Sagittarius Horoscope for February 2023

Sagittarius Horoscope for February 2023

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month with a focus on communication and learning, Sagittarius. For the past week or so, and continuing into February, you could be engaged in making a fresh start with a writing project or with communicative outreach that reflects your deepest moral principles of right versus wrong. You are seeing into your depths at this time and may yet come up with the pearl of wisdom that takes you farther down the particular road that you have all along been meant to traverse. The Leo Full Moon of Sunday, February 5th, is a powerfully intuitive time as well, and emphasizes changing beliefs and values together with a novel sense of life mission that could illuminate everyday things with renewed vitality. You are seeking to align your creativity with your inner truth for a longer lasting amalgam moving forward. The Pisces New Moon takes place late evening of the 19th, early morning of the 20th, in your sector of your dwelling, family, and your psychological roots. You are more than ever attuned to directly present principles that guide you internally, and that may bring you, in some new way, home to yourself.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Keywords: Communication, Partnerships, Pleasure, Rest

February begins in the wake of an interesting Aquarius New Moon that initiated the current lunation cycle remaining in effect for the first three weeks of February. This took place in the early degrees of the sign, in aspect to Jupiter in Aries and making a close septile to Neptune and a square to the new planet Haumea that Henry has been researching. These last two aspect are subtle but significant, and give an overall spiritual and optimistic air to the proceedings as the month gets underway. There is a good chance that a thoughtful approach that goes to depth within your psyche will be an important component to the current month.

February is a short month but a pivotal one. Partnerships and collaborations of all kinds continue to be highlighted thanks to Mars still recovering from his recent retrograde in your opposite sign of Gemini highlighting your relationship sector. Negotiations, compromises, and important conversations with others could be taking place and your expertise could be in high demand. Your ability to find the good in whatever situation might increase your charms and popularity and you may have more romantic or pleasurable opportunities than usual knocking at your door. You can avoid burning out by being more selective about what you agree to this month. Leave yourself enough room to complete unfinished tasks and make time in your schedule for fun activities and downtime.

From the 3rd through the 5th, Venus transiting in Pisces comes into a square with Mars in Gemini, which could bring up some friction at home, with a family member, or in a partnership. And this is especially so if there is already pre-existing tension.

The Leo Full Moon lands on February 5th which shines a light on your philosophical inclinations, beliefs, and your desire for exploration. Passions may run high all week leading to the Full Moon and you might have to put some water in your wine, especially when it comes to saying exactly what’s on your mind. The Full Moon Sun, and the Moon, each form a square with Uranus in Taurus which implies that a bold statement or gesture could easily turn into a bombastic display of egoic pride. Unexpected events in the area of your day-to-day process or health regimens, or possibly also beliefs and worldview, education, or travel arrangements, are also indicated, and there may well be surprising revelations to accompany them.

The second week of the month should be smooth sailing and a host of supportive aspects may help you sort out unfinished business. Mercury conjoins Pluto in Capricorn, on the 9th through 11th, bringing attention to the sector of your chart that relates to your finances, your resources, and more extensively your values. You may have an entirely different approach to material security than you did a decade ago when Pluto had just entered the sign of Capricorn and your ability to be resourceful and provide for yourself might have evolved considerably. These themes may come up at this time and you may be able to find a renewed sense of grounding within yourself for what you are capable of bringing forth in your life.

On the 11th, Mercury enters Aquarius and this ingress could emphasize communications and general busyness in the weeks ahead.

From the 15th through the 16th, the third week of February is colored by Venus in Pisces forming a conjunction with Neptune and the Sun conjoining Saturn in Aquarius on the same days. Your responsibilities and commitments might demand more attention than usual. The desire to escape them could be high, so that you may have to balance work and play more intentionally around this time.

The New Moon in Pisces arrives on the late evening of the 19th, early morning of the 20th, in the sector of your chart that relates to your foundations and your domestic life. This should signal the beginning of a quieter yet inspiring period for you when domestic and private matters take center stage. Jupiter in Aries rules over this lunation from your chart’ fifth sector that relates to pleasure, creativity, and self-expression; and this implies that you can also be more inclined to focus on what you love. Venus enters Aries on the 20th which could make the task of having fun a lot easier so that overall this should be a relatively pleasant time for you.

The last days of February constitute an exciting time, astrologically speaking, a time for new thoughts and ideas. On the 21st and the 22nd, Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus and this inspires you and could also bring up logistical issues. This aspect symbolizes innovative solutions and new perspectives to work with. Then, on the 27th, the dynamic First Quarter Moon represents another potential shake-up, reflecting the contrasting concerns of home. Family, and private meditation versus partnership needs. Your creativity is soaring at this time, and involves also your contribution to the society that surrounds you, as well as the deep-seated principles that are your rock bottom guide to what that component means to you moving forward.

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