A Fascinating and Transformational March

A Fascinating and Transformational March

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The astrology of March is quite active, featuring Jupiter, Chiron, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, plus a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 29 degrees of Pisces, on the morning of the same day that the Sun enters Aries for the Spring Equinox. Jupiter is still powerfully configured across the Zodiac from the rest of the planets, including Mercury, closely opposed to Jupiter just as the month begins. Mercury finally leaves its retrograde shadow on the 4th, in time for the Virgo Full Moon the very next day, with the Sun in Pisces in conjunction to Chiron, and aspecting as well the forming Uranus-Pluto square. The March 5th Full Moon also presents us with an Aries line-up including Mars conjunct the South Node, Venus conjunct Uranus, and Eris, the new planet beyond Pluto. This is therefore a very intense month, with loads of significant configurations leading up to the final perfection of the square between Uranus and Pluto followed by the onrushing energy of the eclipse, and the Spring Equinox, both taking place on March 20th.

The Uranus-Pluto series of seven exact hits of their dynamic alignment truly goes out with a bang. All through this month we find them quite close to their exact square, within half of a degree of Zodiacal longitude, from the beginning to nearly the end of March, strongly triggered by Jupiter on March 1st, by the Full Moon of March 5th, and then by Mars in conjunction with Uranus at the timing of the Last Quarter Moon of the 13th. All this leads up to their final moment of exactitude on March 16th, after which Uranus moves slowly past, remaining within 2 degrees through most of April.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is also featured in this month's configurations, being conjoined by the Sun and opposed by the Moon at the Full Moon timing during the first week of March. This symbolizes yet another facet of our deep internal process, in the form of dark and hidden places within the psyche, likely stemming from early trauma that has been buried away, and that we benefit by bringing to greater consciousness.

Leading up to the moment of perfection of Uranus and Pluto in square, Saturn stations in square with Neptune on March 14th, sounding another significant theme for the month. The practical limitations of Saturn are antithetical to the numinous, otherworldly and paradoxically illogical energies of Neptune, so that these two outer planets in collision have something to teach us regarding the complementary relationship between inner and outer realms that characterizes the human condition.

In the first half of the month, we have what is essentially a Piscean cycle that yet begins with an Aquarius New Moon, factors that mimic the Neptune and Saturn symbolism that we can also see reflected in the square between them that is active over approximately this same period of time. Similarly, in the Solar Eclipse of the early morning of the 20th, we have a late Pisces New Moon leading off what is essentially an Aries cycle. These two back-to-back thirty-day cycles, extending into mid-April, while they begin with the energy of the sign that is just ending, possess a little taste of the next sign's energy as they unfold, therefore to some extent bridging the gap between. With this exciting Spring Equinox configuration, we therefore have the chance to bring inner awareness closer to the light of consciousness, allowing the lessons of Spirit to percolate through to the surface layers of our psyche for a more integrated and holistic sense of mystical participation.

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