Scorpio Horoscope for December 2021

Scorpio Horoscope for December 2021

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another difficult and yet rewarding month for you, Scorpio, when you are changing mightily from the inside, and when you must pay the very closest attention to everything that is going on within yourself. This references a nudge from the universe that you step up your game, taking appropriate action to match what you most deeply believe, as you grow from the standpoint of your evolving principles and values. The Solar Eclipse of December 3rd and 4th signals the beginning of this advanced course in transformational change as this climactic 2021 year winds down. Interior wounding might come up, as reflected in current events that expose latent residue of early trauma, so that it is imperative to recognize that all this is there for the healing. Two weeks later on, these issues are renewed in the Gemini Full Moon, when partnership in your life comes even more fully into play, sparking further changes with an intensity that lasts through Christmas Day. This is an amazing time of profound change when you allow yourself to focus on this factor of internal metamorphosis, and on this factor alone.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of December begins astrologically with a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Sagittarius late on the 3rd, or early on the 4th, that takes place in your sector of finances, values, and resources. This area of life will be your focus for the next thirty days, or, considering that the energy of an eclipse lasts for six months, perhaps lasting well into 2022. Your relationship to money could be changing and you may be in the process of setting new goals for yourself, perhaps leaving behind a self-defeating attitude when it comes to your material well-being. This eclipse also brings to a close a cycle of eclipses that began in early 2020 on the Sagittarius-Gemini axis. This series of eclipses may have brought a new kind of awareness related to your financial situation, the resources available to you and where you can find support versus where you may have been selling yourself short. Your self-worth may have undergone a process of change and evolution since early 2020 that is now beginning to be integrated.

You can get a lot done during the second week of December. Mars is still in your sign, and sextiles Pluto while squaring Jupiter in Aquarius on the 7th and 8th, which brings to you loads of forward momentum. It may be easier to initiate new projects and take small calculated risks. You may however have to guard against exaggerating the potential of a creative project or a romantic scenario because Mercury also squares Neptune on the 7th.

Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn from the 8th to the 28th, an uncharacteristically long period of time, due to the unusual retrograde of Venus within a degree of the Pluto position. For this entire time, Venus and Pluto coming together could represent a process related to transforming the ways in which you communicate with others. This could reference social media and also other forms of communication. Also your immediate environment becomes a focus for change. Information and words are powerful tools in our modern world and you may be prompted to take a different approach when it comes to your relationship with others and how you share your ideas over this period, and in longer terms over the following months.

On the 11th, the second weekend of December is also colored by the Sun in Sagittarius squaring Neptune in Pisces. This may continue to fuel fantasies into your creative and romantic sector. This aspect is excellent if you are artistically inclined and may give an increased appetite for art, music and cinema. The square between the Sun and Neptune is not however great for distinguishing fact from fiction so that it could feel harder to get to the bottom of an issue.

On the 13th, Mars enters Sagittarius and Mercury moves into Capricorn highlighting the financial and communication sectors of your chart. You may be interested in learning something new that can help increase your income and further yourself professionally. You may be aware of the close connection between your time, your energy and your resources and desire greater mastery over these things in your life.

The Gemini Full Moon culminates on the night of the 18th, or early morning of the 19th, shining a light on your intimate bonds and your support system. Issues of self and other could arise, or of obligations from partnership agreements. A push-pull also exists between conservative and fresh ideas. New information could come to light at this time that helps you make sense or bring closure to an ongoing situation. The past year may have revealed to you who walks their talk and who is only present in your life when it's convenient. Mercury in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries as it stations, which may bring important conversations concerning inner wounding, your own or others. Sensitive issues must be handled with care at this time, so that t helps to be deliberate with your words.

On the 19th, Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn in your communication sector, which contributes to the ongoing transformation of your relationship situation. You will be mulling over this dynamic for the next several months while Venus goes backwards, to return to Pluto in March of 2022.

The Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st of December announcing Winter in the Northern Hemisphere. This chart is important for the year ahead and features both innovation and a conservative staying of the course, plus commitment to home and family, as indicated below.

The third and final square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus takes place from the 18th to the 26th, exact on the 23rd. This square between these two titans has colored the entirety of 2021, bringing up a tension between the old and the new. In the case of your sign, this has manifested in terms of family versus striking out into new relationship territory. Events could repeat during the week leading up to Christmas. On a personal level, this may also play out in your desire for increased stability versus a need for excitement and breaking away from the status quo. These two modalities are not completely incompatible. You may have favor change versus safety, or vice versa without being able to entirely get your cake and eat it too.

On the 29th, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, optimism and abundance, enters Pisces for the next four months corresponding to your creative and romantic sector. This could bring a fertile influence to projects that require a high level of imagination. If you’ve been feeling like you are gestating a big idea, Jupiter in Pisces might be the push that you need to birth it into the world. Jupiter in Pisces could also bring a renewed sense of faith and directionality for this new year so that staying receptive and flexible could yield surprising opportunities.

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