Sagittarius Horoscope for May 2023

Sagittarius Horoscope for May 2023

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of changes, Sagittarius, and of depth researches. Your creative self-expression is emphasized, together with a feeling of purpose, so that what you create has greater substance when it is shared with community. Your inner values of what is right versus its opposite, and of truth-telling, are also being brought forward, as well as taking action in concert with your own internal belief system. The Full Moon and lunar eclipse of Friday, May 5th, might also have something to say to you in terms of the idea of all that you hold deep inside as a generative factor for what you seek to accomplish in your more conscious activities. The Moon’s Last Quarter of the 12th, and Mercury’s station to direct motion on the 14th , are peak moments of the retrograde period and therefore something of a trial. And yet this timing is also extremely consequential when it comes to ultimately finding your way forward. Your curiosity is a large asset in this process, as well as recent adjustments to your communicative outreach. All of these factors come together in the late Taurus New Moon of the 19th that puts a premium on your growing sense of life mission.

The following was written by our guest columnist Geoff Gronlund of

The Solar Eclipse New Moon from last month at the final degree of Aries featured highlighted Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius, corresponding to your sector of communication and curiosity, so that there is likely transformation for you in this area. The eclipse, whose effects are still with you as May gets underway, took place as well with an Aries lineup of planets that continue to have a powerful effect on your sector of creative self-expression. This recent event might have swayed you to more completely express your talents to the world, and you could be engaged in a process of more fully finding yourself through this activity There may be an important creative project you are working on, or a new personal identity you are beginning to reveal. This eclipse was greatly influenced by Pluto, in your communication sector, so that your desire and confidence to articulate or write about what you have learned or created might be undergoing massive changes stemming from that earlier event and continuing through the present month, and beyond. The effects of an eclipse can be experienced through the six intervening months until next eclipse cycle in the fall of this year.

Pluto stations retrograde on May 1st in this same sector of communication and mental pursuits, and on this day also, the Sun and Mercury conjoin in Taurus, corresponding to your sector of health, refinement, and life management. Mercury has been retrograding through Taurus since very nearly that recent eclipse date, and this Sun- Mercury conjunction is one peak moment of the entire retrograde period. You may be over the course of this month engaging in hopes of gaining a deeper understanding of the world, and also of eventually integrating that knowledge in ways that can improve your lifestyle, health, and soul development.

On May 5th, the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse falls in Scorpio, in your twelfth sector of hidden matters, dream imagination, and inner work, which can help to promote deep reflection into some of your most personal and psychological patterns. There can be powerful breakthroughs in ways you may not be able to entirely anticipate. Learning how to trust and develop more meaningful relationships with others may be one of the most important aspect of this eclipse.

Venus ingresses into Cancer on May 7th in your eighth sector of inner soul work, secrets, and intimacy, and this can further instill a depth to your relationships that is necessary at this time. If you know people you can trust to engage with about deep personal matters that you may have been hesitant to express before, now is a good time to pursue such connection. Your intimate relationships could grow and expand in ways that bring you both closer through unabashed engagement.

On May 12th, the Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius is colored by an active and slightly difficult, although workable, connection between Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. This can inspire you to more clearly understand the importance of processing your emotions and deeper feelings in ways that can ultimately create a healthier and more manageable life. This is especially so when you can trust in your process and believe in the power of deep and productive conversation.

Mercury stations direct on May 14th in your sector of refinement, health, and life management, inviting you to assess the array of contemplations you likely had over the previous three weeks or more while Mercury was retrograde. You may have been examining how best to refine the way you manage your life by developing a clearer perspective of your personal values. Noticing the ways in which your physical health might need more attention, how prioritizing your values can help you better manage your life, and how applying your knowledge to your daily life can bring more functionality and less stress. It would be best to apply any changes in these areas gradually and strategically, because while the post-retrograde period is indeed Mercury direct, there is a lingering influence that bides its time while you work to integrate all the recalibrating that took place while it was retrograde.

Jupiter ingresses into Taurus on May 16th in your sixth sector of refinement, health, and life management, squaring Pluto and Mars, resulting in a T-square to Jupiter, your ruler. This is a powerful time for you, magnified over the next three days as the New Moon develops. It may amplify a need to address any health concerns, including any indulgences you might detect in your customary habit patterns, or reluctance to take proper actions in general for improving your health. It might also a time to take steps to focus on earning more money or building greater sustainability. With Pluto dynamically influencing this ingress, these changes occurring within you, smoothly or not, can elevate your awareness of how health, organization, and order can help streamline and simplify your life.

On May 19th, the New Moon lands in the late degrees of Taurus, corresponding again to your sixth sector of health, service, and life management. There is a T-square present in this New Moon that features Jupiter with Mars and Pluto (a grand cross when you count the new planet, Haumea, at the edge of Scorpio) so that this is a quite volatile and confronting time period when much can be accomplished through difficult and enduring struggle. This is an ideal time to begin to apply all your reflections during Mercury’s retrograde cycle as you can come to this effort. It’s possible that you will grow to recognize the inner value associated with developing a high-functioning lifestyle, or can be inspired to set important new intentions for yourself. Over the remainder of the month, you might find yourself engaged in filtering out inconsequentials in order to integrate more refined habits and patterns moving forward. Whatever intentions that you are formulating at this time will likely continue to be refined at least until after May 21st, which is after Mars ingresses into Leo and the Sun into Gemini.

On Sunday, May 20th, Mars moves into Leo in your ninth sector of expansion, higher education, and cultural diversity reinforcing desires to travel, explore, and learn more about other cultures and philosophies. This fervent transit continues the beat of intensity over these last several days, and may expand your perspective, possibly raising your consciousness, as well as opening you up to many ideas and opportunities. You may not know which way to turn. With Pluto and Jupiter directly influencing Mars, it would be wise to think through your plans of action thoroughly before taking concrete steps forward. Be mindful, too, that your pride might have an urge to get in the way, which could come back to bite you if you don’t watch out for it and take on a healthy level of humility.

The Sun’s ingress into Gemini on May 21st, in your seventh sector of relationships, brings a lively playfulness to all your relationships, creating conversation and interest in any number of things. Over the remainder of the month you might discuss how to bring more harmony and fun into your life, or you may feel inclined to socialize and banter more with friends you have not spoken to lately. Whatever the case, these are ideal days to more fully implement the intentions you have set during the recent New Moon. With Venus, Jupiter, Mars, and now the Sun in new signs, it can feel like it is a time to begin to manifest all your hopes and dreams.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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