Virgo Horoscope for June 2014

Virgo Horoscope for June 2014

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You have before you yet another intense month, Virgo, as this powerful year continues. It features an extra-potent burst of energy for outer world accomplishment. There is as well an interesting pull to the inside since Mercury, your ruler, slips into retrograde motion after the first week of the month. The implication is that you are then taking a long hard look at where you are heading and why. You have been strongly feeling the ongoing transformation of your creative self-expression during the past six weeks or more, and this current cycle provides a thoughtful opportunity to settle into a new way of visioning your interactions with the world around you. As you put more energy into your career, it pays to consider precisely how your actions align with your deeper purpose.

As the month begins, you are riding the wave of the potent Gemini New Moon from the middle of the last week of May, which took place in your career sector. The energy is high and also a bit confused, especially in regard to partnership, either business or personal, and for decoding and navigating issues of self and other. The powerful position of this recent configuration signifies an opportunity for you both in terms of professional activities and for getting clearer on internal matters that could prove to be enormous factors as you make your move. Due to the perfect square made to numinous Neptune by this New Moon, there is a sense of idealized process for you now that could also apply to significant relationships in your life. With Neptune highlighted, a dream-world fuzziness obscures the clarity of your determination and what you intend by your outer world choices during this potentially quite powerful period of time.

Your ruler, Mercury, turns to retrograde motion after the first full week of the month, in your sector of societal connection and future plans. You could be rethinking these areas of your life, including group affiliations and friendships that are important to you, and that serve as well as an indication of the ways in which you connect yourself up to the social matrix that surrounds you. Mercury is in retrograde for the remainder of the month of June, and into mid-July when you take the period of its retrograde shadow into account; this is the stretch of time when the little messenger of the gods is catching up on its lost Zodiacal longitude. Mercury stations direct on July 1st but does not escape its retrograde shadow until July 16th. This entire time is excellent for meditating on where your life is taking you this time around, and why, and for journaling; not so good for making new decisions or any sudden departures from pre-existing plans.

Another factor in the New Moon that began the current cycle is an active Mars, now moving forward once again after his recent retrograde, and occupying your second sector of values and resources, including financial resources. The energy is high right now to be addressing issues of finance, and surprises could be in store for you over the course of an active month in this area, especially if you rely on outside sources to supply necessary revenue.

With the transformational energies of Pluto also prominent in the New Moon configuration that symbolically began the current cycle, the indications are that you are still working through the issues of the past few years that have affected your concept of your creative self-expression, in some ways perhaps turning it inside-out. You are finding lately that things go better when they derive, rather than from the opinions of others or based on consensus thinking, directly from your own unique articulation. That arc of development continues into the present cycle, when the introspective thoughtfulness indicated by the Mercury Retrograde period contributes to a revising of what you bring to the table creatively.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

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