Virgo Horoscope for April 2023

Virgo Horoscope for April 2023

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of going to the deeper places within you, Virgo, as part and parcel of your pathway forward. The Equinox New Moon from March 21st in your intimacy sector still colors the first two thirds of April, implying deep connection with yourself as well as with important others. You are therefore seeking inspiration for what you are up to in the outer world in your evolving beliefs and in discovering deeper understanding of where your life is leading you. Partners in your life provide a sense of commitment and consistency, yet also, as you find your own way through, potential obstacles to match yourself against. Two days after the solar eclipse of the 19th on the edge of your sector of higher mind, beliefs, and worldview, Mercury’s retrograde station taking place on the 21st intensifies your growing introspection and attitude of review and revision regarding the way that you perceive the world around you in all its depth and mystery. You are very aware of intuitional information arising from your deep center as a creative counter to what your conscious mind is telling you. It is important to pay the closest possible attention to what comes to you in this way.

The following was written by our guest columnist Geoff Gronlund of

The Aries New Moon from March 21st took place in your eighth sector of intimate connection and personal transformation, along with a host of other planets, which may continue to influence you as the month gets underway to create deeper connections with others, perhaps psychoanalyzing the intricacies of your own psyche as well as those of your close relationships. Taking what resonates with you from those analyzations helps create those deeper connections that many of us yearn for, especially in times of loneliness or sorrow, and this has probably been a guiding factor over the past few weeks.

On April 3rd, Mercury, your ruler, ingresses into Taurus, and your thought processes and mental agility may slow down and be able to focus more clearly on studying other cultures, philosophies, and religions, thus securing a greater understanding of what your own belief systems are. Recognizing the value of studying a diverse array of belief systems from other cultures can impart a more evolved and holistic perspective of the world in which you live. And because of Mercury’s placement in your ninth sector of higher mind and its aspect to transformational Pluto, you may find a renewed respect for how you manage throughout your life to see in new ways the world around you perhaps through researching other cultures and philosophies.

On the late evening of April 5th, the Libra Full Moon lands in your sector of resources, finances, and self-confidence with the Sun opposite and closely conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer, which is also near Jupiter and in aspect to Trickster Uranus. This is an indication of looking under the covers of what is going on in your life for better answers. Because Chiron is conjunct the Sun, this key lunation could stimulate issues of inner wounding, likely the residue of early trauma, that has become more fully ripe for healing. It may be that you are encountering issues of confidence, imaginary limitations or partnership burdens stemming from old issues that were imposed upon you by others as a child. Any intimate relationships you are in right now could be triggering these wounds. Discussing these matters within your close partnerships can help relieve the pressure and allow you to further break free from emotional blockages that have long been in place.

Venus moves into Gemini late on April 10th, making a trine to Pluto in Aquarius. This can rouse an increased sense of functionality and focus upon your career, reputation, health, and personal refinement. We often take our health for granted, so with Pluto freshly into your sixth sector of personal patterns, health regimens, and ego refinement, there may be work to be done in these areas. And with Venus now in your career sector, you might find a close relationships also help in some way to advance your career.

The Sun joins Jupiter in Aries in your sector of deep connections, intimacy, and rebirth on the same day, encouraging you to expand your intimate associations with others and to better understand the ways in which people relate to one another.

As Mercury begins its early shadow period on April 7th, in Taurus, ahead of its upcoming retrograde cycle, be mindful that anything happening between now and mid- to late May is likely going to need to be revisited during the last part of May and into June after Mercury is actually retrograde (April 21-May 14) and then recovering (May 15-May 31). Because Mercury is in Taurus in your sector of higher education, distant travels, and other cultures both now and through the retrograde period, you may be spending a good deal of time reexamining the ways in which you handle your finances, taking extra care not to spend too much money on unnecessary things. Extra focus is called for here so that due diligence is carried out to protect your resources.

The Solar Eclipse New Moon takes place on late evening April 19th in the final degree of Aries, corresponding to your sector of deep personal connections and trust issues, and it closely squares transformational Pluto, creating yet another fresh start, perhaps encouraging a complete transformational upgrade to your health regimen or the ways in which you manage your life. Your fiery desire to understand others on a psychological and emotional level has likely captivated you over the past month, inspiring a renewed zest for deepening your connections to those who are close to you already. And because these are the last moments of Sun and Moon together in Aries this year, any final aspirations to break free and transform your identity might imply a need to ceremoniously set intentions advocating for your autonomy in some way.

The Sun and Moon, in square with Pluto, both enter Taurus by about four hours after the eclipse timing. This can encourage you to take a closer look at how much you value cultural diversity, as well as other philosophies and religious beliefs, so that you can expand your consciousness and reinforce your own personal belief system. It is vital during these times to not dismiss contemplating how much you value the myriad ways of the world, and whether or not you have opened yourself enough to respecting and honoring the truths and wisdom their cultures can instill upon you.

The Mercury Retrograde period of time that begins on April 21st is good for reflective meditation and introspection to examine matters that again have to deal with your finances, values, belief systems, and self-confidence. It would be wise to spend this time analyzing your belief systems and whether or not you still find value in their principles. Sometimes we can get stuck believing the same things for extended periods of time without reflecting deeply upon how we truly feel about them. Going back through books you used to cherish, whether they’re novels, ancient philosophies, or religious texts, can inspire you to reevaluate how they have influenced your perspective. Whatever the case, a close reexamination of those perspectives can help you adjust your tack toward more meaningful and valuable ends by the time Mercury stations direct and goes through its recovery period throughout the May month.

The final weekend of the month is kicked off by the Moon’s First Quarter, on the 27th, that emphasizes your deep values and the call of your unconscious process. Especially during this introspective period of time coming up, your interior explorations can be extremely valuable to you, long term, extending into the future.

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