A Sagittarius New Moon of Optimism, Illusion, and Discernment

A Sagittarius New Moon of Optimism, Illusion, and Discernment

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The New Moon that becomes exact on November 26 at 7:06 am Pacific Time takes place at 4º+ in the exuberantly explorative sign of Sagittarius, and brings with it an expansive and dreamy tone. In the midst of ongoing transformational intensity, there is the potential for profound spiritual insight, and yet also for confusion and anxiety, perhaps uncertainty, unless we can look closely into all that we are seeing and feeling, with caution and with critical evaluation. Sagittarian energy gives us the gift of broad insight, the gift for looking out to the horizon for a greater sense of faith and the spiritual tenants upon which we can optimally operate, and this is augmented now by a powerful placement of Jupiter. The contrasting energy of Saturn in its own sign of Capricorn, and in conjunction with Pluto, is once again also featured. With this New Moon, we may feel a generosity of heart, a renewed sense of exploration, and a yearning to learn the specific lessons for our own current developmental path.

Amidst the cheerfulness of Sagittarius energy, we find some confronting configurations with Uranus in Taurus opposite Mars in Scorpio, aspected by the New Moon, and with Saturn conjunct and parallel to Pluto, quintile Mars, and square Eris. This latter aspect of Saturn-Pluto has been with us for many weeks now, and might well account for some of the transformational pressure that we have been feeling, at individual levels and within the collective. With Mars-Uranus so involved in this New Moon configuration, we may find unexexpected insights, and yet also be feeling a certain tension in the air. Our fuses could be short and accidents can happen. We do well to employ more mindfulness in all that we do, and to remember to slow down and take a few deep breaths where we feel reactive. Truly, this energy can be downright disruptive, yet it possesses within it the seeds for greater spiritual awakening. Whenever we have a big conflict, or an accident happens, often these incidents offer us the deepest learning and pathways to new insights and revelations – but only when we choose to shift our perspective out of feeling victimized by circumstance, and into looking for the spiritual gift hidden beneath the layers of pain and outrage that can manifest when things don’t seemingly go our way.

Mercury is finally recovering from its retrograde journey that ended on November 20th, and remains in its shadow period until December 7th. During this Full Moon, as well, the messenger of the Gods is in nearly exactly trine to nebulous Neptune in Pisces. Neptune is very slow right now, getting ready to station in early December to direct motion, and is thus significantly more powerful in his effects. We might feel drawn to idealized versions of life and love that could prove to be exaggerations, or struggle to find the words to express ourselves succinctly, instead drifting off into dreamy fantasies. This can be wonderful at times, and also must be met with a certain determination to settle down and be discerning.

This timing presents a good moment to attempt to integrate and reflect on any new ways of being that you have been wanting to anchor into your awareness, and it could also be good for journaling or discussion with trusted friends and allies who can help in this process. With any areas where you tend to feel anxious, and that could now be highlighted, you might succeed in soothing yourself by means of inward meditation, because Neptune likes to bring us contexts that ask us to let go of our sense of control, trust more deeply in our process, and surrender to the Divine. Activities that calm your thoughts and bring you into greater presence and flow are thus encouraged.

As a capper to this discussion of beneficial Sagittarius, we have Jupiter in the very last degrees of this, his home sign, making a sweet conjunction to Venus. This is a delightful aspect, bringing elements of harmony, as well as helpful lessons around self-love and positive connection with others. Indeed, as we head into the final month of 2019 and prepare for what is sure to be an eventful 2020, we can definitely choose to “get by with a little help from our friends.” Isolation and loneliness are becoming epidemic in the modern Western world, and while quality human connection used to be an inherent aspect of daily human life, in our contemporary society it has become something we must actively make a priority for to ensure it happening. We are beings wired for connection; it is truly the lifeblood that sustains us. This present New Moon configuration may also highlight our capacity for receiving love and guidance, and for enhancing our relationship with Divine Order. We may ask ourselves where in our lives we are able to absorb Universal Love, and where we are starving ourselves out, unable to be nourished because caught in cycles of fear? This New Moon is a beautiful time for intention and prayer around opening to more abundance and goodness. May we each experience Love in exactly the way that is most nourishing, supportive and life affirming for our own individual natures, allowing the places of fear to gently open and relax into the arms of the Greatest Good.

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