Libra Horoscope for October 2022

Libra Horoscope for October 2022

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

October is an amazing month of new initiatives for you, Libra, with the recent New Moon from a week before it began having taken place in your sign. This made for a fresh start for you in matters of identity, relationship, and positive energy lasting for its first three weeks. As you shine forth in many ways this month, you are simultaneously striving to better understand yourself at deep and hidden introspective levels of your psyche. This is indicted by Mercury, having retrograded in Virgo, stationing direct on the 2nd, re-entering your sign by the 10th, and completely straightening out by the 17th. This takes you into yourself in new ways, because the sign of Virgo represents the sector in your solar chart concerned with dream imagination and inner work. Intuition plays a large role in this inward turning, and you do well to pay close attention to all the different layers that are currently transpiring, including partnership surprises and revelations. A different tone is struck during the final two weeks of October, and this could represent coming into yourself in a new way, and with a brand new vision for your future.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The recent New Moon in your sign from September 25th set the stage for most of October and initiated a fresh cycle that involves your overall well-being, your desires, and your self-concept. This revitalizing influence involves personal transformation and makes way for new energy to come into your life in the months ahead. There is a strong Pluto presence that implies inner development working itself out in your life together with a powerful process of letting go. Connecting your unconscious longings to your actions could be part of getting more of what you want out of life. You may finally come to realize that your need for new experiences is not going to go away although it might be tempered by conservative or cautious impulses as well.

New relationship energy also permeates the month of October and you might have to get out of your comfort zone to nourish fresh connections or also to honor in different ways your existing ones. You might have to strike a balance between what you want and the requirements of your relationships. Although, being a Libra, you are an expert at finding common ground, this month might indicate a stronger need than is usual to follow your own heart. There is a lot of traction for your personal projects which may bring new and exciting opportunities to venture out of the beaten path.

Mercury turns direct in Virgo on the 2nd and you may eventually be able to finalize something that had slowed down considerably in September. Mercury takes two weeks to fully straighten out, completing by the 17th. What you have been dealing with in a tentative manner could be related to inner work, your home, or a personal project but either way this forward motion could allow you to move on with things more efficiently as the month continues to unfold.

The Full Moon in your opposite sign of Aries on October 9th might emphasize your most important relationships and the compromises needed for these to work. Mars in Gemini rules the Full Moon from your vision sector which means you could be more inclined to invest in the people who can offer you new experiences and perspectives at this time as opposed to the same old scenarios. There is also a lot of Chiron in this Full Moon which could manifest as difficulties in your relationships that might arise due to your own inner wounding. If so, the recipe is to accept and befriend the hurt places within you.

Mercury re-enters Libra on the 10th which might reveal a greater polarity between what you want and the sacrifice required for a relationship to work. Mixed feelings could be part of the experience and you may have to sit with ambivalence for the time being.

The week following the Full Moon brings a host of supportive aspects between the Air signs which means you could progress towards the things that you desire. Things related to learning, traveling, creativity and romance might come together nicely, especially if you actively go after what you want. Take advantage of this easy psychological weather to make your moves!

From the 18th through the 20th, things could start to get a little bit more complicated, when both the Sun and Venus in Libra make a square with Pluto which could highlight important changes taking place in your life. Endings could be in the works that have been a long time coming. Venus coming into an exact conjunction with the Sun in Libra on the 22nd additionally signals the beginning of a new cycle that could help you align with your values and your desires more authentically in the months ahead.

Venus and the Sun both enter Scorpio on the 23rd, leaving your sign. This shifts your focus to your values, as will be further emphasized in the New Moon that follows two days later.

On the 25th, a partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Scorpio occurs, leading you to recognize in fresh terms the sector of your chart associated with values, resources, and finances. This is especially so because the Sun and Moon are partile or same-degree conjunct Venus, your ruler, in this extra-special New Moon configuration. Your relationships are again a significant part of your new focus. Also, the New Moon eclipse takes place just as Saturn stations direct in Aquarius. These tectonic shifts can bring an important reset in regards to what security means to you and you might be willing to take greater risks to actualize your passions at this time. Projects you had been working on in the past two years could finally start to find more coherence as Saturn starts moving direct in the months ahead. You may finally begin to reap the fruits of your labors.

Another more minor shift takes place when Jupiter re-enters Pisces on the 28th of October. This may highlight what you might have been working since the beginning of the year, when Jupiter was still in Pisces. Jupiter was in Pisces during the first five months of 2022. This re-entry in retrograde motion may also present you with opportunities to reflect on your day-to-day experiences and health routines as well as your sense of life purpose.
Mars turns retrograde in Gemini on the 30th, where it will be moving backward until mid-January, and this transit could find you revising things related to publishing, learning or travel plans. Although Mars retrograde could fuel your restless spirit, you may need to tackle a lot of minor details before you are able to move ahead with all of your current adventures.

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