Pisces Horoscope for March 2024

Pisces Horoscope for March 2024

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another rather intense month, Pisces, with so many planets coming through your sign. Later in the month, there also a concentration on Aries, which corresponds to your resources sector, so that area of your life will likely have its ups, its downs, and its readjustments. In many ways, as well, communication is the name of your game, as you seek a better handle on being able to articulate your evolving worldview and the way new ideas color your personal outreach. You are coming out from under a cycle that stressed greater concentration on inner matters, the deep intuitional awareness arising from your depths. This continues on March 10th , with the New Moon in your sign; as the focus shifts to outer over inner, and to your resources and values, you are called to participate in worldly affairs in a different way, reaping the harvest of changing tides within you. The Full Moon eclipse of Monday, March 25th, is both a culmination and a new starting point for relationship and for a reinforced determination to be doing everything according to the way that you can agree with, deep inside yourself. That is to say, swayed by no other consideration save where your own independent moral compass is coming from.

The following was written by our guest columnist Issa Hammond. You can write them at thishomeplanet@gmail.com

March begins in the wake of the New Moon in Aquarius in your sector of dream imagination, unconscious process, and inner work, making for something of a fresh start in dealing with the hidden spaces below and beyond the level of conscious monitoring, buried deep within you and yet the wellspring of many of your characteristic behavior patterns. The lunation cycle that began back there in February is still completing over the first nine days of the current month, and also featured Uranus in Taurus, your sector of communications and conscious mental processing. This is where Uranus is fond of throwing a few monkey wrenches in, bringing intuitional information to bear and also surprise enlightenment. There could be ongoing shakeups to your conversations and routines. The traditional ruler of your chart, Jupiter, is also highlighted in Taurus in this lunation, suggesting an overall focus on quality of life, community, and expansion. You may find yourself examining positivity, style, growth, and your sense of humor.

From March 7th to the 8th as Mercury in your sign conjoins your modern ruler Neptune there as well, corresponding to identity, body awareness, and self, and you may be motivated to make a fresh start with social interactions and any form of self-improvement that you might be engaged it. You may uncover a new mandate for evolutionary growth, with new abilities or inspiration. This could be a time where you take stock of your unique resources, and areas in need of improvement; of assessing meaning and life direction.

From March 8th to 10th as Mars in Aquarius, your sector of unconscious process, squares Uranus in Taurus and the Sun in your sign is simultaneously sextile, you may place greater importance on inner worlds of symbolic resonance to your waking one.

The New Moon in your sign lands on March 10th at 1am PST and features a sextile between Pluto in Aquarius and Mercury in Aries, emphasizing significant transformations of your value system and your resources. Your very attitude to the material could be undergoing a sea-change at this significant juncture. The Mars-Uranus square mentioned above is another important part of this potent New Moon, with effects lasting through to the end of March, and into the first week of April. There may be equivocal results from new technological advances or strange consultations. In sticking to your values, being truthful, and preserving your inner vitality, you can guide yourself through.

On March 11th, as Venus enters Pisces, there may be greater ease in yourself, your body, and your life. You may self-heal, go to the spa, and feel drawn to water. You may appreciate yourself, and align with love, art or culture. You may encounter a heroic woman whose example eases solitude and suffering.

On March 16th, the Sun conjoins Neptune in your sign indicating alignment. This transiting aspect is coincident with the First Quarter Moon, which carries with it a degree of tension, offset by the grace of the Sun with numinous Neptune. You may therefore on the other hand exhibit wisdom and knowledge or find a beautiful paradise. During this time, you could be realizing a need, purpose, your self-value, and motivations. You could be asking questions or understanding mechanics. These realizations propel you forward on your path.

On the evening of March 19, the Sun enters Aries, marking the Spring Equinox (for the Northern Hemisphere) and immediately sextiles Pluto in Aquarius, making for yet another episode of the transformational nature of that Dark Lord intruding on the peaceful progress of the spheres in these interesting and difficult times for the planet and for ourselves. There could be issues that arise, a call from deep process within the inner reaches of your psyche, and you will do best when you can rise to the occasion and treat whatever comes up, rather than as an unfortunate trial, as a lesson to be appreciated. This aspect is a sextile and ultimately of benefit to your stability; unreasonable demands may be countered by faith in the universe to see you through.

As Venus conjoins Saturn, who has long been residing in your sign, on March 21st, you may receive a remedy or notice greater ease and harmony with constraint. Although things could slow down in order to let the lessons simmer for a while, you may feel into your boundaries, meet someone who is a mentor, or who has loved your limitations and difficulties. You may find support in art, romance, culture, or in following an order.

On March 22nd, Upon Mars’ entrance into your sign, you may experience a general increase in the pace of your life over the next month. You could notice a release and forward movement fueled by something new you learned or somebody new you met.

The Libra Full Moon and lunar eclipse culminates on March 25th at 12am PDT copresent Makemake in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution may illuminate themes of close partnership connection where you actually delve down into the depths of another person, and equally into your own. You may be thematically concerned with life and death contrasts, or the immaterial and material. With Neptune in Pisces standing on the doorway of your second sector of resources, you may have a proclivity now for earning money from the very essence of who you are. You may discover a totality of how you can earn in a way that is morally supportive to the values that you hold inside.

From March 26th to 28th, Venus applies sextile to Uranus in Taurus indicating further graceful disruption. There could be new ideas about partnership agreements that have been waiting in the wings, or an unusual communication speaking of self-improvement. There could be displays of grace, tradition and wisdom. You may be able to put yourself first without getting upheaval from others. Your writing might awaken and make a surprise guest appearance on the stage of your inner mind; you may wind up creating some beautiful poetry!

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