Scorpio Horoscope for April 2022

Scorpio Horoscope for April 2022

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an important timing for you, Scorpio, a month of transition in the midst of a powerful year of change, with more to come over the next seven months. Your learning curve is steep as you try for a better-informed awareness of what is going on below the surface layers of your psyche. The power of unconscious motivation is also strong, even as you strive to bring greater consciousness to the hidden factors operating deep within you. Intimacy is in your corner and will take you miles as long as you will let it. You might find that unexpected partnership events continue, and that these can bring along with them surprising, even startling, enlightenment when you can remain as open as you can to this possibility. Your creative self-expression is joyous, optimistic, and fully idealized, and represents a tide that will carry you far as long as you can just trust in the feeling. That is, without trying too hard to undermine its basic message of confidence in the surrounding universe to pull you though, in spite of everything.

The following was written by Leslie Benson and Henry Seltzer. The usual column by Elodie St-Onge Abut will return.

As the month of April begins, in its early morning hours (or just minutes before midnight on the West Coast) a New Moon takes place in the sign of Aries, corresponding to your sector of day-to-day events, your workplace, health regimens and habitual actions, as well as your sense of life purpose. The New Moon was also in close aspect to volatile Uranus in your seventh sector of partnership, indicating that there could transpire unexpected events in this significant area of life, leading to startling revelations. This Uranus emphasis is not new, having been featured also in recent lunations from this year, just getting another extra boost this month. The rule with repeated outer planet aspects can often be “stop, look and listen,” where there is first an awareness that makes you stop and think, followed by a closer examination before eventually getting its message.

On April 4th and 5th, your traditional ruler, Mars, conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius, in another key sector of your solar chart relating to home and family concerns. This might well indicate a form of limitation regarding your home life and family members, perhaps family of origin, implying connection with yourself at deeper levels, or your dwelling space. The lessons are also there for you to tune in on, to the extent that you wish to do so.

From April 7th to the 16th, Jupiter is conjuncting Neptune in Pisces, relating to your creativity and your self-expression, which may become more optimistic and upbeat than usual, although also perhaps suffering from a form of over-idealism or self-deception. This could also potentially apply to romantic events and ideas you might have going on.

On April 10th, when Mercury enters Taurus and your seventh sector, you might get some interesting information regarding your partnerships, or insight into your relationship dynamic itself as it plays out amidst your life’s ongoing development.

The Full Moon in late Libra takes place on April 16th, late morning or early afternoon/evening depending on your location. This is quite a powerful lunation, affecting the practicalities of integration between inner and outer concerns and your sense of a life purpose. Dane Rudhyar referred to the sixth house – where the Aries Sun for you resides – as the “discipleship to your higher self,” indicating the awareness that we are essentially here to grow emotionally and spiritually. You might therefore be getting a taste of that now, and during the second half of this significant monthly cycle. You are doubtless shifting in your understanding of what you are essentially up to in this lifetime, or what you can understand of this important idea when you have the time to stop and think about it, and it involves a recognition that your innermost depths contribute mightily to what you decide to do with yourself day-to-day. The Zen Buddhist notion of finding the spiritual in the midst of ordinary events might not be very far from your thoughts, along with the Jungian notion of a thorough-going integration of all your parts, top to bottom, as the secret of calm happiness to emerge into your life.

On April 19th, the Sun enters the sign of Taurus, so that you might feel a shift of the energy. This would be toward re-emphasizing your partnership connections and their effect on your life’s journey.

In the final week of the month, from April 27th to the 29th Venus in Pisces conjoins first Neptune and then Jupiter, bringing this spiritualizing energy into your relationship life even more strongly; an energy that is also somewhat idealized and potentially confusing or deceptive. Then, too, Pluto is stationing to retrograde motion on the 29th, which increases the transformational pressure upon you, likely in the very direction that has been indicated above of finding your path and integrating more completely your inner world in so doing.

Finally, on the very last day of the April month, on Saturday the 30th, there takes place a powerful Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Taurus, again affecting your seventh sector of partnership. Eclipses are thought to have a lasting influence of up to six months. Certainly for at least the next thirty days of this new lunation cycle you will be concentrating on partners and on the key relationship dynamics of your life as connecting to your own self-development.

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