Scorpio Horoscope for April 2023

Scorpio Horoscope for April 2023

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of centering yourself, Scorpio, and of finding the spiritual undercurrent in your day-to-day activities as you prepare for a dynamic monthly cycle. Potentially useful relationship snags could arise. The Full Moon of April 5th in your sector of unconscious process and inner work encourages you to look more closely beneath the surface for some of the answers that you seek, while also indicating that surprising events on your relationship front may provide you with unexpected food for thought. Then, the Solar Eclipse and New Moon of April 19th, on the edge of your relationship sector, represents a significant juncture when many of these trends might come to a head. The eclipse is followed two days later by the station of Mercury to retrograde motion, in your opposite sign, signifying relationship. This intensifies an introspective mode that was perhaps already begun and that signals a great deal of questioning of whatever is going on within your partnership dynamic. This period lasts for the next five weeks when you take the post-shadow period into account. Paying close attention to everything that comes up for you now helps; and you can expect to emerge on the other side stronger and more fully integrated.

The following was written by our guest columnist Geoff Gronlund of

The very potent Aries New Moon from March 21st was in your sixth sector of day-to-day environments, health regimens, service to others, along with a host of other planets, which have been contributing to a strong sense of new beginnings in any health regimens, life management, or anything to do with personal refinement, extending into the current month. Due to the recent New Moon being directly influenced by Mars and Pluto, you continue to deal with inner transformational shifts that need to be addressed. The lesson at this time is to improve the ways in which you manage your life, and to become more conscious of your health by changing any habits that detrimentally affect you. This can instill within you a greater sense of organization, vitality, and inner joy moving forward.

On April 3rd, Mercury ingresses into Taurus, bringing a thoughtful and communicative timing to how you think and relate, especially in your close and intimate partnerships. This could be a wonderful time to assimilate all of your close relationships, perhaps in particular your intimate connections, to recognize the value of communication within them. The theme of assessing your most valuable interpersonal contacts likely will color the entire month of April for you. And because of Mercury’s placement in your seventh sector of partnership and its eventual retrograde there, you may experience situations that force you to seriously consider improving how you relate to the people that mean the most to you.

On the late evening of April 5th, the Libra Full Moon lands in your sector of hidden matters, dreams, and the etheric realms of your psyche. In this Full Moon, as well, the Sun closely conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer, which is also near Jupiter and in aspect to Trickster Uranus, so that all this activity going on beneath the surface layers of your psyche can be stimulating in a completely novel way, and lead you into unexpected revelations regarding inner wounding, likely the residue of early trauma, that you may have experienced in childhood. It could be that you will feel the need to address these wounds quietly with yourself to determine what might be best for you in order to move forward. This could also involve letting go. The results of dealing with these hurt places deep inside you this can bring tremendous purification and liberation from psychological and emotional blockages that have been in place for a long time, improving your health and well-being.

Venus moves into Gemini late on April 10th, making a trine to Pluto in Aquarius. This can inspire you to develop more trust in life and the world around you through inner soul work and connecting deeply with others. When we find greater trust and understanding in our world, it can empower us to be more forgiving and open to relating with others, which is how this transit can influence you.

The Sun joins Jupiter in Aries in your health and personal refinement sector on the same day, beckoning you outside to engage in invigorating activities and exercise or to sort through your office or workspace, getting rid of anything unnecessary to create a cleaner and more organized space in which to function more effectively.

As Mercury begins its early shadow period on April 7th, in Taurus, your opposite sign, ahead of its upcoming retrograde cycle, be mindful that anything happening between now and mid- to late May is likely going to need to be revisited during the last part of May and into June after Mercury is actually retrograde (April 21-May 14) and then recovering (May 15-May 31). Mercury rules your sign and is in your sector of relating to others now and through this retrograde period, you may be spending a good deal of time talking about the value of your resources with a partner or catching up with friends old and new. You may hear from an old partner or friend, or you might decide to reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to in a long time. This placement brings a pragmatic focus to your mind, so it is also possible that you will be spending these five to seven weeks evaluating the importance of many of the relationships in your life, as well as how healthy they are for you to be a part of.

The Solar Eclipse New Moon of late evening April 19th takes place in the final degree of Aries, again corresponding to your health and life management sector, and closely squares transformational Pluto, creating yet another fresh start, perhaps involving reflection upon recent modifications or improvements to your health and personal life, as well as your home and family life. This is quite intense eclipse New Moon that could also involve your primary relationships as the Sun and Moon move into Taurus, corresponding to your opposite sign, just in the hours

The Solar Eclipse New Moon of late evening April 19th takes place in the final degree of Aries, and right on the very edge of Taurus, your opposite sign. This corresponds to your health and service sector, and also that of partnership. This New Moon also closely squares transformational Pluto, reminding you of the ongoing transformational intention of this entire month, as you continue to dig down deep into your most sincere principles in order to find your own moral compass uniquely your own, and also perhaps enabling you to reflect more deeply upon the success of recent modifications or improvements to your close and intimate relationships. These reflections may also force you recognize that you can’t do everything by yourself.
And yet thoughts arise which may also help you embrace your sense of independence and freedom within yourself. That you are essentially standing up for your own identity as well as for your partner, is perhaps a good point to keep in mind at this time.

The Sun and Moon both enter your opposite sign of Taurus by about four hours after the eclipse. This can indicate that the relationships you value in life may be transforming to better align with your ideals and hopes for what they hold in the future. Reflecting upon the importance of those relationships can help impart a deeper understanding of why you cherish them so much. It’s vital during times like these to communicate with a partner or close confidant about how to protect the assets, and the means of those assets, that provide for yourself and your loved ones so you can be a more conscious sentinel of your treasure vault.

The Mercury Retrograde period of time that begins on April 21st is good for reflective meditation and conversation about examining the true scenario of your relationships, but it is not a great time to attempt to force important decisions, especially related to finances, with a significant other or business partner. You are likely reconsidering certain choices you made that no longer seem viable, along with any motivations you have contemplated concerning those relations moving forward. Whatever the case, a close reexamination of your core principles and values can help align you with those associations you are involved in by the time Mercury stations direct and goes through its recovery period throughout May.

In the timing of the Moon’s First Quarter, taking place on April 27th , and heralding the last weekend of the month, with the Sun now in your opposite sign of Taurus, and the Moon in Leo, corresponding to your tenth sector of career, you are energized in many ways to find the connection between what you do out in the world, with how you connect with partners, or potential partners, and with all that you hold inside. Because Mercury is still in the middle of its retrograde period, things are moving slowly, with more emphasis on researching new possibilities than on acting upon them. The intention is there however to initiate greater integration within yourself.

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