Pisces Horoscope for July 2021

Pisces Horoscope for July 2021

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is optimistic and potentially life-changing for you, Pisces. Arriving on the heels of a somewhat confusing and difficult month of June, when Mercury was retrograding through your root sector all through, extending into the present one as well, only recovering from its retrograde shadow by July 7th, the Cancer New Moon of July 9th comes as a fresh start with your creativity and your passion for discovery. Approach adjustments that were prevalent calm down a bit, although outer planet intrigues still make waves. Your values and your finances are subject to wide-ranging set of of concerns and issues with both conservative leanings and feelings that you must seek to expand your horizons, while your very identity seems to be morphing along with your vision for your prospective future. Old issues including early childhood wounding might come up for you as well, and faced with courage and a forthright attitude could yield positive results in terms of healing and moving on. The July 23rd Aquarius Full Moon is magical and signals relationship growth and heart connection with your own insides as a capper to a wild and enlightening ride.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Last month’s Solar Eclipse in Gemini took place in your sector of home and family and may have brought events or circumstances related to a concentration of energy in that arena, a focus that continues into the first full week of the current month. There was also a potent Mercury Retrograde taking place in this same sign, that might have made you question where you want to be. Mercury is winding down as the month of July begins, finally escaping its retrograde shadow on July 7th. Your feelings of belonging could be in a state of flux throughout this time.

You may be trying to go with the flow but something could be slowing you down. Mars in Leo opposing Saturn in Aquarius on the 1st could show up as a mental block or low vitality. You could be feeling frustrated, with no easy outlets available to release the tension. Keep in mind that things will start to get easier once you reach the second week of July; it might help you to try to move through the first few days of the month mindfully.

The Sun in Cancer also squares Chiron in Aries on the 4th, and this may highlight issues surrounding feelings of self-worth. Inner wounding that comes up at this time is better faced than avoided. This is not easy to do, and you may be confronted with feelings of insecurity, but if you take the opportunity to stand up for yourself you will be rewarded.

On July 5th and 6th, Mercury in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces for a third time since the end of May. Mental clarity might not be available for a few days as various contradicting information seems to arise, creating confusing circumstances. Things may seem harder than they really are, especially as Venus in Leo comes into an opposition with Saturn in Aquarius late on the 5th and 6th. If you feel overwhelmed during this time, allow for things to pass before jumping to conclusions. 

The Cancer New Moon arrives on the 9th, bringing renewal for anything related to children, romance, and your passions. Your self-expression is highlighted over the next thirty days and you might gain tremendous confidence in your creativity. Invisible roots are taking shape in your creative sector while the cleansing waters of Cancer bring a fresh perspective on things related to your sense of pleasure and what you need to feel happy. Mercury enters Cancer on the 11th coming into an energizing trine with Jupiter in Pisces which could help you regain a sense of perspective. Venus and Mars in Leo reach their conjunction from the 10th to the 14th which will be visible in the Western sky just after sunset. These energizing few days are perfect to get physical and playful especially if you make time for activities that stimulate your imagination and spontaneity.

The First Quarter Moon in Libra on the 17th is a dynamic one with the Sun in Cancer trining Neptune in Pisces and opposing Pluto in Capricorn. This could bring some feelings of confusion or issues surrounding control, or perhaps the lack thereof.

Venus enters Virgo on the 21st highlighting your important partnerships or your desires surrounding them; the Sun’s entry into Leo on the morning of the 22nd brings power and vitality for anything related to your health and your routine in the next month.

The Aquarius Full Moon arrives on the evening or the late evening of the 23rd. This Full Moon also features Venus in your opposite sign of Virgo opposing Jupiter in your sign, and these are two very different aspects occurring at the same time could feel somewhat polarizing. Venus opposing Jupiter aspecting your first house of identity may relate to your desire for pleasure, beauty, and grace with a dash of self-indulgence while the Full Moon in Aquarius could bring up some unconscious material for you to reckon with. You could feel both social and alienated simultaneously. You will successfully navigate these different emotions, especially with the good fortune of Jupiter on your side, highlighted by its connection to Venus on your descendent. It could be an important timing for your relationships as well. It may be a good time to observe the inner monologue currently playing in the back of your mind without trying to change or control how you could (or should) feel.

The last week of July sees three planets changing signs, with Mercury entering Leo on the 27th, Jupiter moving retrograde back into the sign of Aquarius on the 28th, and Mars entering Virgo on the 29th. An introspective process that was well underway earlier this Spring may have to be revisited while Jupiter transits back into Aquarius until the end of the year.

The month of July comes to a close with the Last Quarter Moon in Taurus, corresponding to your communication sector, which may bring exciting news or indicate that you are doing a lot of moving around. Your mind will be on organizational matters in the following weeks and it may be a good time to request the help of a partner or a close friend in case you feel overwhelmed. The month of July has provided lessons and reflection on where you are headed and it is now the task to integrate these into your ongoing life and your continued growth and evolution.

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