Libra Horoscope for May 2022

Libra Horoscope for May 2022

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of other orientation, Libra, although the diamond in the situation is that you will in no way be neglecting your own self-development while you attend to your partnership dynamic and issues of intimacy. It is a truism that relationship provides the most perfect mirror for better understanding yourself, and this is your month to take advantage of this as you pursue your own transformational agenda. The eclipse New Moon of April 30th signals bold new intentions on both of these important fronts, while the follow-up Lunar Eclipse of May 15th with Mercury also retrograde emphasizes a significant movement toward the fulfillment of your ideas regarding self and other. This latter powerful mid-May juncture also references major steps toward finding your way forward into new territory. This is especially so with regard to inner wounding that could have been holding you back from the greatest embodiment of your most authentic self. And this is also with regard to explorations of more fulfilled partnership and your own coming-out party as embracing to a far greater extent, in spite of all temptations to submit to consensus thinking, the gold of your own most sincere truth.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Due to the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus from the end of April, starting off the May month with a brand new and extra potent lunation, intimacy, shared responsibilities, and resources could be on your mind this month. This is as you wrestle with also a mystical placement of Venus, your ruler, and a mid-month Mercury Retrograde. Trickster Uranus and a slowing Mercury in the eclipse configuration lead to a great reliance on intuitive information from the deep interior of your psyche as you go through changes in your connections with intimate others, and with yourself.

Venus enters Aries on May 2nd and thus continues to bring relational themes to the forefront over the following weeks, but there may be too many movable parts to get a clear picture of where things are heading. You may also have to contend with a surprising amount of logistics at this time, and you could feel like it doesn't leave you much time for the things you want to do. Certain unpredictable factors could be out of your control, and things could feel in a state of flux.

The Sun in Taurus also conjoins with the rebellious planet Uranus for the first week of the month, which might be creating instability within your most solid alliances. What you need from others or what others require from you could be changing and evolving right now. You might have to embrace more progressive ways within your pre-existing agreements. Things could be shifting regardless of what you have to say on the matter.

Mercury stations retrograde in Gemini on the 10th, which continues to bring up unforeseen factors, and the usual missed connections and mechanical breakdowns. It could feel like you can't make up your mind right now. Mercury will be moving retrograde and then recovering until the middle of June, and you may have to reassess your plans, especially travel or educational ones. Someone you are close to could be influencing your decisions, and it could be harder to know what you want. Jupiter entering Aries on the same day could bring significant dynamic changes in the coming months, especially in your relationships. New alliances could be forming as old ones finally dissolve. Jupiter will be in Aries until the end of October and might bring some change of perspective regarding the crucial people in your life and what you need from them.

The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 15th constitutes another quite potent lunation that could highlight some of the logistical tension you have had to handle most recently. Dividing your time between necessary obligations and much-needed personal time may continue to feel complicated. Saturn in Aquarius squared by the eclipse Sun and Moon could bring to your attention a need to be more deliberate about your energy investments. If something is draining you emotionally or financially, it should become apparent towards the middle of the month. However, Mars in Pisces conjoined Neptune in the Full Moon configuration could also create some confusion about where you should be investing yourself. Venus in Aries conjoins with Chiron in the eclipse chart, potentially pointing the finger at vulnerabilities or old relationship wounds. You may not be able to do much about it except acknowledge the inherent insecurities that could be informing your relational patterns.

The Sun enters Gemini on May 20th, which helps ease the intensity that came with the eclipses since the beginning of May. Things will start to make sense as the Sun in Gemini illuminates your vision sector in the coming weeks. Mercury Retrograde in Gemini meets the Sun upon its entry into the sign of the Twins, which could bring essential answers relating to a journey you would like to make.

On the 24th, Mars enters Aries which is a significant ingress as it joins Jupiter and Venus in your relationship sector and will bring tremendous energy to your partnerships in the coming weeks. New agreements could be made with others that respect both parties' inherent need for autonomy and individuality. Venus in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn could highlight the significant changes at home or in your relationships that have been occurring in the past two years. There may be a need for maturity and honesty for things to run smoothly at this time. Still, your willingness to collaborate could differentiate between negative and positive outcomes.

The New Moon in Gemini on May 30th brings an expansive and hopeful influence to the following month, especially for things that help you open up to new perspectives. This signals the beginning of a fresh thirty-day cycle, and new possibilities could emerge related to travel, teaching or education. Keeping your options and your mind wide open could help you seize some of the potential opportunities in the following weeks.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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