Virgo Horoscope for June 2023

Virgo Horoscope for June 2023

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of through-going metamorphosis, Virgo, along with accompanying deep reflection. Mercury, your ruler, is past its retrograde shadow and about to cross into your career sector so that you are likely feeling a definite shift in the energy. Other indications, though, still highlight your introspective side, as you navigate the transformational extremes of highlighted Pluto in your sector of health and habitual behaviors. This indicates that there are aspects of your daily life that are inevitably morphing in the direction of what you might come to regard as your greatest authenticity. The recipe for dealing with Pluto is to recognize that the universe has your back, in spite of any and all evidence to the contrary, and simply to go with your fated flow. Change is after all the essence of Nature, and of life itself. Idealized conceptions regarding your personal relationships might be somewhat confusing and also in need of adjustment. Your values are also in flux at this time, and signaling to you the siren call of the unknown prospect for personal and practical philosophy that is on its way. Your vision of your pathway forward and what is yet to come must therefore need to be reviewed with an eye to their ultimate significance for your future evolutionary stage, as yet unborn.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

The effects of the recent Taurus New Moon from May 19th in your sector of intellectual, philosophical, and spiritual expansion echo for you throughout the first half of June as you continue to explore who you are in the world and what you stand for. You are assisted in this by your ruling planet Mercury emerging from its retrograde shadow, so that June could offer greater clarity about what is truly meaningful to you. This understanding might ripple out into your relationships, public roles, and wider social connections as the month unfolds.

Jupiter in conjunction with the Lunar North Node in Taurus on June 1st also brings a sense of coherence and renewed hope after a period of confusion and realignment. You may feel that the disparate pieces of your life could actually be fused together so that what you do with your time and energy might more greatly align with your values.

The June 3rd Sagittarius Full Moon asks you to call on your instinctual wisdom as a guidance system in your continued search for knowledge and truth. This lunation represents another notch in your belt of meaningful evolutionary change that currently encircles you. It welcomes you to home and loved ones in a different way and may call on you to learn more about your cultural heritage. Your outer world actual or philosophical explorations not only nourish you internally but could also be stirring exciting new professional possibilities, perhaps including education or travel abroad.

Opportunities or ideas may arise unexpectedly due to Mercury's conjunction with Uranus in this Full Moon, encouraging experimentation and offering breakthroughs in research, writing, or understanding. Even in your open-mindedness, you might still possess biases that can blind you to what can actually serve you and emerge as your truth. As new insights emerge, this transit invites you to update your convictions and embrace learning outside of established traditions and structure – you are in a dialogue with life right now, and anyone or anything can be your teacher.

On June 5th, Venus enters Leo, joining Mars there, shifting your search for meaning inward to more subtle realms of the psyche. You may embrace solitude and the transcendent creative energy on offer by prioritizing personal creative work or exploring spiritual or psychological depth. It will repay you to pay attention to dreams that could be particularly vivid, perhaps keeping a journal by your bed. Most importantly perhaps, you can have fun with this transit – crank up the music and let loose.

Venus' concurrent opposition to Pluto in your sixth sector of work and health routines could see old concerns regarding physical or body image resurface. This transit prompts reflection on how you allocate your time and energy to others, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing space for your well-being and personal process. By mindfully observing yourself in unconscious mechanical acts or habitual routines, you may unearth old patterns or coping mechanisms. Perhaps it is a little easier now to look at those parts of yourself with brave compassion and let certain things go. Transformation of relationships and your values or standards is present also, and in your life generally.

On June 11th, Pluto in retrograde motion crosses the threshold back into Capricorn, shifting his transformational focus to your sector of self-expression and joy; and this is possibly relieving some issues with your daily workload. Simultaneously, Mercury, your ruler, enters Gemini and your career sector shining an important light on your work in outer world arenas. Regardless of your modes of expression, you have access to tremendous creative power right now, amplified also by Venus' square to Jupiter across your sectors of inner and outer presence. While time alone may feel like a luxury, this transit does support indulging your senses solo or beautifying your private space.

Mercury’s square to Saturn in Pisces on June 15th indicates it may be time to harness the mental agility of Gemini and your work persona to dialogue with intimate or professional partners. It's likely that significant changes in commitments have occurred since early March, with some being initiated or strengthened while others ended. It will further your process to take an active approach in your partnerships by clarifying what you want to build together and work to understand each other's intentions, capacities, and needs, especially where these concern also career matters.

The June 17th Gemini New Moon begins a fresh cycle in your public image and career domain. This next developmental phase could bring about recognition or new opportunities to utilize your communication and creative abilities as well as your capacity to connect with others. The New Moon contains a trine between Mercury in your career sector with Venus in Leo, and this reflects an ongoing process of aligning your work in the world with your internal values or passions. This New Moon invites manifestation through communicating and clarifying your dreams, so be courageous and try saying them out loud. The influence of Saturn's simultaneous station retrograde in Pisces and the Sun and Moon in square to Neptune may add a current of anxiety or seriousness surrounding your relationships. There could be profound karmic lessons to meet through partnership over the coming two years of Saturn in your opposite sign, possibly through recognizing boundaries and the need for establishing sovereignty within relationships.

On June 21st, the Sun's entry into your eleventh sector of friends, community, and higher aspirations again calls on your to express your vision – and there are allies who can help you get there.

The square between Mars and Uranus on June 24th to the 26th in the context of the Moon’s first quarter is a bit dicey, and could increase the potential for accidents to occur. Philosophically, this transit also continues your internal conversation between outer and inner expansion, maybe even with the explosive quality of an ecstatic experience or an ideological war. Even if you are triggered, try to remain curious; this transit offers the revelatory possibility of embodying a new insight or sudden release from an old pattern or belief. Look after your nervous system and channel any excess energy into personal creative work or a brisk hike alone in the woods.

Mercury's conjunction with the Sun in Cancer on June 30th brings additional vitality to your community sector. Saying yes to invitations will likely allow you to make connections that feel enlivening. That these two planets in conjunction are simultaneously sextile to Jupiter and trine Saturn suggests you are seriously invested in this; you could meet kindred spirits and collaborators through learning, travel, or spiritual pursuits.

Also this last day of June, Neptune's retrograde station emphasizes your need for a romantic or spiritual connection with your partner that transcends the ordinary. While considering sacrifice and projection within your relationships remains important, supportive aspects from Mercury and the Sun in Cancer to your sectors of the higher mind and intimate relationships indicate flow between your close partnerships and wider community. Including your partner in social activities, collective projects, and outer-world explorations may strengthen your bonds.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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