Sagittarius Horoscope for October 2018

Sagittarius Horoscope for October 2018

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another big month for you, Sagittarius, especially after the Virgo New Moon of last month that symbolized increased focus on career choices. With all Saturn being highlighted in a prominent position in your solar chart, these have been both entirely practical and concrete, and also possessing a mystical flavor with all the Neptune emphasis. There is the potential for confusion in terms of the earthly activities, and of finding greater meaning beyond the physical. There has been a flair of deep intuition in your recent make-up also, and a feeling of spiritual mission, possibly accompanied by sudden changes in your workplace. This month, with Venus retrograde, you are reconsidering where you are headed, your relationships, and your values, which are profoundly transforming. Much of what is going on with you now is taking place on the inside. That sense of mission becomes stronger, with your determination as you consider alternatives in future plans to allow only your deepest values to motivate you.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

On October 1st and 2nd, the month gets rolling with a square from Mercury in Libra, in your eleventh house of friends, to Pluto in Capricorn in your second house of money, resources, and values. There is an opportunity for substantive conversations, ideas, or planning related to your finances. It’s possible that you will be revising or changing elements of your social life, or your participation within organizations or groups. It’s also a good time to get to the bottom of situations, or to explore taboo or subversive topics with others, but at the same time you should be careful of gossip or unnecessary social “drama.”

On October 5th, Venus will turn retrograde in Scorpio in your twelfth house of dissolution and transcendence. You are being called to evaluate your core values, needs, and desires, and to surrender whatever is no longer serving you. As Venus is the planet of love and relationships, this period may focus on the deepest level of changes that you need to make in your relationships, perhaps with an emphasis on healing patterns from the past. You should also be extra careful of unhealthy attractions or relationship dramas that tempt you into a destructive use of your time and energy. On the other hand, there is also a deep level of emotional healing available to you right now, especially if you are willing to work through whatever inner conflicts or struggles are presenting themselves to you.

On October 8th, the New Moon in Libra will fall in your eleventh house of friends, groups, and plans for the future, emphasizing the importance of your social life in the lunar cycle ahead. You are also feeling the transformational impact of Pluto in your second house of resources. You might be in the process of more deeply exploring your values or revisioning your finances. Also, who are your people' Who can you trust' What groups or communities are worthy of your time, energy, and resources, and which are not' These and other questions will ask themselves, especially as related to your social life and personal vision for the future.

On October 10th Venus retrograde in Scorpio in your twelfth house of dissolution and transcendence will square Mars in Aquarius in your third house of communication and the mind, and at the same time, Mercury in Scorpio will oppose rebellious Uranus in the sign of Taurus in your sixth house of labor, sickness, and service. It’s time to communicate clearly with others about whatever you have been holding inside, but you should also be careful of mental or emotional outbursts. You may also receive important pieces of news or information, or perhaps an insight or spiritual message which could be put to service for others. With Mercury opposite Uranus, whatever comes up may be unexpected and possibly disruptive, but it will also have the potential to facilitate a positive mental or emotional breakthrough.

October 11th the Sun in Libra in your eleventh house of friends and groups will square Pluto in Capricorn in your second house of finances, resources, and values, once more suggesting a combined social and material transformation this month. You may be easily taken advantage of, or overpowered, within groups or by your friends if you aren’t careful to make your values and boundAries clear right now. However, there is also the potential for a positive transformation of your social life that accords more closely with your values.

On October 19th, Mercury in Scorpio in your twelfth house of dissolution and transcendence will square Mars in your third house of communication. These are some potentially testy astrological currents active this month, but the difference between a breakdown and a breakthrough is mostly dependent on how you react or respond to each of the planetary energies. Watch for themes of intense mental or intellectual analysis, debate or argumentation, the strategic use of technology, speech, or writing, and the need to explore mental and emotional shadows through honest and direct dialogue with others.

Lastly, the Full Moon of October 24th will conjoin Uranus in Taurus in your sixth house of labor, sickness, and service, and oppose Venus retrograde in Scorpio in your twelfth house of dissolution and transcendence. With Venus in Scorpio also set to oppose Uranus in Taurus on October 30th, the end of the month packs a punch. Remember that whatever releasing or healing you are doing this month, it has the power to help others if you are willing to be vulnerable and open about what you’re dealing with. The insights that you are receiving right now are profound, and, it’s up to you, as one of the natural sages of the zodiac, to find a way of sharing with others what you’ve learned. All month long you are also being asked to reconsider your deepest needs and desires and to explore how your values do or do not work those you are close with. With your ruling planet, Jupiter, about to change signs and enter your first house next month, the decisions you make today are preparing you for a period of accelerated personal growth and newness tomorrow. You might want to ask yourself: why not commit fully to whatever is calling you forward right now!

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