A Thoughtful Gemini New Moon with the Need for Discernment

A Thoughtful Gemini New Moon with the Need for Discernment

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Saturday evening’s late Gemini New Moon takes place on June 17th at 9:37 PM PT, early morning the next day for the east coast and Europe, and features a powerful square alignment to Neptune in late Pisces, a perfect 90-degree aspect within a degree of exactitude, implying that we must contend with the Neptune archetype at this time in everything that we do. This indicates the potential for idealization as well as self-deception, or for being subject to deliberate obfuscation by others, as well as the realization, in this second decade of this consequential 21st century, that there is a spiritual dimension to everything that we are up to, culturally and individually. There is also in this New Moon the continuation of the exact square between Pluto and the new Nature planet Haumea to liven things up. Mercury in Gemini, natural ruler of the Gemini sign of this New Moon, also aspects Eris and Chiron in Aries, Venus in Leo, a partile sextile, and is parallel and trine to the other new Nature planet, Makemake, located in Libra, making for a thoughtful time when we are invited to think our way through, and to apply the utmost discernment to our personal lives and to the fraught moment of our current cultural situation.

It is vitally interesting that Pluto remains in close square to Haumea at this juncture, an aspect which has characterized the last few New Moon lunations, ever since mid-February. One way to look at this ongoing planetary combination is to recognize that Pluto brings to the surface for difficult examination the flaws and the fallacies of whatever energy it is connecting with. In this case there is the upside of Haumea – in sensing what is the right way to behave, speaking truth as you might be able to know it – and as well its downside in aggrandizement, being self-righteous, in other words taking what you say as ending the discussion, no matter what anyone else might think. Both these sides of Haumea could show up in the zeitgeist these days. There is also the fallacy of convenient lying versus telling the inconvenient truth and then the resulting negative outcome of that latter behavior choice. Looking once more at the upside, there is, on the other hand, the possibility of growth within each and every one of us in the direction of our own personal evolution. This can be toward embracing the best part of ourselves, of taking the moral action that is required of us, and of telling the truth, no matter what.

In regard to Mercury, the quintile to Neptune is not extremely strong, but it is present, so that we might need to beware on a personal level the dangers of attempting a deception, or of over-idealizing or dwelling in fantasy in our dealings with others; and this applies as well to dealing with the reality of what we are up to. With Chiron involved with Mercury by its septile in this New Moon configuration, we could either be caught in our wounded places – engaging in an unrealistic idea of our current reality – or else utilizing in a more positive way the appearance of inner wounding, and its inherent difficulties, in attempting to dig down into the very heart of the matter, the undeniable truth. And this is in order that we might begin to begin to truly heal in these dark places within us, where undigested trauma from the past continues to intrude into the present.

Mercury with Venus, also present in this New Moon, implies using our good sense to start thinking our way through partnership scenarios that we face, and, as well, highlights the power of good inter-personal communication to help to resolve any untoward relationship issues that could arise. In addition to Mercury, Venus is aspected by the New Moon, being semi-square within ½ of a degree, and is also in close sesquiquadrate to Neptune, so that the potential for over-idealization or for seeking escape through fantasy might apply at this time to our relationships and, as well, our sense of aesthetics, beauty, and artistry.

Pluto, representing transformation, is highlighted in this New Moon, being aspected by Neptune, Eris, Haumea, and by the Sun and Moon in quincunx to him. The potency of Pluto in all these recent New Moon configurations cannot be overstated. We are being urged at this time by the surrounding cosmos to more fully recognize where in life we might be indeed be stuck, and where we can yet be able to get ourselves loose, through dint of working on ourselves and on our issues. Or by finding what sorts of habitual behavior we may need to let go of in order to be truly free.

As is becoming increasingly clear, as this pivotal 2023 year continues to unfold, we have now indeed a strong mandate from God or from the universe to evolve into our most authentic version of ourselves. This may be all that we can muster; and yet it is enough to make a significant difference in ourselves and in our world. This is for us, for our culture, and for our threatened planet. And there is, as they say, no time like the present.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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