Sagittarius Horoscope for May 2020

Sagittarius Horoscope for May 2020

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month, Sagittarius, of course corrections and refinements in your opinions and beliefs. Venus, ruling relationships and values, is stationing to retrograde motion in your seventh sector of partnership connection, and this symbolizes that changes are taking place within you as well, both in terms of prospective or existing partners, and your own ideals and principles. This is likely to be particularly intense, because transformative Pluto is also highlighted in your second solar sector from the very beginning of May. Your values and your financial and other resources are therefore transforming. You are feeling an increasing commitment to your mission statement for this lifetime, as you can presently conceive of it. This might involve swerves and readjustments, so that you benefit from staying open to possibility. Your self-expression is also altering, coming into deeper relevance, and you may find that going forward you must act from a motive of deep connection to everything around you, as it appears to the judgment you and you alone.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

May for you begins, in the aftermath of the recent Taurus New Moon, corresponding to your sixth house of daily routines, with an emphasis on logistical planning. This could feel like you are adapting your workflow to the new limitations and realities of the world around you. The lockdown of the last two months has meant that a lot of events that were supposed to happen in person are now taking place online. You could be buzzing with ideas, as Mercury in Taurus conjoins with Uranus right from the very beginning of the month. Working with a new set of circumstances means you have to get innovative and pragmatic. With your ruler, Jupiter, in Capricorn, developing tangible frameworks is a big theme this year for Sagittarius. Shifting realities might not be too destabilizing thanks to Jupiter in Capricorn carrying a grounding influence in your financial sector. You can deal with the changes and adapt your work to the current situation. There could however be an underlying level of stressors, as you find yourself busy reorganizing your work reality. The destabilizing influence of Uranus in your routines sector indicates that underlying tensions could take their toll. Ensuring that you do not spend all your time online or over-stimulated with information might help preserve an equilibrium. Pay attention to what your body is telling you. Spending time outside or in nature can work wonders, especially if you leave your phone at home!

The square between Venus in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces from the beginning of the month, and lasting essentially all month long, highlights your partnerships. Venus square Neptune could indicate a certain level of escapism contained within a relationship. It could initially feel difficult to get a clear answer from a partner or a situation with someone close to you. Venus square Neptune in a romantic context often carries themes of self-sacrifice, victimization or deception. It might not be possible to get a clear or honest picture of where a partnership is heading. Glossing over problems during this time will only lead to more confusion. Adopting a realistic approach to relational dynamics could save you from having to take a cold shower down the road.

The Full Moon in Scorpio on May 7th illuminates your mind-body connections, and more extensively how certain unconscious materials indirectly influence your well-being. The sign of Scorpio is not always easy for you to deal with, as it brings you in direct confrontation with the darker aspects of yourself. This Full Moon could highlight some of your blind spots or issues that you would rather not see. Unhealthy habits and patterns will get illuminated, and will benefit from your working more closely with your inner world. You probably already have a pretty good idea of the changes that need to be investigated, and this Full Moon could clarify issues by bringing them to the surface.

Saturn in Aquarius stations retrograde late evening on May 10th, just as Mercury enters Gemini the next day. Venus stations retrograde in Gemini late evening of May 12th and Jupiter stations retrograde in Capricorn on May 14th for a total of three planets stationing retrograde in two days. Mars also leaves Aquarius for the sign of Pisces on May 13th. These several days amount to a pivotal time in the month when important changes are in the works. For you, Sagittarius, Saturn and Jupiter retrograde could bring a period of revision in connections with financial matters. Venus retrograde in Gemini on the other hand will emphasize the adjustment needed in your partnerships and could signal the beginning of a period of negotiation.

The Sun enters Gemini on May 20th and the New Moon in Gemini takes place on May 22nd, signaling the beginning of a new cycle in your relationship realms. Mercury in Gemini is conjoined with Venus retrograde at the time of the New Moon, squaring Neptune. This aspect continues to highlight conversations and negotiations currently taking place in a business or intimate partnership, when idealism or potentially confusion or deception could reign. The New Moon is the beginning of a fresh lunar cycle, and a time when new intentions can be planted.

Complicated situations in connection with others might not get clarified overnight. However, conversations taking place now will have a lasting effect, and it is a good time to talk about what has become overly convoluted. Venus retrograde in Gemini is emphasized in its square with Neptune in this end of the month timing. The need for clarification could feel like a complicated process with no end in sight. Your partnership requirements versus what others are offering will require a good level of honesty and discrimination. It's important that you do not sacrifice your well being for the sake of a partnership. Venus square Neptune could have you feeling more compassionate and more forgiving than usual. Planets transiting in Gemini at the very end of the month will awaken your desire for exchange with others although you want to make sure you choose the proper audience.


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