Taurus Horoscope for August 2023

Taurus Horoscope for August 2023

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Otherworldly communication is the name of your game this month, Taurus, due to the plethora of outer planet connections affecting your personality. Your ruler, Venus, is additionally moving backward through your sector of home and family, and your psychological roots, so that you are in for a long, slow, depth dive more revealing of your inner core than of your outward directed mundane plans. You benefit when you can just go with whatever the universe has in store for you in this mystical timing. There are ways that you have been seeking to catch up with yourself that might be very relevant now, with Neptune and Pluto beckoning and with the Venus Retrograde and later Mercury as well, through important sectors of your solar chart. The Full Moon that begins the month emphasizes, along with balancing public and private concerns, an optimistic outlook and benign partnership interaction, while the Leo New Moon of the 16th in turn indicates a fresh start with home and family concerns, inner exploration, and getting it straight on what your true values are all about. There could be relationship surprises in the second half of the month, with Mercury in retrograde from the 23rd onward supplying an extra attitude of introspection.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at alea.balzer@gmail.com

The month of August contains some themes that overlap with July, particularly the reforms currently taking place within yourself in regards to your social output and what you want to bring to the world. This may be a particularly creative phase although creativity does not necessarily rhyme with productivity. People often confuse the creative function with something that gets externalized in some ways but this Leo Season has been colored by Venus in Leo moving retrograde which literally sees the planet disappear from the night sky. You may be experiencing a similar process in your own life especially in relation to your desires, values and aesthetics and more extensively the personae and roles that you play socially. This period of introspection may be accompanied by an experimental undercurrent that has been leading you towards paths, people, interests and new opportunities you may not have thought possible just a year ago.

The Aquarius Full Moon of August 1st culminates in the part of your chart that relates to your vocation, your career and your public life. This could feel like a big contrast in comparison to the past month especially since the New Moon in Cancer which has been more about the laboring and birthing process taking place behind closed doors. You may find yourself in the spotlight in some ways or be invited to participate in a social event that brings attention to your work or to yourself. This might not be your favorite place to be but there’s something satisfying about recognition and you should accept the accolades that are being sent your way. Mercury in Virgo opposing Saturn in Pisces on August 1st brings attention to your creative processes, your self-expression and the structures in place that allow you to boost your signal to a wider audience regardless of what you do. You may feel like a mad scientist out of its laboratory but the world needs and may even be asking for your output at the beginning of the month.

Jupiter transiting in Taurus since mid-May and having rulership over Saturn in Pisces means that the ball is in your court especially when it comes to Taurus rhythm which I like to say is basically nature’s rhythm. ‘’Things take time’’ and that’s ok when things progress on Taurus’s watch as there is an innate intelligence to nature that no man-made progress can transgress eternally. Jupiter’s function is to expand and optimize and Jupiter in Taurus means that the world is running on Taurus time and not the other way around. Focusing on doing what you love could be the secret ingredient to your success at this time even if this means just taking your time to wake up in the morning and enjoying your surroundings.

Venus retrograde in Leo comes into the second of three squares from the 8th to the 10th and although this aspect is typically considered somewhat disruptive this particular one may have more to do with insights and inspirations especially in relation to your origins and your loyalties to the people you love.

You might want to pay attention to home and family situations around the 13th, when Venus retrograde meets the Sun in Leo, as you may be privy to family secrets or new information about your ancestry that changes your perspective in some ways.

The New Moon in Leo on the 16th signals a new cycle for things that relate to your home, your domestic life, your family and your personal sanctuary. The New Moon is forming a square with Uranus in Taurus which speaks of new ways of doing things, innovation, and perhaps some restlessness with the status quo and a need for more personal space. This cycle may find you're-organizing your living arrangements in some ways or contemplating a move. Chiron in Aries is also coming into a supportive trine with the New Moon auguring that it is through solitude, autonomy or introspection that true integration is taking place for you right now.

The week of August 22nd brings an important shift beginning with the Sun entering Virgo on the 23rd and Mercury stationing retrograde in Virgo on the same day which will emphasize pleasure, romance and creativity in the following weeks. Mercury Retrograde in Virgo until mid-September might find you sorting out various projects and assessing your priorities.

The Sun in Virgo forms an opposition with Saturn in Pisces on the 26th and the 27th emphasizing your input and output and could find you working hard to actualize a personal project or perhaps finalize some work that has approaching deadlines.

The Full Moon in Pisces on the 30th culminates in your social sector and may highlight your important collaborations and the efforts that went into something. Overall the end of August should feel productive and you may reap rewards resultant from where you have been investing your time and energy.

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