Libra Horoscope for October 2024

Libra Horoscope for October 2024

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another volatile month, Libra, with a solar eclipse and New Moon taking place in your sign at nearly its very beginning, on October 2nd. Mercury conjuncts this New Moon, one degree away, at 11° Libra, as does also the new Nature activist planet, Makemake. With such a strong eclipse degree in your sign, and the remarkable Sun and Moon alignments, you have an active month ahead of you. Then, too, the October 2nd New Moon configuration includes a grand trine between Saturn, Mars and your ruler, Venus, so that partnership interaction and commitment is definitely in the picture of this month’s astrological cycle, while matters of your own identity more than likely augment the designs of the day. Key relationships in your life are also this month filled with an unusual significance. Inner wounding could rear its ugly and yet informative head in the context of your connection with important partners. There are interesting moments of conflict and transition additionally provided by the First Quarter Moon and Full Moon configurations of the 10th and the 17th. The latter is a powerful lunation that supports you fining a strong sense of purpose in solving the interpersonal and perhaps difficult conundrums of having to take your child self along on your adult journey and its emotional explorations.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

An important solar eclipse and New Moon on October 2nd starts off the month, astrologically speaking, and this takes place in your sign of Libra where it is joined by Mercury, Makemake, and Black Moon Lilith. Mars, Venus, and Saturn are also in a grand trine promising greater involvement with resources, relationships, and vocation, with issues of service to others as you go. The involvement of Black Moon Lilith with this particular eclipse could mean that if you are carrying a certain amount of frustration around not being seen, or are feeling exiled from the world or people, there could be a focus on these types of issues for you to work on right now. With Makemake also emphasized by this eclipse you will want to be taking action on this and other issues this current monthly cycle. Mars now transiting in Cancer is additionally bringing momentum for career and vocation and you could be feeling ambitious and motivated to initiate new pathways for yourself right now.

This will be the last Libra eclipse of a series that began in early 2023 which may have brought some fundamental changes in relation to the ways you operate in the world. You may have had to shed an old identity or a cherished role more fully to make space for something that is probably still emerging as you read this. You could feel both inspired and a little scared by the immensity and spaciousness that has been created in your life or in your relationships and it may be hard to know exactly what you want or where things are heading.

On the 9th, Jupiter currently moving through Gemini and your vision sector turns to retrograde motion, in aspect to both Mercury and to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in your opposite sign, signaling a thoughtful few days and consequences for personal relationships that could benefit from internal self-study.

Pluto turns direct on the 11th, in the last degree of Capricorn, affecting your sector creative self-expression. Transformative analysis could follow.

On the 13th and the 14th, Mercury squares Pluto, increasing the transformational pressure, then enters Scorpio, as Venus, your ruler, in Scorpio, opposes Uranus in Taurus, and then trines numinous Neptune until the 15th. These outer planet contacts can bring you somewhat out of your routine self to feel the beauty of extra-dimensional connections to the wider cosmos that permeates the 3D world of the senses.

On the 13th to the 14th also, the Sun in Libra opposes Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Aries while making a T-square with Mars in Cancer so that this is a volatile time for members of your sign. Passions could run high, and you could get a glimpse of inner wounding, the residue of childhood trauma or parental interaction, in the context of relationship with a close partner.

The Aries Full Moon lands on October 17th in your relationship sector. The Full Moon being exactly conjunct Eris, Feminine Warrior for soul intention, could be helpful is showing you the significance of relationships for your life path. This has the potential to bring healing conversations or important breakthroughs because of its proximity also to Chiron.

On the 27th and the 28th, Venus squares Saturn, while Mars begins to oppose Pluto, so that communication slows down and gets serious, with important lessons to be learned in the bargain. The emphasis could be on your resources and what you have to work with, with a transformative component there, and as well with your long-term goals and societal interaction. Change continues to be in the offing, especially perhaps with regard to your partnerships and your creativity.

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