Pisces Horoscope for January 2014

Pisces Horoscope for January 2014

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This darkly beautiful month is for you, Pisces, a paradox and a wonder. On the one hand lies the possibility of a much richer life — as soon as you can manage to let go of certain behaviors that you have come to recognize as no longer in your best interest to maintain — while on the other there is the pain of that loss and the uncertainty of your next steps into an unknown future. As your own intuition is telling you more and more urgently, and as significant persons in your life also convey, you have the world at your fingertips and it is only a gesture away. The next few months represent the process of your exploration of the very nearly infinite potential for you that begins with this current moment.

As an overview of the entire month it is interesting and even providential that the New Moon at the very beginning of January aligns with your future orientation. This chart for the new month coincides with New Year's Day, and therefore represents the year as well. The Capricorn New Moon, located in your sector of societal connection and future plans, includes an impressive lineup, making a close conjunction to transformative Pluto and also mentally active Mercury. This is a time when whatever it is that you truly wish for can come to you, with the caveat that it has to be in alignment with your deep soul purpose, as you are coming to understand it. There is a tide in the affairs of men, and women too, that leads on to fortune, says Shakespeare in one of the plays, and so it is with you, this month and this year as well.

With Pluto highlighted in this very same sector of your solar chart, symbolizing the level of profound metamorphosis that you have been experiencing lately regarding your plans and goals, this monthly cycle is also likely to represent further challenges and changes to the way that you connect with both refining and fine-tuning your idea of your pathway forward and also your participation in group affiliations that you favor; these perhaps serve as stepping stones to your ultimate purpose. Your notions regarding your actual intentions could be hazy at this point, since you are perhaps proceeding from a more or less unconscious perspective. This could be further clarified by events of this current lunar cycle. In any case it is helpful to note that this area of your life — including circles of friends and associates, and your networking activities in support of your objectives — is huge for you right now.

With Neptune, your ruler, located in your sign, namely the identity sector of your solar chart, and emphasized in recent weeks and also in these current January skies, you are in any case undergoing a tremendous shift in self-definition and in the manner in which you come across to others. You might in addition be facing down old habit patterns stemming from early wounding, getting past them although perhaps not entirely eliminating them. It turns out that these types of issues are really part of you, like the flaw that defines and completes the hand-woven carpet. You can definitely come to better terms with your own inner workings, and a working acquaintance with the dark places inside you.

As you come into a renewed understanding of yourself and of the way in which you want to see your life evolving, you might notice as well that as many areas in your life subtly alter, your relationship to the material world is a moving target also. Your finances are likely to be in some form of fluctuation, perhaps for many months now, and what you are sensing this month is a new way of relating to that information. It is like the material world is not the only way that you can float your boat. They say that the happiest people in the world are not necessarily the richest. What's different also is that you are coming into a renewed determination to form your own sense of security, in your own way, independent of the dollars stored up or the possessions that give you feelings of comfort; and this is a useful attitude to carry into the remainder of this transformative year.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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