Libra Horoscope for February 2021

Libra Horoscope for February 2021

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month represents another period of transformational impact for you, Libra, featuring both continuing trial and exciting breakthrough. It is a powerful time of digging in below the surface layers of your psyche for better answers, or at least different ones, to some long-held questions about ultimate life direction. Throughout the month of February, your productivity is varied and inspired, especially in the timing of the February 11th New Moon, which is big medicine for you. Because Mercury is retrograding through this same sector, of your creative self-expression, this is also a time of introspection and questioning. You may be re-thinking your priorities in this area. This month is also about your relationship dynamic, be it friendship, business, or personal, and the sudden impulses of deep feelings and sensations below the level of conscious awareness. You might make better progress with understanding your depths by employing your native intuition than within the limits of logic. You have a plethora of great ideas now, but probably do not want to make any decisive moves until March has arrived.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

There has been an emphasis on your home and family life since January’s New Moon in Capricorn. A fresh cycle began for you at that time, and much of your attention and focus have been going to the people you love and making sure they have everything they need. You may have been able to find some peace and equilibrium through familiar surroundings, which could help take the edge off from the stress coming from other parts of your life.

Venus enters Aquarius on the 1st, and your attention could start to shift to your creative projects, your children, and what brings you pleasure in life. Venus joins four planets already transiting in Aquarius bringing a tremendous amount of focus to your personal endeavors, romantic scenarios, self-expression, and more extensively what you do for fun. The Sun in Aquarius is also squaring Mars in Taurus at the beginning of the month which may bring some inherent tensions with others to surface. Creative projects are favored; however, collaborations may be strained. Venus conjunct Saturn in Aquarius on the 5th through the 7th, while simultaneously sextile Chiron in Aries, and square to Uranus in Taurus, could bring an opportunity to deepen a commitment or have a necessary conversation with someone that partakes of deep intuition.

Mercury retrogrades through Aquarius for the first three weeks of February, and meets the Sun on the 8th which marks the halfway point of its retrograde cycle. Mercury’s inferior conjunction with the Sun may bring new developments or clarity. However, Mercury is still transiting retrograde until the 20th which means that projects in the works may still need some fine tuning for you to feel satisfied. You may want things to happen faster than they can or be caught between what you want to do versus what is possible. There is a delicate balance needed right now between your commitments toward others and the commitments you need to have towards your desires. The ambivalence permeating February may have something to do with applying the right kind of pressure for things to evolve while also being aware of the breaking point, something you as a Libra excel at.

The New Moon takes place on February 11th in Aquarius and brings fresh energy and innovation for your personal projects. Your ingenuity may be at an all time high which means its a good time to write down your ideas as they come up even if they seem far-fetched. Saturn and Uranus are squaring each other at the time of the New Moon, highlighting a tension between what you would like to be doing versus personal obligations you must fulfill. You may have a partnership weighing you down or forcing you to divide your energy between pleasure and duty. You may feel like pursuing something on your own but there may also be a financial component binding you to others.

The first square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus culminates on the 17th of February, and lasts until about the 21st. This square will occur again from mid-May to July 4th, and from December 2021 to January 9, 2022, coloring this whole year with the slow building pressure between your desire for personal autonomy versus the obligations you have towards certain people which bring you a level of financial stability. You may need to take a creative or romantic risk while also being forced to respect your existing partnerships or financial limitations.

The Sun enters Pisces on the 18th signaling the last thirty days of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun in Pisces highlights your health sector for the next month and brings a focus on your habits and your body. Venus follows suit and enters Pisces a few days later on the 25th. With your ruling planet transiting Pisces until the 21st of March your work habits may get a boost and you might be able to appreciate the finer details of existence while finding a level of contentment in your daily life. The Full Moon takes place in Virgo on the 27th and therefore illuminates your inner critic. You may be able to shed some lights on the ways in which you sabotage your progress by being too hard on yourself. This is a very creative time for Libras which means shedding some of your perfectionist tendencies may actually help you find greater ease in your self-expression.

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