Scorpio Horoscope for May 2023

Scorpio Horoscope for May 2023

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of transformation and difficult progress, Scorpio, as you assimilate wisdom from within that tells you true more effectively than what you get from the superficialities of consensus opinion. It’s early going is a time of questioning and readjusting partnership dynamics and of reaffirming your sense of life mission in the face of distractions. The lunar eclipse in your sign that takes place on May 5th represents an entirely significant timing, signaling an important stage in your understanding of your partnership dynamic, and the continuing evolution of your beliefs and worldview. From the 12th to the 14th, the Moon’s Last Quarter and the station of Mercury to direct motion also makes for a rather intense weekend, one of the peak periods of the Mercury Retrograde period and a time of additional commitment to your process. The late Taurus New Moon of the 19th also signals changes in the works for the way that relationship with important others plays out in your life. All through, the internal principles and values that you aspire to, deep down, form a significant basis for everything that is going on for you in this month of changing tides and relationship realignment.

The following was written by our guest columnist Geoff Gronlund of

The Solar Eclipse New Moon from last month at the final degree of Aries was a key event for you and everybody else, in that the Sun and Moon were in square alignment to transformational Pluto in your fourth sector of home and family. You are very likely experiencing alterations in how you view your current domicile, or perhaps your family of origin, including issues affecting the emotional home base of your psychological roots. Mercury is also now in retrograde, giving you the opportunity look more deeply into your relationships. The associated Aries stellium may have also motivated you to pay more attention to your health, perhaps committing to more exercise or physical activity, or looking into details of your habitual behavior. The effects of the eclipse can be experienced most directly through the first three weeks of the current month, although also lasting for the next six, until the fall eclipse season takes place.

As the month begins, on May 1st , Pluto stations retrograde, still in your home and family sector, so that issues of nurturing, emotional processing, and familial dynamics become even more greatly emphasized. The Sun and Mercury conjoin on the same day in your partnership sector and this represents one peak moment of the retrograde period. You could be questioning or revisiting various factors in your relationship dynamic. This combination of events might also herald a time that you can inject more nurturing and transformative healing into your partnerships, possibly creating healthy dialogue about what needs more balance and harmony in your relationships to bring you closer to one another.

On May 5th, the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in your sign falls therefore in your first sector of personal ambitions, independence, and passion. This brings up issues of self and other, which can introduce a desire for deeper soul work with someone else or perhaps yourself, and signal moves along the lines of reinventing your identity in some fashion. You might be attempting to reclaim a sense of individuality and freedom, or encourage that in a partner. This is a significant juncture, being another eclipse, and can ultimately teach you the importance of connecting deeply with others and with your own hidden side, along the way to fostering greater trust with them and within yourself.

Venus ingresses into Cancer on May 7th in your ninth sector of higher mind, travel, and belief systems, and this event can instill upon you a growing desire to travel or study the rich cultural diversity of the world. Gaining a more holistic perspective of other philosophies and religious/spiritual traditions can produce more appreciation, understanding, and comfort knowing how different people can be. This can create more inner security and a stronger sense of identity knowing your place in the grand scheme of things.

On May 12th, the Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius is colored by an active and somewhat difficult and yet workable relationship between Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. You may be inspired to align your ideals with your identity and push to actualize those ideals in creative ways. You might also be feeling more affectionate and nurturing toward a partner, possibly sharing with each other how you both would like to elevate the importance of such sensuality.

Mercury stations direct on May 14th in your partnership sector nudging you to consolidate all that you reconsidered and refined over the past three weeks or more, while Mercury was retrograde, and apply that understanding over the next two weeks – as Mercury recovers – to your intimate or professional relationships moving forward. It is quite likely that your resources and personal values surfaced in conversation over these past weeks, perhaps highlighting the inevitability that you and your partner have differing opinions about some things. Hopefully, productive conversations help you both gain a clearer perspective of what matters most to each of you and how to manage things for greater sustainability. It would be best to apply any changes in these areas gradually and strategically, because during Mercury’s post-retrograde period there is a lingering influence that bides its time while you work to integrate all the recalibrating that took place while it was retrograde.

Jupiter ingresses into Taurus on May 16th in your seventh sector of relationships, forming a close square with Pluto. This could invite more sensuality and affection into your intimate partnerships, thus bringing you physically and emotionally closer. Due to Pluto’s strong influence in your sector of nurturing and emotional security, this could also likely invite transformative exploration in these areas, helping to create an elevated sense of security and intimacy between you.

On May 19th, the New Moon lands in the late degrees of Taurus, corresponding again to your seventh sector of relationships, balance, and justice. This would be an ideal time to harness some of the lessons learned during the Mercury Retrograde cycle, although it is good to remember that Mercury is still straightening out. This is another extremely powerful lunation. You might begin to make a plan to eradicate certain tendencies and habits that are ready for a change. Following through with these types of intentions can help improve your most important relationships, because your ship is not meant to be kept in the harbor, it rather is built for the high seas! Whatever intentions, big or small, that you are formulating at this time might do better if set aside until around month’s end, or at least until after May 21st, which is after Mars ingresses into Leo (May 20th) and the Sun ingresses into Gemini (May 21st).

On Sunday, May 20th, Mars moves into Leo, in your tenth sector of career, achievement, and professional life, igniting a powerful drive to achieve and succeed in your career to attain more income and recognition. Mars is in close opposition to Pluto and in square to Jupiter at this juncture. This is a very passionate transit, so it would be wise to restrain some of your verve so that you don’t cross boundaries or act rashly without enough thought, which this transit can bring. Due to Pluto and Jupiter’s direct influence, there is potential for tremendous achievement and recognition, but be wary that your pride doesn’t run ahead of you without ample humility and selflessness. The price you could pay would be far from worth it.

The Sun’s ingress into Gemini on May 21st in your eighth sector of power, loss, and transformation can influence you to open up more about your inner secrets and fears, thus initiating deep shadow work, which is perhaps not unfamiliar to you. Connecting deeply with others may seem easier during this transit, so take advantage of the opportunity to develop more trust and understanding between yourself and anyone willing to go there with you.

Over the remaining days of May there might come the ideal time to finally put in place the intentions created during the recent New Moon on the 19th, and to deal with whatever has come up for you, easy or difficult, since that climactic timing. Your ship may be departing the safety of the harbor for the exciting seas and lands that lie out there in the great unknown that is spread out in front of you.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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