Scorpio Horoscope for March 2022

Scorpio Horoscope for March 2022

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an important month for you, Scorpio, as several outer planet placements plus combinations with your ruler, Mars, presage a difficult albeit rewarding time of confrontation and change. Communication and novel learning is connected to new relationship understanding through a potentially divisive process of power dynamics. This has the effect of depth coloring your articulations with a renewed sense of your bottom-line values. Relationship surprises continue, building the ongoing potential for a change of partners, but also for significant, needed, and profoundly positive alterations within existing relationships. You are seizing upon a simultaneous sense of life mission that depends upon growing inner awareness, and on getting clear on priorities and about what constitutes right action. Offsetting and expanding all this is a strong focus on optimistic self-expression that gives you the chance to see everything that is going on as opportunity. In truth, when you are able to yield to the process that you find yourself in, allowing yourself to be wrong without shame or blame, and able to make adjustments, this monthly cycle is fantastic for getting on with the evolutionary development that continues to await you.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of March begins astrologically with a magical New Moon in Pisces that forms a conjunction with Jupiter, the planet of faith, truth, and wisdom located in a supporting Water sign. How you experience this New Moon could depend largely on your level of evolution at this time. The sign of Pisces, being the last sign of the zodiac, is associated with transcendence, mysticism, and devotional or self-sacrificing energy. This is a highly creative sign. The New Moon here likely indicates the beginning of a more inspired period for you. The intentions that you set at this time are also related to your need for more genuine, loving influences in your life. Also in this New Moon, prominent Uranus in Taurus implies innovation and forward-thinking could be a good way for you to go. This means that trying something you have never done before or changing your expectations could help you to transcend some of the limitations you might be feeling. It's an excellent time to experiment with different modalities this month. Also, Mercury and Saturn conjunct in the sign of Aquarius in this New Moon configuration highlights an ongoing process taking place at the root of your being and with your dwelling. space You could be more aware of boundaries. Your desire to experience a deeper connection with others may also be leaving you feeling disillusioned or depleted., so that creating better personal boundaries could help you benefit from the positive side of what is happening for you this month.

Another factor in this New Moon is the triple conjunction of Mars, Venus, and Pluto in Capricorn, which could highlight an ongoing process related to the way you communicate with your entourage. You may be looking for more authentic ways to express yourself. pragmatic and disciplined approach to creativity and love could yield substantial results. You have a lot working in your favor right now in those areas; it’s a good time to invest more energy towards what makes your heart sing.

Venus and Mars, together in their ongoing conjunction, enter the sign of Aquarius almost simultaneously late-evening of the 5th and their close conjunction continues within one degree through to March 12. These two planets are related to love and desire. Their transit in the Air sign of Aquarius for the next several weeks means that relationships and pleasure could be highlighted in some ways. This also relates to complications in your home and family sector.

Mercury enters Pisces during the second week of the month for a total of four planets transiting in this fellow Water sign. The same elemental qualities between signs mean that they are linked to each other by a supportive trine aspect. A trine is said to be fluid in expression and can help things move forward like a river. The connection between the waters of Pisces and the waters of Scorpio may point to your emotional nature and your ability to enmesh yourself completely with others or with anything that you love.

On the 13th and 14th , the Sun conjunct Neptune could exaggerate this quality even more and care should be taken to channel this influence properly. As a Scorpio, this is an incredibly creative yet highly sensitive time for you and you may feel more easily influenced by those around you. Choose to surround yourself with people who can respect your personal boundaries while remaining supportive. There may be a devotional or mystical quality permeating this time, and this energy may be best used towards artistic, spiritual, or healing modalities.

The Full Moon in Virgo culminates on March 18th and will likely highlight your social life in some ways. You may scrutinize life goals and what brings you fulfillment . If you’ve dramatically veered off-course, this may be your opportunity to adjust your stance. This Full Moon could also signal that there may be opportunities to go out and have fun while connecting with like-minded people. You may feel an increased desire to relate with others and enjoy yourself and it’s a good time to do so. Choosing to surround yourself with people who care and support you continues to be highlighted and your friends may also expect the same from you.

The Sun enters Aries on March 20th signaling the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and perhaps the beginning of a busier season for you. Logistical issues on the home front could come up and you may have a harder time compromising with others as Mars comes into a square with Uranus on the 22nd. You can make some progress in your creative life thanks to Mercury making inspiring conjunctions to Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces but relationships and domestic scenarios could be creating tension.

On the 28th, Venus comes into a conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius while also beginning to square the Nodes of the Moon that are currently transiting in Taurus and Scorpio. There could be domestic obligations that feel somewhat difficult to reconcile. You may have to make a logistical decision. Trying to work things out could include choosing what makes the most sense for your long-term stability.

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