Taurus Horoscope for February 2018

Taurus Horoscope for February 2018

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a powerful month for you, Taurus, with an emphasis on the way that you show up in the public arena. You are taking greater notice of intuitional depths that, while they have long been on your radar, are perhaps only now being fully recognized as concrete realities on a par with the 3-D physical world of the ordinary senses. You are exploring an amalgam of this viewpoint with the outer persona that you must adopt in order to communicate effectively. Your career choices form a vital part of your focus, and this goes better when you take into account everything that is going on beneath the surface. The second half of February, following the Solar Eclipse of the 15th, sees you through to an even greater focus on career, plus responsible educational and travel goals. You are dedicated to all forms of knowledge and of higher law, seeking to form a better fit between inner and outer priorities.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins just one day after the lunar eclipse in Leo, which landed in your fourth house of home and family. Lunar eclipses represent endings and culmination;; don’t be surprised if you see significant changes related to your home, family, or property this month.

Meanwhile, on February 3rd Mercury in Aquarius in your tenth house will make a sextile to Mars in Sagittarius in your eighth house. This transit may provide you with a unique financial opportunity, a raise or promotion, or the ability to finally pay off some debt, and perhaps thanks to the earning or professional advancement of a partner. Be careful because this transit can also cause impulsive or hasty decision making, especially related to your job or career.

On the same day, Venus in Aquarius in your tenth house will square Jupiter in Scorpio in your seventh house. If you are married or in a relationship, this is a great transit for coupling together with a partner to achieve something, or for grand displays of affection or love. This is also a great transit for developing new professional allies or for being recognized or rewarded in the work place. Be careful of overdoing things around this time, as Venus and Jupiter together can indicate excessiveness or even vanity.

February 7th the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio will conjoin with Jupiter in your seventh house. You may notice a significant change in your most important relationships at this time. This is a transit inviting you to let go of things that are no longer serving you, to find a deeper level of emotional honesty in your relationships, and to reap the benefits of what hard work you’ve put into your relationships. This may also be a powerful time of growth or transformation for a partner or friend, who you might be asked to hold space for, or to nurture through a difficult period.

February 10th the planet Venus moves into Pisces, where it was traditionally said to be “exalted.” It will also move into your eleventh house. This is a wonderful transit for the planning or crafting of a new vision, for artistic or creative collaboration, and for celebrating your best friendships or getting out with a group of friends. Venus in the eleventh house also brings benefactors or good luck from people who are well connected.

On February 15th it’s a New Moon and solar eclipse in the sign of Aquarius in your tenth house. Imagine a big door opening and a new burst of energy starting to pour into the career and calling area of your life. Prepare for a season of growth, and don’t be scared to innovate or even make things up as you go.

On February 17th Mars in Sagittarius in your eighth house will square Neptune in Pisces in your eleventh house. This is a great transit for going deeper or for exploring your fears or anxieties about the future. Be careful not to martyr yourself for someone or something at this time, but don’t be surprised if you are asked to make a sacrifice, either. Be mindful of what you are influenced by at this time, and be careful that you’re not compromising too much for the sake of getting something you’re afraid you won’t be able to get otherwise.

On February 17th Mercury is also cazimi (at the heart of the Sun) in the sign of Aquarius. However, shortly after this on the 17th Mercury will also enter its traditional “fall” by moving into Pisces and your eleventh house. It’s very important to use your best judgment and to be as discerning as possible during this transit. This is a transit that may involve special announcements or big decisions or choices in your career, but you should be very careful that you are thinking very carefully about the long-term consequences of what you’re doing, who you delegate or give power to, or what you say publicly at this time.

On February 18th the Sun will enter the sign of Pisces and your eleventh house, and on February 21st Venus will conjoin Neptune in Pisces in your eleventh house. Both transits emphasize the importance of friends and allies, visioning for your future, groups of people, and the good luck that comes our way when we focus on developing the right connections, with the right people, in good faith, for the right reasons.

Following this, Mercury will conjoin with Neptune in Pisces in your eleventh house and Venus in Pisces will square Mars in Sagittarius in your eighth house, both on February 25th. This series of transits focuses on your finances and personal resources as they stand in relationship to the allegiances, friendships, and long-term goals that you’re doing so much to cultivate this month.

The big themes for you this month are your career and your friends, as well as your colleagues and those people you’re hoping to share a common vision of the future with. For as much as you enjoy stability and love to be in control of the manifestation process, remember that the Universe is constantly trying to help us along and often does so in magical and unpredictable ways!

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