Scorpio Horoscope for June 2023

Scorpio Horoscope for June 2023

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is yet another month of transformation from the inside out, Scorpio. This includes issues with your career or public persona and, in particular, concerns of home and family. The June astrology implies that, in a time of partnership focus, you are also reaching for an uneasy balance point between your public and your private life. It may be said that your inner life has now a huge role to play in how you see your future unfolding during this current monthly cycle. Your values, the way you see the world around you, your relationships and your work in the world are all potentially in transition. There also could be unfinished business in terms of what is brewing deep inside you, in which you feel that you must make changes in either your dwelling space or your family setting, or perhaps with regard to your family of origin. Sometimes inner wounds from the past can lurk without conscious recognition until unexpected events bring them out; if this is your story, it is always best to look more closely into such issues for the hidden gold to be mined in this way, from within.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

June offers a moment to breathe following last month's powerful lunations across your axis of self and other, combined with an emphasis on your home and professional sectors. The effects of the mid-May Taurus New Moon in your relationship sector continue to play out during the first half of the month, with transformational Pluto having been prominent in this potent lunation. You may find that matters of identity, career, partnership, and your home and family are all up for you over the course of this extraordinary thirty-day lunation cycle.

On June 1st, Jupiter in Taurus conjuncts the Lunar North Node, which brings your opposite sign, corresponding to your relationship sector, even more strongly into the picture of what is going for you this month. Mercury also escaping its retrograde shadow as the month begins indicates emerging clarity for you in this area; this as you continue a major process of growth through change. This may include an emerging understanding of the world itself as an inherently relational plane. In loosening the bonds of past emotional patterns, you might make progress, inviting broader shifts in the way that you experience it.

The Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3rd occurs in your sphere of personal assets and values, suggesting that practical solutions to recent uncertainty in your partnership sector must include honest conversations about money and possessions, including the importance of social generosity and using your resources to facilitate more freedom and adventure. With Jupiter's expansive presence in your partnership sector for the next year, and ruling your financial one, relationships with shared values could provide a fertile foundation for material abundance. Mercury's conjunction with Uranus in Taurus in this lunation encourages experimental approaches to shared material realities, perhaps through new business or investment plans or expanding your understanding of the resources and skills you have access to. This transit may bring unexpected gains to you via a partnership or enable emotional catharsis by helping you to break mental patterns of mistrust and scarcity.

On June 5th, Venus enters Leo, joining Mars already there, corresponding to your career sector, potentially offering a soothing influence to recent tensions in the workplace. This transit suggests recognition in your field or calling or at least your excitement about it. While you may not seek the spotlight, a part of you may crave recognition and take pride in your expertise. It could be a good time to reflect on your evolving professional desires, which will likely be a topic of considerable emphasis over the next four months.

Upon entry into Leo, Venus opposes Pluto in your home and family sector suggesting that pressure in your domestic sphere could interact with your larger ambitions, reflecting deeper shifts in your identity. There could be a significant shift in the works for you of a in terms of a physical or an aesthetic metamorphosis. This transit may also bring up past wounding experiences related to shadows around the feminine or perhaps your sexuality.

Pluto returns to Capricorn, representing your sphere of communication, learning, and local environment, on June 11th, indicating that the path forward requires further shedding of the past—centering your mind as the site of the metamorphosis. Mercury's trine to Pluto, both in culminating degrees of earth signs, suggests that the deep connection and stabilizing presence of partnership can usher in new perspectives, offering healing through deep conversations within close relationships or a trusted therapist or healer. This transit may aid in releasing pent-up trauma or baggage from the past. You may be in the mood to question your judgment and skepticism of others, possibly reflecting on fixations or grudges with a new awareness that you can change your experience by changing your mental orientation. The square aspect between Venus and Jupiter indicates that while you may feel stretched between the professional and relational spheres of your life, both feel generative and inspire you.

The Gemini New Moon on June 17th extends your focus on relationality to the sphere of intimacy and reciprocity, asking what you want to share and what you want to receive. Perhaps the partnerships you are deepening require the merging of finances, and you are in a budgeting process to figure out how to sustain your shared needs. Mercury's sextile from Gemini to Venus in Leo indicates there may be a flow of income from your work to support shared endeavors or that a transformation in your psychology or outlook may facilitate growth and confidence in your career.

The New Moon is additionally modulated by action in your sector of self-expression, children, and joy, with Saturn's station retrograde in Pisces and the Sun and Moon making a square aspect to Neptune in this sign. As long ago as March, this sector of your chart was a significant place of growth, which may come with a current of anxiety or a disorienting lack of clarity. You are being called to get serious about something here, which may be your creative practice, any children you may have, or committing to the pursuit of joy. This could involve considering your relationship to pleasure, intimacy, and desire or issues related to trust and boundaries.

The Sun moves into Cancer at the solstice on June 21st, shining its light on your foreign travel, higher education, and spirituality sector that will also be a focus for the coming July month.

The fixed sign square between Mars and Uranus that occurs on June 24th to the 26th takes place across your vocation and relationship sectors, in the context of the Moons first quarter, a tension that could manifest as an explosive battle with a colleague, an urgent need for freedom in your relationship, or an accident or sudden change in circumstances. The Libra First Quarter Moon takes place on the 26th in your sector of dreams, shadows, and the subconscious, and suggests this conflict may activate something buried deep in your psyche. You might be able to harness the courageous liberating quality of this transit to take professional risks or engage in further depth work within your unconscious parts.

Mercury's conjunction with the Sun in Cancer on June 30th might offer a jolt of optimism or insight into your philosophical affairs, as this corresponds to your sector of higher mind, education, and distant travels. Supportive aspects from Mercury and the Sun in Cancer to Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in your creativity and partnership sectors support dialogue within relationships centering on topics of spirituality or philosophy, which likely spark joy and deepen your bonds.

Neptune's retrograde station in your fifth sector of self-expression, joy, and children might call you back to more subtle dimensions of yourself. It may be helpful to be open and present with yourself about what brings you joy and inspiration around this time, which may involve nurturing a spiritual practice to connect with a more profound sense of trust in a larger cosmic order.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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