Scorpio Horoscope for February 2022

Scorpio Horoscope for February 2022

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of largely internal contemplation for you, Scorpio, with downstream outer- and partnership-oriented ramifications that might turn out to surprise you. The area of relationship itself, an often thorny one, is for you, this month, full of unexpected twists and turns. Things change somewhat once Venus begins to recover from her recent retrograde period, and joins Mars mid-month for their long conjunction, but the potential for surprises – and for surprising enlightenment – remains. Following the Leo Full Moon of February 16th, the final two weeks of February will be interesting and informative, on both the relationship front and as well in terms of personal growth and evolution. Your learning curve now is steep but try to stay with it. A more thorough integration of self and other is in the offing for you that grows more intensely transformative as the remainder of the month unfolds. Throughout this rather difficult and yet informative monthly cycle you will want to be asking yourself for the reasons, and these will inevitably have much to do with what you can uncover regarding your internal workings. Integration is the key, and will see you through.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

February begins with a New Moon in Aquarius, initiating a cycle of things pertaining to your home, your family, and your sense of security. You may have been caught up in logistics trying to make something work, or with regard to relationships, and this New Moon brings a fresh incentive to keep going. The New Moon is also conjunct Saturn which brings a sober or pragmatic tone to the month and can help you evaluate things realistically. Saturn has been in Aquarius for over a year prompting you to assess the solidity of your foundation. The work continues this month. Nothing is gained quickly with Saturn. However some tangible progress is possible in the following weeks, and you could start to see the results of your energy investment. The New Moon squares Uranus in Taurus, your opposite sign, which therefore continues to highlight the need for adaptability in your partnerships. There could be surprises or unexpected events in this area, bringing as well, unexpected enlightenment. The tension between what you want versus what the important people in your life might want could continue to be a work in progress in February although as well, exciting solutions can emerge when you team up with others.

Mercury stations direct in Capricorn on February 3rd, beginning to recover over the next three weeks from the previous month of the Mercury Retrograde. This could finally give you courage to more directly speak your truth, If you’ve been hesitating about an important conversation that needs to happen. Written and verbal communication will also increase in this first week of February. As

Mars in Capricorn sextiles Jupiter in Pisces from the 3rd to the 5th and creative ideas could emerge. This could be a pretty busy time for you but you should have an easier time enjoying your work and feeling inspired.

The second week of February is punctuated with a dynamic First Quarter Moon in Taurus on the 8th which brings tension between what you are trying to establish and the compromises needed to make it work. There might be important negotiations taking place that relate to the very structures that hold your life together. There may not be easy solutions in sight but your willingness to collaborate with others will continue to open new doors and opportunities you hadn’t considered. You may have the chance to refine your skills and deepen your experience and you could feel particularly curious or creative at this time. Mars in Capricorn sextile Jupiter earlier in the month, and then trine Uranus in Taurus from the 7th to the 9th will also likely highlight exciting and creative collaborations. You might feel more driven than usual and might want to recognize that a fluid and flexible approach could help you get where you want to go.

Mercury conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn on the 10th and the 11th which is an aspect that occurred at the end of December before it stationed retrograde. This is about greater consciousness of your changes. Now that Mercury is moving direct again, and retracing its steps, you may finally get the information that you need to start moving forward with greater self-awareness. Mercury conjunct Pluto can help you get to the bottom of something and you may also be obsessed with an idea that you can’t get out of your mind.

Mercury re-enters Aquarius, for you signifying home and family concerns, on the 14th, And this will bring attention to your base of operation. If you’ve been unsure about a situation at home or how to proceed next, Mercury in Aquarius should help clarify your process so that you can feel secure with your decisions.

The Full Moon in Leo takes place on the 16th, culminating in your vocational sector and thus highlighting your ambitions and achievements. A career or a role may be coming to a close or it might feel easier to take stock of your accomplishments. The Full Moon squares the Nodes that have just entered your own sign of Scorpio and your opposite sign of Taurus, bring issues of self and other that may highlight an ongoing tension between the ways you’ve been doing things versus a new awareness that is slowly emerging. Without knowing exactly how to do so, you may be ready to let go of something that has reached its expiry date. Whatever comes up in the days surrounding the Full Moon could highlight what is coming to completion in your life and it may be your opportunity to simply sit with the revelations. Venus and Mars in Capricorn are visible together before sunrise from the morning of the 14th onward, which may also greatly arouse your desires and your ambitions at this time. This close conjunction between Mars and Venus is telling, bringing relationship issues to the fore, and lasts through to after the end of the month.

The Sun enters the Mutable Water sign of Pisces on the 18th which brings your creativity into greater focus, and also signals the last thirty days of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun in Pisces shifts the attention onto your creative projects, your children, and your self-expression. You could also be called towards more pleasurable activities after the intensity and pressure of the last few weeks. Jupiter in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus in the timing of the New Moon and its aftermath could help you birth a new creative project – in tandem perhaps with close collaborators – or bring new inspiration in general.

During the last full week of February, Mars and Venus in Capricorn, still within a degree of each other, come into a harmonious sextile with Neptune in Pisces. This could signal an inspired and fertile time, although could also be distracting into fantasy imagination. As long as you are not too preoccupied with finishing things on time, they could start falling into place in a surprising way. Your sense of faith might be restored. You may even be able to adopt a different perspective on your life. Adopting a more flexible outlook might help you to get through the chaotic time period of this spring with greater ease.

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