sagittarius sextiles Saturn in Aquarius, while the Sun in Libra trines Jupiter in the same sign corresponding to your creativity sector. This continues to lend support for creative and romantic dynamics until the middle of October. You may finally start to gain traction in relation to a project that has been in the works for quite some time.

Things get a little bit tenser in the days leading to the Full Moon in Aries when the Sun in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn from the 15th to the 17th. This aspect may bring up power struggles with a family member or other types of difficulties related to your home scene. Jupiter stations direct in Aquarius on the 18th, followed immediately by Mercury stationing direct in Libra on the same day, marking the end of the major phase of the retrograde period. This augurs changing circumstances around this time, with the two weeks of Mercury’s retrograde shadow period still to come.

The Full Moon culminates in the sign of Aries on the 20th, highlighting the partnerships sector of your chart. There is another dynamic T-square to Pluto highlighted by this Full Moon, with Mars as well both trine to Jupiter and square to Pluto which could bring up power struggles or a catharsis of some kind. It may be hard to avoid conflicts but the potential to clarify your allegiances and your needs within them will be available. The tension surrounding the Full Moon could help you understand the inherent dynamics contained in your partnerships and what you require to be happy in your partnerships. How you express anger or disappointment may be an important component of having things run smoothly while also being heard.

The Sun enters the sign of Scorpio on the 22nd where it will gradually shine its light on the resources you currently have available. You may be more aware of your finances and what comes in and out of your bank account and it may be a good time to delineate a budget for yourself. Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces on the 26th may bring some indulgent behaviors especially as there may be more opportunities to socialize. The last week of October brings inspiring influences if you are creatively inclined and things should feel relatively pleasant. The square between the Sun in Scorpio and Saturn in Aquarius on the 30th could either bring rewards for your effort or the need to carefully assess your budget.

Overall, the month of October is colored by your passions, your self-expression, and the important incubation process that happens in tandem with others. Your desire for collaboration is equally matched with your personal needs in October and balancing both is a work in progress.

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